Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 220: A New Exploration

Chapter 220: A New Exploration

See, hes still sleeping.

A crowd gathered around Li Mos tent, tunning into his faint wheezing.

He can still sleep with all this noise?

Jiang Ye waved his finger and hoarfrost spread from his feet everywhere.

It soon reached Li Mos tent. Frozone got angry and was about to block it, only to find himself covered in frost and unable to move just as he entered the attacks range. 

Jiang Yes frost was stronger than Sun Wei by god knew how many times.

If anything happens to Li Mo, Im holding Thunderstruck Enterprise personally responsible!

Yang Hongying was panicking. With her weak power, all she could do was cry out.

Dont worry, I only plan on waking him.

Jiang Yes face was covered in frost. Even his breathing released cold air, dropping the temperature with every breath.

Li Mos wheezing stopped and was soon coming out. 

Li Mo looked dog tired, yet there was no scratch on him.

Team leader Li, I presume. I am Thunderstruck Enterprise China divisions chairman. As well as the captain of this testing. I am Jian Ye, nice to meet you.

Jian Ye smiled as he offered his frosty hand. 

Li Mo glanced but didnt take it, opting instead to haul Sun Wei out of the frosts range.

Jiang Yes smile froze.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Heres the situation. Something fishy happened last night. The time-space rupture vanished along with the four cyclops. As it stands, not only Experts Alliances men are suspicious, but so are Thunderstruck Enterprises.

Jiang Ye called the man who did the bloodwork and said, Theres one way for you to be absolved of any suspicion. Weve recovered a drop of blood from the scene. If you would comply by giving us yours, everything will become clear. 


Li Mo pricked his finger and squeezed a drop of blood.

It stunned most people, thinking Li Mo would downright refuse.

Run it. Jiang Ye was still smiling.

The results were out in a jiffy. No match.

Jiang Ye glanced at Lin Qingrou. She abstained from saying anything.

Li Mo said, Captain Jiang, I think two people are the most suspicious?


Our alliances elder, Lin Yourong, and Lin Qingrou.

The reason couldnt be simpler. They have the strength.

Jiang Ye turned to Lin Qingrou. He had no impression of Lin Yourong. As for her niece, she was the one who pointed Li Mo out in a heartbeat.

Why would she go to all that trouble if not for some secret motive?

Jiang Ye said, To keep things fair, I will have to disagree. What does everyone say to having all of us subjected to testing?

He knew going only after Experts Alliances men would not help convince the people there.



Its all the same to me!

Any who stated otherwise would raise an instant flag of alarm, yet there didnt seem anyone hesitating. They all agreed wholeheartedly.

Li Mo chuckled. He knew Lin Qingrou tried playing him and was about to do the same. Too bad the fun was over so soon, now that everyone was getting tested.

Only allowed on

It wont matter, anyway. I made sure to be beyond suspicion.

The blood Jiang Ye found was indeed Li Mos. As to why the blood he offered wasnt a match, it had a little to do with the nifty magical art he did to chance its nature, the Heaven and Earth Inverse.

Heaven and Earth Inverse trained to peak could do literally that, shift heaven and earth, not to mention appearance, soul signature, and blood.

If there was one thing the past Li Mo was truly good at, that was was fleeing. Without it, he wouldnt have been able to live for six centuries with the entire universe constantly on his tail.  

The bloodwork finished in three hours, clearing everyone of suspicion.

Jiang Ye gave his report to Thunderstruck Enterprise headquarters, but even they were bewildered. They opted to leave the investigation open, while postponing the joined assault by the two teams for another day.

Three days later found Li Mo back to Feng City. With his Experts Alliance work done, he had some free time.

He just crossed the doorway into his home and the earlier wounds reappeared. He covered the damage with Heaven and Earth Inverse, but it was still very much real.

In his battle to destroy the Gates, Li Mo suffered grievous wounds, but the results were worth it. He had successfully delayed Earths alien invasion for a good while.

All that was left now was to raise his power and purge Earth of any remaining aliens.

Another three days passed and Li Mo was close to full recovery. He called on Du Fei and the gang. It was time for another adventure.

Spiritual roots Transfer ability wasnt at everyones discretion. In the entire universe, there were less than ten persons who could use it. Even if Du Fei was a level higher than Li Mo, without Li Mo as his guide, he would never step foot on another planet again. 

This will be a random Transfer. As Ive reached the peak fourth level, the spiritual roots grade rose, extending the Transfers range. The planet we will go to has a chance of being further than before, perhaps even outside the Milky Way Galaxy.

With Xiner beside me, I dont care where I go! Du Fei and Madam Ning were holding hands. The sweet and corny mood left Li Mo speechless.

The Transfer will start in five minutes. Check your top earth qi jade. Dont hesitate to use it and flee the moment you are in danger.

Random Transfer!

With a flash of blue, Li Mo and co. vanished.

The Yang girl put her book down and frowned.

Young miss Yang, is there anything you need?

Mite Snow rad giddy over.

The Yang girl shook her head.


The gang landed in the wilderness.

The trees pierced the sky, plants grew rampant, with cries of unknown animals in their ears and a scorching sun overhead.


A six meter long sabertooth jumped at them. The panda howled and smashed the sabertooth ten meters away.

The sabertooth was knocked out cold.


The panda made his power known and spread his paws. He had been down on the dumps lately, seeing Du Fei growing stronger by the day. While he? He was running in place. 

So vexing!

Du Fei was holding Ning Xin as they circled the sabertooth, This feline looks similar to the sabertooth in Earths history books.

Not just similar, but identical. Ning Xin spoke. Her mind was recovering quickly and was now capable of common speech. 

Ning Xin turned to a tree, The sabertooth isnt the only one. The trees also belong to Earths Mesozoic Era.

Did we Transfer to an Earth from antiquity? Du Fei was startled.


The ground started quaking as a thirty meters tall T-rex stomped towards them.

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