Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 231: A Pet Human

Chapter 231: A Pet Human

In the battleground market one could opt to hide his features, or not. Huo Tian belonged to the latter, flaunting his true colors.

Huo Tian sneered at Li Mo. He was holding a rope, tied at the other end to a kneeling human.

He was Huo Tians pet.

What differed from Oldies dogs, Huo Tians pet was an actual human in body and mind. He was most definitely not a slave before ending up as Huo Tians pet.

9988 Galaxy was far larger than the Milky Way Galaxy, with the Fire race as their rulers. That galaxy had humans as well, but they were subjected to unspeakable cruelty at the hands of the Fire race. The humans in this galaxy lived on a planet called Waste. The Fire race would, at intervals, organize seizures, taking some into slavery. 

What do you think of my pet human? Wretched filth, know your place. I will soon know your planet and make you my pet as well!

Huo Tian sneered.

Behave, understood?

Huo Tian kicked the crawling human youth until blood spilled from his nose.

Fighting wasnt allowed here, or it would attract enforcers. Since he couldnt strike Li Mo, he chose the next best thing, he harassed his pet to humiliate Li Mo.

Li Mo chuckled.

Why are you laughing? 

Your mother must be Huo Yaner, if memory serves.

Huo Tians face twisted.

I heard your mom enjoys raising Minotaurs as pets. I wonder if its true.

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So what? How did you know that?

Youre saying you do not know of a Minotaurs strong point?

You son of a-

Huo Tian burst into flames from anger.

The fact Huo Yaner liked raising Minotaurs was a well kept secret in the Holy Fire Empire. As for why she liked them so much, well, Huo Tian had heard quite the colorful rumors. 

This topic was taboo for him, which Li Mo was playing it like a fiddle. 

Fire Lord, please restrain your anger.

Two humanoids wearing black armor and helmets came over. They were the God Realms enforcers.  

Huo Tian forced himself to calm down by taking a deep breath.

There are many more of your Holy Fire Empire secrets were that comes from. Your father, for instance, Huo Zhan. Did you ever wonder why he is always in seclusion and never comes out

Why? Huo Tian blurted.

You really wanna know?

Humph, theres no way you know. Because not even I do!

Is it so strange for me to know about your father when I already know your mothers hobby?

Li Mo put an emphasis on hobby, poking Huo Tian just where it hurt.

Huo Tian didnt notice two enforcers coming behind him. 

If you really want to know, lets make a deal.

Only allowed on

What deal?

Give me your pet human and Ill tell you of your fathers secrets!

You dare collect him? Arent you scared Ill find you? Huo Tians eyes glinted.

This place was the God Realms market. Huo Tian wasnt here in his real body, nor his pet human. Selling was very much possible, only needing the buyer to supply his coordinates and let the seller dispatch the goods to the location. But this would expose his real location.

Of course not.

Fine, its just a pet, anyway. I can just get a new one whenever I want.

Huo Tian kicked the said pet a few more times, bruising the young man good.

Li Mo took out his badge and so did Huo Tian.

Wretched filth, this is the God Realm. If you dare play me here, you will receive divine punishment!

Right back at cha.

I am a man of my word!

Li Mo supplied a planets coordinates and Huo Tian spent a hundred coins on the spot to send the youth there.

Huo Tian snorted, Now that I know where you are, wretched filth, youre dead meat.

Time for you to tell me my fathers secret!

As you wish. You father is always in seclusion because it has something to do with your mother. After your mother had a taste of a Minotaur, your father fell utterly short. In a fit of rage, your father

Wretched filth! Your slander of royal father deserves death!

Huo Tian exploded in flames, about to punch Li Mo. But the two enforcers grabbed him and the fire on Huo Tian vanished

Huo Tian, you are charged with attempted murder. You will be sent to the Void Prison for one year!

The enforcers hoisted Huo Tian and left.

Du Fei gave a thumbs up from the side.

Damn, bro Mo, were you speaking the truth when you talked about his parents?

As far as the rumors go at least. Who knows if its true or not? But didnt it help us achieve our goal regardless?

True, that fire dude is rotten to the core. If I didnt know I couldnt beat him, Id attacked him a long time ago.

By the way, bro Mo, what coordinates did you give?

I gave him the coordinates to a planet ruled by humans in the 9933 Galaxy.

It wont do Huo Tian any good even if he knows the location. If he dares step foot there, hes doomed.

Are the humans there amazing?

Theyre the same as ours on Earth. But they have a guardian that the Fire race dares not slight.


A pig. Li Mo laughed.

The market was packed with incredible items. A pity Li Mo and Du Fei were strapped for coins. All they could do was window shop, then go back to a dueling space and rest.

Spending two more coins, the pair returned to a dueling room. But compared to the ancient battlegrounds dueling spaces, they rested easy knowing no one would challenge them here. 

Get some rest. This place is good for cultivators, you in particular. Your body is strong but your soul is behind, easily suffering at the hands of a soul cultivator.

Li Mo left the dueling room, back to the ancient battleground on Oldie.

The monkeys outsides were still cussing. Ning Xin and Whitey were now resting in the ancient battleground, with only the panda still fighting.

The panda had fought fifty times, not winning once

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