Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 270: A God’s Forbidden Area

Chapter 270: A God’s Forbidden Area



Sun Saber flashed and a rampant energy erupted. It slipped out of Li Mos hand and released a devastating shock wave at the contact with the ground that sent the old turtle a hundred meters into the air.

Ming Lie, you made an excellent weapon. It even hurt me! The old turtle yelled in its slow crawl back. By the look of things he was going to take a while, more than an hour at least.


Li Mo called for Yan Wenjing to grab Sun Saber.

While it showed such a violent reaction in Li Mos hand, in Yan Wenjings grip it was calm and light as a feather.

As to why? Sun Saber contained a natural fire crystal. It was the size of a rice seed yet five tons heavy. But the natural fire crystal and Inborn Physique were in tune to such a degree, the crystal weighted nothing in the others hand. 

If Yan Wenjing didnt come, Li Mo still had a way of taking the Sun Saber, just that it wouldve been a tad harder.


Yan Wenjing waved the saber, shocked at the power it displayed.

Is this a God Emperor weapon?

Li Mo shook his head.

A God Emperor weapon is a God Emperors personal item. It is refined from items out of this world. And when the God Emperor dies, the weapons vanishes with him.

He is absolutely right. If Sun Saber was Ming Lies imperial weapon, just pointing it at you would crush you all to dust. The old turtle shouted. 

Li Mo said, Sun Saber isnt an imperial weapon, but a thousand refined sacred weapon.

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The number of ingredients in the universe to make magic weapons were a dime a dozen. But only a thousand top ingredients could be called sacred grade. And gathering them all led to the creation of the Thousand Layered Sacred Steel. This steel was the only one capable of making sacred weapons that could challenge a God Emperors personal imperial item. 

Li Mos God Prison only had the chaos stone as one of the ten best ingredients in the world. While the rest were quite rare as well, they werent that hard to find.

But this Sun Saber had hundreds of precious ingredients, as well as one of the ten best ingredients, natural fire crystal. It was what Li Mo wanted the most. Combining the Sun Saber into the God Prison would push it closer to perfection.

Yan Wenjing said, I feel one with it, that wielding it makes me invincible.

Its not an imperial weapon but a quasi one. You have the Inborn Physique and the Sun Saber has the natural fire crystal. Wielding it, you have the power to kill any seventh level being.

Yan Wenjing chuckled at Li Mos words.

She got what he was hinting at. It would be an obvious lie to say she wasnt tempted, but she didnt believe Li Mo one bit. Who said he couldnt beat a seventh level, a demon king? Didnt he handle them with ease?

Only allowed on

Ill leave the weapon to you for now. Ill have you return it when I need it.

Li Mo bowed to the red hill and restored it with the Heaven and Earth Inverse.

The old turtle said, Boyo, I guess you do have a conscience, but you better not forget your promise!

I wont.

Li Mo opened a Gate with Staff of Origin.

Were leaving? Yan Wenjing was thrilled.

Far from it. Li Mo went first.

The pig and horse followed right after. Yan Wenjing frowned with Sun Saber in hand, but still entered.

They appeared before an ancient crumbling palace, with nothing else in sight. 

Did we leave the East side? Why is it so hot

Pig opened his eyes wide, then his leg started shaking.

Great Horse King jumped in fear, This is the savage beasts forbidden area. Oh, Lotus Demon Emperor above! B-b-boss, we shouldnt be here!

One of the three savage beasts was sleeping inside this crumbling palace.

No one knew its true age, but one thing was certain, it had lived for billions of years.

It had moved unhinged in its time then each few hundred million years or so came out to slaughter and suck vitality out of its victims. To sum it up, no one dare messed with it. Who in their right mind would barge into its den? To die, perhaps?

B-b-b-boss, we really shouldnt be here. Wed better leave at once. The pig was scared witless.

You dont need to enter.

Li Mo walked to the broken palace.

There was no sign of life around, nothing but a thick layer of dust. And even the palace seemed to have lost its extraordinary air.

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Yan Wenjing followed him.

Pig asked, Great Horse King, why arent you going as well?

Rubbish! My ancestor killed never mind. This is not a good place to talk. Great Horse King watched the palace nervously.

The demons stood rooted on the spot.

All the items inside the palace were corroded and useless. Even the stone tables and chairs. They crumbled at the slightest touch.

Yan Wenjing said, This doesnt look like a world strongest beings dwelling at all

True, but the Heaven-devouring Beast is indeed inside.

Really? Yan Wenjing gripped Sun Saber tighter.

Of course.

Li Mo suddenly punched. With a boom, the earth crumbled and revealed a donkey like thing. It was all gray and laid huddled inside the hole.

Yan Wenjing jumped in fright, then saw Li Mo walk inside the hole.

Is that the savage beast?

Li Mo nodded.

Isnt it just a demon donkey?

He isnt a donkey, he is Heaven-devouring Beast. He is stronger than a tenth level. Although not a God Emperor but still capable of facing one.

He can swallow he heavens?

He can swallow a planet and digest it in three seconds.

What a monster

Li Mo jumped down and threw the donkey out.

Yan Wenjing jumped.

W-werent you saying it can swallow planets? Why are you throwing him around for? What if he wakes up?

Well all be dead.

Then dont throw him!

I threw him since he cant wake up.

Yan Wenjing was stunned.

No one, and I mean no one, has eternal life. This donkey is no exception. He lived for so long because of its trait. But this is a state he can maintain and not use it to achieve eternal life.

To survive, he has to go into suspended animation until the day he wakes up. Then hed go around devour vitality and life force of everyone and go back into suspended animation again.

He will not wake up until the time comes?

Absolutely not. Li Mo emphasized it with a well place kick, sending the donkey tumbling.

Yet the donkey remained in the same state and didnt even twitch

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