Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 275: Heir

Chapter 275: Heir

Li Mos trip lasted half a year. In this time Du Fei and the others didnt stay at the ancient battleground all the time, except the panda. When Li Mo and Yan Wenjing came back, they saw Whitey and the panda in a match each.

The panda was still in the 8th stage of yellow level. He wanted to graduate dearly, but was just not quite there yet. Each day for ten days was the same, he won some and lost some 

To sum it up, he was stuck

Whitey however had a smooth sailing all the way to the 7th stage profound level.

For her to go any higher, she had to increase her cultivation.

Yan Wenjing asked, Daji isnt a demon too? Cant she train in Undying Heaven Art?

Only if she was a true nine-tailed fox.

What does that mean? She isnt?

Li Mo nodded.

Items brought out of time-space ruptures were as real as the originals. But living beings, the genuine version was that of this world while the rest, shadows. 

Nine-tailed foxs shadow can live in our world, but her strength will never increase even with the help of the ancient battleground.

No matter how hard she tries?

Li Mo nodded.

Whitey then came out of the ancient battleground and saw Li Mo and smiled.

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Du Fei and Madam Ning have finished the profound level. I am the only one struggling in the 7th stage

Whitey looked glum.

Who wouldnt? Just half a year ago she was second only to Li Mo in strength. Now, she was second to last.

Whitey looked at the panda fighting in the ancient battleground with a bitter laugh, It wont be long before he surpasses me as well.

Yan Wenjing, go and train. I am going to Earth for some matters.

Yan Wenjing nodded.

Can I join you? Whitey asked.

Of course you can.

Li Mo and Whitey were back in his home in Feng City thirty minutes later.

The Yang lass was still reading with a graceful poise. The snow people, in one of their rare moments of leisure, were in the garden cultivating. 

Snow people were ever hardworking, but their creator hadnt given them any talent in cultivation. The siblings worked hard every day to no avail. 

Masters home!

Master, Ive missed you so!

The two ran over in joy.

The Yang lass gave a curt nod to Li Mo then resumed reading.

She was on One Hundred Years of Solitude, a foreign classic masterpiece famous worldwide. It was written in English, but was unknown if she could understand it.

Li Mo left shortly, taking Whitey to Monkey Mountain.

There he saw a scrawny, naught but skin and bones, Liang Yier.

He had such a blast with the mating rituals that after one year of good old-fashioned elbow grease, he put a bun in three hundred ovens. 

Only allowed on

I cant even move. Last night was dangerous. Some men came, but I was lucky they didnt find me, or they wouldve taken me away.

Liang Yier gave his all to even speak.

Some workers came yesterday to grab many monkeys.

With your strength, even if you cant move, those men cant handle you.

I promised you I will never harm a human life. I am a monkey of my word.

Li Mo was beginning to admire him.

My first child is about to come into this world and soon the second. Then every day or the other my other children will follow.

I am so excited. I dont want much, just for a child to come out as Sage Spirit Monkeys inheritor. Thats all.

Liang Yier closed his eyes.

Is bringing a worthy successor into this world more important than your life? Liang Yier didnt quite understand this monkey.

Liang Yier shook his head, You do not know our story.

We, huge monkeys, have a chance of birthing a descendant every few hundred million years. Yi Yijiu came before me, with a far richer bloodline than mine. He is the strongest of our race, without a doubt.

But, Yi Yijiu had mated for a thousand years on Oldie and there was still no successor. Because of this disappointment, he wandered the universe.

There is a legend among us, huge monkeys. If a descendant managed to pass on his legacy, his childs bloodline will evolve. It may even return to our ancestor, bringing Sage Spirit Monkey once again into the world.

How can my death from exhaustion compare to that? It is all worth it.

No one made me, yet why did I insist on doing this? Because this notion from my inheritance drove me all this time.

Li Mo shuddered.

Now he knew why Liang Yier pushed himself so far.

Looking closely, it mustve been Sage Spirit Monkey who instilled this drive in his blood.

It wasnt just Liang Yier, but the entire huge monkey race was doing this.

Sacred beasts inheritance is frightening.

Yeah, I feel the same. But I just cant control myself

Liang Yier gasped, speaking after a break, Ive given my all so that I can free the huge monkey race of the ancestral curse.

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Oldies huge monkeys mate every day and night, constantly. We werent stupid at first, but constant mating and doing nothing else turned us into what you see today.

Even while the monkey army had you surrounded, they were still mating.

Li Mo was speechless

He now had some sympathy for this hardworking monkey.

No huge monkey can escape from the ancestral blood curse, not even Yi Yijiu with half the bloodline of Sage Spirit Monkey

Yi Yijiu chuckled, I believe Yi Yijiu wouldve done the same if he was still alive.

A weak monkey cry spread, and Liang Yiers first child on earth was born.

Liang Yier struggled to his feet, but disappointment painted his face.

The child was a normal monkey, without a drop of inheritance.

No worries, there are still three hundred more to go around.

Liang Yier comforted himself.

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