Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 285: Zhuge Yan

Chapter 285: Zhuge Yan

With Ye Xiaolu in the Investiture of the Gods world, Li Mo had got some time to finish much needed matters in the real world.

He went to school.

The school grounds were ever the same, giving Li Mo a sense of profound sadness.

It now occurred to him he hadnt been back here for three years.

Li Mo paid the museum a visit.

Huang Lixing was holding a magnifying glass, examining a Doraemon(T/N: Japanese action figure.) 

Little Mo, howve you been these past two years? Huang Lixing brightened at Li Mos coming.

Teacher Huang.

Li Mo came over.

He only had respect for the man. It was for Teacher Huang as well that no matter how brash and obnoxious Huang Yao was, he always exercised forbearance.

My, how youve grown since the last time I saw you. But your studies Huang Lixing sighed.

He had worked hard in these years to keep Li Mo enrolled but a year in, and the school wasnt the least bit pleased, ending with Li Mo getting expelled.

It doesnt matter, Teacher Huang. My ambition isnt here.

You are smart, yet dont want to study. How will you make a living?

I have other skills to make up for it.

Oh, what?

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A giggle burst out from a girl. She wore thick and large glasses, a classic case of a bookworm.

Come, let me introduce you.

Huang Lixing pulled Li Mo over, She is your junior sister, Zhuge Yan.

He is your senior brother, Li Mo.

Hello, senior brother.

Zhuge Yan extended her hand.

Li Mo shook it, startled.

He knew her. But not from this life but the one before!

Little Yan is my prised pupil. For me to have you two as my students fills me with pride. Huang Lixing said.

Teacher Li Mo was lost for words.

In any case, he found Huang Lixings words were right. His unassuming skill in archeology aside, he had a top-notch eye for talents

Who would Li Mo grow to be? A quasi Emperor! he could crush stars with a flick, invincible beneath God Emperor Stage, blow stars with his breath, and take the universe by the storm.

Who would Zhuge Yan grow to be? She would take Experts Alliances mantle after Yao Changsheng. Her effort in fighting back the alien invasion would always go down in the annals of history.

Hello, hero Li. Zhuge Yan spoke flatly.

It was obvious she was cracking jokes at Li Mos expense. But he only joined with a chuckled instead.

Excuse me, hero Li, mind telling me the limelight of your training? Can you fly? Mind showing your junior sister?

Li Mo smiled, Youre skeptical about this world having martial arts?

It is because I indeed believe that I ask. Zhuge Yan adjusted her glasses.

Her words said one thing, but her tone implied the opposite. 

Huang Lixing said, Little Yan, I only have you two as my apprentices. Please get along!

Of course, teacher. Me and senior brother are joined at the hip.

Once I walk the martial path, I will ask that senior brother come to my aid.

Li Mo laughed.

He wasnt angry at all, just very curious.

With how Zhuge Yan would become one of the strongest on Earth five years from now, it couldnt help but pique Li Mos interest regarding her constitution. What could it be to transform this unassuming martial deriding plain person into the Earths strongest two years later? 

Celestial Eye told him she was currently average as ones neighbor.

By the way, the school got its hands on some ancient jades. You two go examine them and make sure not to get duped. We cant always let others take advantage of us.

Li Mo nodded. He came by this time to return Huang Lixings care these past years, then never come to school again. But now that Huang Lixing had a task for him, he couldnt possibly refuse.

As Li Mo and Zhuge Yan left the museum, he asked her about the ancient jades. Zhuge Yan said that over the last year the school had bought many ancient jades. It was all going well until a few days ago, when Yu Boyan came to appraise them and found them fakes. This made Huang Lixing the scapegoat of every single fake appraising of course. 

Huang Lixings skill in appraising was average, and with the school constantly buying these ancient jades, it turned into Huang Lixings nightmare.

If Huang Lixing was going to keep becoming the patsy in this, his museum curator job would be threatened.

Zhuge Yan stooped out of the blue, Hero Li, Teacher Huang is a good person, that much I know. But his archeology skill leaves much to be desired. As for you, I know fully well what youre made of.

I didnt become his apprentice out of respect of his unmatched archeology skill, but to get to the bottom of these ancient jades!

I will find out if its a conspiracy between Huang Lixing and the school, or if the school is rotten to the core!

Li Mo said, Teacher Huang is by no means a conspirator. Its all done by the school.

You really believe that.

Of course. Teacher Huangs integrity is flawless.

Ha-ha, Ive been in contact with him for so long that I know how he is on the outside. But theres no telling what lurks beneath the surface.

Li Mos stare gave Zhuge Yan goosebumps.

I am the student council president. I have the right to investigate this case! Zhuge Yan avoided his stare as she rushed ahead.

A pickup was parked at the school gate. It brought with it the ancient jades the school bought.

All that was left was for Huang Lixing to appraise them and the school would receive them.

Headmaster Xia stood with his arms behind his back in front of the pickup, chatting with the driver.

Zhuge Yan, why isnt Teacher Huang coming as well? Eh, arent you Li Mo? Werent you expelled? What are you doing back?

He personally signed Li Mos expulsion papers and was quite shocked to see him here. 

I came to help Teacher Huang then leave.

Oh, wait. Youre saying Huang Lixing sent you to appraise them?

Absolutely not. Only Huang Lixing will do in this case! Headmaster Xia denied.

Only Teacher Huang has the authority to inspect the items. If he doesnt do it, we wont take them!

Li Mo said, Teacher Huang said he will take full responsibility for my involvement.

Zhuge Yan watched him startled.

His responsibility? He

Headmaster Xia was speechless.

Fine, you go ahead. At worst, well just call Teacher Huang over!

The driver opened the back, revealing a sample of the ancient jades inside.

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