Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 302: Awake

Chapter 302: Awake

Under the cover of the night, the red bindings wrapped tight around Shan Yao yet every time she struggled they only get stretched more. Not far behind her, Zheng Wufang was right behind her as a bloody glow. Shan Yao was giving her all, but it was just not enough to shake Zheng Wufang off.

Girl, you have nowhere to run. You dont know any arts and the more you run, the faster the bindings will tighten. You wont last long like this. Do yourself a favor and stop before you exhaust yourself.

Stop and swear your loyalty and I will spare you!

Zheng Wufang shouted from behind. Shan Yao wasnt slow at all, and with the Blood Bind stretching so much, it prevented him from being at his best. And this was the real reason why he couldnt catch up to her.

But Zheng Wufang was someone who gave up so easily? He waited too long for this chance and even asked Star race for help. They sacrificed a thousand of their masters to discover Li Mo would suffer today. This was one golden opportunity he was not going to miss. What were the odds of it ever happening again?

No, he couldnt back away now!

Zheng Wufang burned his blood qi and boosted his speed.

Burning ones blood qi increased his power many times over but at the cost of permanent blood qi loss. This was a double-edged sword.

But Zheng Wufang was out of options.

Shan Yao ran for her life, or Li Mos, but she only got slower. The tighter the bindings got, the more they affected her.

And not to mention Zheng Wufang was closing in from behind. Shan Yao panicked as she ran like mad.

She ran aimlessly, only trusting her gut. It was no wonder her mad sprint brought her to Cangnan Mountain.

With the mountain being her home advantage, her nimbleness shot through the roof. She skipped over streams, flitted among trees, and in no time at all, the blood bindings were growing thinner.

At the sight of a sudden cliff in her path, Shan Yao jumped on the spot.


The bindings broke.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Zheng Wufang let out an enraged roar, storming after her in the form of a bloody light.


Shan Yao sank a meter upon landing and just as she was getting out, Zheng Wufang was on her.

Ha-ha-ha, lass, you may be strong, but it makes no difference. No one can outrun the likes of me!

Only allowed on

Zheng Wufang shot blood qi attacks from his hands at Li Mo while speaking.

Shan Yao shielded him with her body.

Youre starting to piss me off, you know that? Youre still protecting him when his fate is sealed?

I wont let you touch him!

Theres no one in this world to stop me!

Zheng Wufang snorted and exploded in a shower of blood, soaking the ground.

The blood drops seemed alive as they rushed at Li Mo.

Shan Yao was stunned.

She could take the blood qi hits, but the blood drops could slip through any crack.

She used all her strength, but all she managed to get out was a leg. With the blood drops getting closer and closer, she threw Li Mo dozens of meters.

Ultimately, her act of desperation only bought little time, as the blood changed direction, still going after Li Mo.


Shan Yao wailed and in a surge of strength she got her other leg out and stormed towards the flowing blood.


The blood slithering on the ground had Zheng Wufangs will in them and there was no way for her to grab it.


As the blood rushed before Li Mo, Shan Yao let out a remorseful cry.

Li Mo, youre dead! Ha-ha-ha! Zheng Wufang was jubilant.


Zheng Wufangs blood jumped on him when Li Mos head shot out a rainbow light. A slender hand reached out of the light and the blood on the ground was no more. 

A picture of beauty stood before Li Mo.

Lady Yang! Shan Yao cried in joy.

Yang Chan arrived.

The two aliens interference cut her journey through the book short. With Yang Chans cultivation, it was easy to find out Li Mos location.

The blood drew back and screamed in horror, Y-youre no true immortal! This world has no immortals! Who the hell are you?

Ir does not matter, nor if immortals exist in this world.

Yang Chans face was stony, What matter is you cant hurt him!

Youre no immortal! A true immortal has no desire or feelings, they are pitiless beings. Li Mo is just a normal human, why the hell are you defending him?

No comment.

Yang Chan sent a palm attack and the blood on the earth was pulverized

Shan Yao rant to Li Mo and held him close as she stuttered, I-is he dead?

Yang Chan shook her head, No, he trains in the Blood God Art. If one drops survives, he can recover but will be heavily wounded. And his type will never bring all their blood with them. He is sure to have hid some away.

Yang Chan flashed and was gone.

Shan Yao turned to Li Mo in worry.

So much time passed yet he was still unconscious.

God, I hope nothing bad happened! No, everything is definitely fine!

Five days after Zheng Wufangs attack, the expert world received dire news. The aliens they thought gone from Earth were back.

There are many aliens reported. They popped all over the world and it is said to be in the thousands.

Thousands! And those are just the ones who showed themselves! Who knows how many more are hiding!

The experts must unite or Earth will fall!

The Experts Alliances Chief Lan Yue announced, I made my decision to convene all of Chinas experts. I hope you will participate, not for me, but for our future!

Lan Yue had a soft spot for his son, but was upright with everyone else. This was the kind of man Li Mo wanted in the lead of the Experts Alliance. 

Du Fei came back, and never left, not after he heard of Zheng Wufangs night raid.

As Li Mo was unresponsive, the China was having its first expert gathering.

And only on the fifth day of the gathering did Li Mo wake up.

The first thing he saw was Shan Yaos bright smile.

Li Mo had been out cold for three months.

He was about to get up, but strength failed him. If he wanted to fully recover now, hed need months.

Shan Yao was very attentive and helped him get up.

Feeling the softness behind him gave Li Mo an odd feeling. But this was no time to dwell on such things since there was no other way to stand if not for her help.

Shan Yao said, Zheng Wufang killed the Jiang siblings.

Li Mos eyes glinted with coldness.

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