Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 323: Ralerna

Chapter 323: Ralerna

Eastern orc camp.

An orc three times as large as average sat at a bonfire, letting out scary roars now and then.

It was Abandoned Wife, orc chief, and boss, Ralerna. 

All of her camp was comprised of female orcs. There was not a man in sight. They only stayed outside the camp, the reason why orcs were everywhere in the Forest of Ruin.

The orcs just outside the camp were many, but because Ralernas misandry, once a player stepped inside they could completely ignore the horde at the edge.

Zheng Lin and Ye Li snuck in the camp with his gift.

Just as Ye Lis face sank.

Being around Zheng Lin for so long, she understood his gift completely.

Under its effect, Zheng Lin was immune from physical harm. The only downside was that it got canceled the instant he moved. 

It didnt have a cooldown or time restriction, but the limited movement had Ye Li worried sick.

Wont we starve to death if surrounded?

Zheng Lin caught the female orcs attention and although their numbers werent as high as the mens, there were still fifty of them. Zheng Lin carefully pulled one at a time and in three hours he eliminated all of Ralernas orcs.

The male orcs outside watched it all and roared. But Ralernas fear was deeply rooted in their bones. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Zheng Lin walked forward, Ralerna is very strong, so be careful.

I-Im scared.

Ye Li hugged his arm.

Fear wont resolve anything in this world.

Zheng Lin snatched his hand out of her embrace and got closer to Ralerna.


Ralerna roared to her feet. She grabbed a club as big as Zheng Lin and swung. 


Like a true boss, Ralernas swing shot out a shock wave.

Zheng Lin fell back and Ralerna hit the ground, releasing a miniature quake. Ye Li wobbled and fell from the attack, while Zheng Lin jumped at the right time to evade it.

Ralerna smashed around like mad. Ye Li was unable to dodge and each time the shocks cut at her health bar.


Zheng Lins face fell.

He didnt care about her fate, but if she died, Ralerna would go berserk and the plan would fail.

I-I cant move. Ye Li cried. She was regretting it now. If only she knew how Zheng Lin was like this, shed never in her life accept his blue gear.


Ye Li raised her hand, and in a white light, her health bar recovered by half. 

This was her gift, Recovery. It used mana equal her level to restore her health. When it came to healing, this gift was overpowered, but Recovery was only a 4th level gift, with a 10 min cooldown.

Zheng Lin sighed.

Ralernas smash skill came into play again, then she leaned on the club, gasping.

Zheng Lin went on the offensive.

Ralerna was the boss Abandoned Wife. She lost all sense of reason, and all she knew was to smash with her club. 

Her only weakness was needing rest afterward, the best moment to attack. 

If there was no female around, Ralerna wouldve gone berserk and had increased attack, defense and speed by 1000%. In that state, she was invincible. 

Zheng Lin had challenged her many times, and wouldve died if not for his gift.

When he took 10% of her health, Ralerna lifted the club again.

The smashing resumed. But this time, the frequency of smashes increased, as did their number.

Ye Li was smart enough to get out of the attack range, next to the crumbled bonfire. This way, at least she wouldnt get hurt.

Youre quite clever. Who knew? Zheng Lin praised her.

Only allowed on

I was a professional gamer in real life Ye Li whispered 

Ralerna smashed twenty times and panted again.

Zheng Lin went in for the attack, taking another 10% of health before she recovered.

Ralernas first smashing spree was slow, leaving Zheng Lin plenty of room to dodge. The second round she went faster, but not enough to pose a problem. While in the third round, Zheng Lin found Ralerna got so fast he had to give his all if he wanted to dodge.

Ralernas speed and power increased.


One time Zheng Lin was too slow and got hit, blasting two thirds of his health into nothing while also slamming him into the ground.

Look out! Ye Li cried.

Ralernas merciless club came over swinging.


But at that moment, Zheng Lin was gone.

Ralernas club rumbled the ground.

She roared and switched to chasing Ye Li.

With her target gone, Ye Li got all the aggro. 

Save me! Ye Li wailed in tears.

Zheng Lin appeared again and his first reaction was to take a health potion, the second was to flee.

He knew that even after exploiting Ralernas weakness, he would still not be able to kill her. Her smashing grew too fast and hard. At some point, hed end up plastered on the ground.

Zheng Lin, save me, dont run! Ye Li shouted.

Zheng Lin ran out of the camp without even glancing back

Ralerna lifted her club and brought it down on Ye Li

Ye Li closed her eyes in despair.

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