Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 329: Boa Commander

Chapter 329: Boa Commander

With simple yet effective moves, Li Mo swung his sword around the incoming vipers without leaving his spot. Each strike claimed a viper. The rate was astonishing.


Ye Li roused Ji from his daydream and gave Li Mo the buff.

The venom was now useless, the vipers attacks on Li Mo loosing their effects.

Ye Li was ready to use Recovery any second now, but never found the need to.

Ji asked Ye Li, What do we do?

Resting aint a bad idea.

I guess

Li Mo finished with the vipers in under five minutes. His stats also increased by 30+ points.

Only allowed on

A single piece of golden gear gave around 20+ stat points. And Li Mo just now, with but a single viper group, gained more than any golden gear could provide.

Li Mo waited for Jis gift to refresh and was right back at it.

Out here, in Viper Mountains, he had no fear of anyone stealing his kills, free to grind as he liked. Li Mo bulldozed his way through, while Ye Li and Ji had nothing to do but cheer.

After he finished the third group of vipers, Li Mo had gained a hundred stat points. One strike from him would kill a level 30 viper on the spot.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

While going towards the red mountain, Ji reminded, Up ahead are the lands of the boa commander.

Where there were monsters, there were bosses. Viper Mountains was no exception. Viper Mountains had two commanders and one boss. In all of Jis three hundred years hed been here, not once were they killed. 

Finishing up another viper gang, Li Mo glanced at the red mountain.

Boa commander reached thirty meters in length. He gave the word monster a whole new meaning. Its attack pattern was identical with a vipers, spitting venom and sweeping tail. 

The caustic nature of the venom burned through the ground, and it would persist for a long time. Touching it would end one getting poisoned while stepping on it would sap at ones health. Adding to that its wide tail sweep, fast and strong, Li Mo challenging it alone would have no way of dodging and wouldve had to call it quits.

But with immunity from status effects and Li Mos obscenely fattened stats, the boa commander trashed about the place and even after four minutes, Li Mo barely lost a tenth of health. 

One minute left! Ji cried.

Boa commander still had a third of its health left, while time was running out.

Li Mo then flashed and appeared behind the boa, stabbing its scruff and taking a big chunk of hp.

The boa swished back its head, but Li Mo was already gone, staying behind it and stabbing all the while. The constant attacks, along with the occasional crit, stacked the damage to incredible levels.

Flurry was done in five seconds and the boa was on its last leg.

With one last backstab, the boa fell heavily on the ground, its last trickle of hp gone.

With its death, the ground was littered with loot.

Ye Li ran over, One, two, three, four.. gods

There were a dozen items there, a true haul.

Ji said, From what I know, God Worlds bosses drop rate increases the longer it is alive. If a boss lives long enough, the drop chance would be amazingly high.

The boa commander had been alive for ages, making it literally explode with loot.

The trio fetched their spoils, five blues, three golden, and the Sweep skillbook.

Sweep was a warrior skill, so Li Mo threw it to Ye Li.

Ye Li was jumping around in joy with the skillbook in hand.

Skillbooks were very rare here, something Ye Li was far more knowledgeable than Li Mo. When she had been wandering Holy City, she saw this skillbook sold for a thousand gold.

Such amount in the God World was a small fortune.

Besides Sweep, the five blue gears were average. While the three golden gears stats had Li Mos eyes shine.

Boa Bracers, Boa Boots, Boa Belt. Wearing the three would give one an extra 1000 hp.

Such amount of hp would be gained by leveling from 1 to 20. But now, with this set, one would get an extra thousand.

Each extra boa gear increases hp by 500. When all seven items are worn, an extra 5000 hp is given.

Li Mo read the description in shock.

With three giving him 1000 and the other four 500 each, that made it a total of 3000. Then adding the set bonus of 5000 

8000 hp! That equaled reaching level 60. And this that was only from gear, making it a level 60 players hp go even higher

Li Mo put them on.

Ji said, The gear here has no level, only quality. You may wear high-quality gear but if they are mismatched, the effect would be poor. A blue set will always be better than some random golden gears. The Boa Set is the same.

Li Mo nodded.

Ill have to complete the set.

Checking his stats, Li Mo was sad to find the mysterious power wasnt triggered. 

The three went on, with Li Mo breezing through the monsters, thanks in no small part to his increased stats.

Whats that ahead?

Li Mo applied the finishing touches to the last viper when Ye Li cried.

In the grass was half a meter long pink snake.

The little snake looked plump and quite innocent. It lay there in the grass, dozing off. 

As far as I know, Viper Mountains has two commanders and one boss. Boa and scarlet snake as commanders, and the boss is a chain kingsnake. I may have never seen them, but this little snake matches neither the commander nor the chain kingsnake.

I cant tell what it is Ji shook his head.

Ye Li said, A pet maybe. Many games have them. Theyre designed to be cute and more often than not can be tamed.

Wont we know once we try?

Li Mo ran over.


The pink snakey was furious at Li Mo and shot for his eyes.

The twerp looked cute, but quite fast. Li Mo flinched back in reflex and held up his arm.


That single attack robbed Li Mo of half his health!

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