Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 340: Yielding Power

Chapter 340: Yielding Power

Clauder was no leader material, or he wouldnt have just handed over two thousand of his mens lives.

Clauder only got to be the boss of the Milky Way Galaxy thanks to his Stalwart Heart.

This gift was great in increasing his defense. Clauder once fought against Dipper Galaxys boss and wasnt even scratched.

That was what made him Milky Way Galaxys boss.

But take that away and hed be nothing.

Case and point, Change kicked his brains away, and the man shivered in fear.

Spare me, lord!

Clauder kowtowed.

The thousand guards looked on dumbfounded.

No one wished to see their boss shaking in his boots.

Li Mo asked, Where are my friends?

Clauder snapped behind him, You, bring out sirs friends!

Du Fei and co. soon came.

They looked exhausted but otherwise fine. It was all due to their strength.

With how weak they were, even if Clauder wanted to hand them over to Bestial Galaxy, they wouldnt take them.

Only strong beings could provide with substantial amount of soul power. Killing a Milky Way Guard was a hundred times better than killing Du Fei.

Do you see, sir? Your friends are alright. Please spare me!

Clauder never got up from the floor.

Du Fei kicked him in anger, How in the hell did a sniveling coward like you become our boss?


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Du Fei jumped on one foot and hugged the other. Change did use a simple kick to blow Clauders mind, but that was all because she was a hero. Clauders defense was so high not even Li Mos Venom Kiss could deal much damage.

Spare me! Let me go and Ill make you Milky Way Galaxys boss!

Clauder had not one single bone in his back. 

Li Mo walked to Clauder and the next second he gained the Milky Way Galaxy Boss title above his head.

Only allowed on

Clauder handed it over just like that.

Clauder, tell me, do you have a Gate you can use to get us out?

Clauders eyes darted around.

Say it! Du Fei raised his head and Clauder jerked in fear, Ill talk, Ill talk. No, sir

No!? The thousand guards cried out.

Half the reason they listened to Clauder was because they were led to believe he had a Gate they could use to leave this world.

A guard shouted, Havent you always been telling us you have such a Gate? And in so many years that have passed, I know of at least a hundred people that left this world. If they hadnt used a Gate to leave, then where are they?

Yeah, where did they go? The guards shouted.

Clauder said, Theyre all dead. But I didnt kill them, it was the other galaxies. They wanted to gather soul power

I wasnt going to lie to you, but its a secret every galaxy protects. If everyone knew, it will be chaos

Ah~, bastard!

Why have we served you all these years for?

You used us Clauder!

You should just die!

The guards were incensed as they attacked him.

But their attacks did nothing. Clauder just laid there as he shrugged the blows.

The guards were at it for a dozen minutes, and Clauder was still unscathed.

Stop, you cant hurt him.

Li Mo walked to Clauder and used Poison.

Four strikes later, Venom Kiss erupted and a bit of Clauders health bar dropped.

Not much, but Clauders face fell. He knew what that meant.

Spare me, lord! Clauder banged his head on the pavement.

From now on, you will be my guard!

Just say the word, sir!

On this day, Li Mo took down Clauder and became the boss of Milky Way Galaxy, just like that.

The men outside the city were brought in and Du Fei with Li Mo became the leaders of East Street. While Clauder and his thousand guards were prisoners.

Li Mo did nothing to the guards, only disbanded them. Some left, some stayed.

It ended up with half of the guards remaining.

Clauder had no backbone, but he was the ex-boss of Milky Way Galaxy. No one could replace his knowledge.

What Li Mo got from him unraveled many of his doubts.

Like how he came here a thousand years ago and even then the five top galaxies were the same as today after all this time.

That the Bestial Galaxys heroes were the two black Golden Crows, Barren Galaxys heroes were Undying Shadow and Destroyer. Maras was Black Insect King and Heavenly Kings was Outstanding Archfiend.

Adding to them Dippers Archfiend Mage, he got all he needed from Clauder.

Sir, now that Milky Way Galaxy has a hero as well, the five top galaxies will shuffle. We will become the sixth!

Clauder was excited, coming up with plans before Li Mo.

The mind of a Stoneman wasnt exactly bright and calling Clauder a bonehead was entirely appropriate.

At least with his dim wits, he had no fear of being plotted against.

Not interested. Li Mo shot Clauder down.

What was of greatest import was to find a Gate and leave.

It was possible to become the 6th top galaxy, but Li Mo still remembered how the five top galaxies werent the only ones with heroes. Two more were unaccounted for.

Dark Golden Crow, Undying Shadow, Destroyer, Black Insect King, Outstanding Archfiend, Archfiend Mage, these unfamiliar and strange names feel oddly reminiscing!

Li Mo glanced at Change with a sigh.

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