Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 347: Transmigration Path

Chapter 347: Transmigration Path

For Dipper, show no mercy!

Death to all who opposes Bestial!


The other players eyes were red with bloodlust as the pile of corpses before the Dark Hall only grew.

Dipper Galaxys boss, Alcado looked around in anger, Damn that Milky Way Galaxy! Why arent they here?

Lord, no one came

Rotten bastards! I planned on using them then finish them off but they are just too cunning!

Ah~, damn bastards!

The vials in Mitos hand filled one by one. He poured them whenever that happened and the Transmigration Path grew.

Li Mo praised, Every one of the 36 Emperors are overpowered.

Bro Mo, you said that God Emperors are the strongest in the world and that the world only allows one living God Emperor at all times. Is there any chance for two to appear?

Normally no. But with how history is filled with many exceptional talents, there also exists equally many wondrous new ways to extend ones life.

Mito nodded, Yes, of the 36 ancient Emperors, only 30 are confirmed dead. The other six are unaccounted for.

Underworld Emperor had created the Underworld, absorbing the 36 Emperors broken souls. It was an unmistakable proof.

Li Mo said, I know of one Emperor who is without a doubt dead. He is called Emperor Qing. He doesnt even have his soul remaining because he burned it, taking down five lords of forbidden areas with him.

Du Fei was perplexed, Isnt a God Emperor supposed to be invincible?

Li Mo said, He is, but the forbidden lords have become just as powerful through different means. Each forbidden lord holds the knowledge of a secret art. If theyd disregard the cost it has on their lifespan, they could, for a while, become as invincible as a God Emperor.

Moreover, Emperor Qing was inside their domain when fighting. A place where a forbidden lord would be at his strongest.

He had died fighting five such lords, but Emperor Qings achievements are lauded for millions of years.

Du Fei asked, With Underworld having 30 and adding Emperor Qing, what then of the other five?

Mito shook his head, It is unclear even today. And the Underworld only has 29 God Emperor souls. Heavenly Emperor had reincarnated and is no longer here.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I will be frank with you. I strongly suspect that the red shadow that attacked Underworld Emperor then was one of the five remaining emperors.

I used to think it was Emperor Qing, since his Red Lotus Fire Art also turns red when it activates

But after careful analysis, I find it preposterous. With how the red shadow attacked Underworld Emperor here, in Underworld, the world he created, a world no different from a forbidden area, even a God Emperor would be at a disadvantage

I just cant understand it, cant see how it was possible

Du Fei scratched his head, It cant be one versus one. If it were, the Underworld Emperor wouldnt have been sneak attacked.

Li Mo shock his head, Not necessarily.

Think about it, with forbidden lords capable of using arts that boost their power greatly, why couldnt a God Emperor do the same?

At the end of it all, Underworld Emperor was played, which goes to show even he is inferior.

Du Fei walked to Underworld Emperor and said in disappointment.


A heavy voice scared Du Fei into jumping back.

Master, is that you? Mito cried.

But no other sound was made.

What was that? Did the revered Underworld Emperor just speak? Du Fei was so scared he started minding his manners. 

Li Mo saw Underworld Emperor not budging, his eyes dead, just like a corpse.

Li Mo said, Once a forbidden lord leaves his domain, his power would be cut sharply. Even if a hundred forbidden lords attacked Underworld Emperor, they would still not be his match.

The only one that couldve done it had to be another God Emperor

But two God Emperors cant coexist in the same world. That is law! It cant be changed.

Mito said, This is the source of my troubles as well.

Whats the point of thinking so much? What matters now is that we find out what happened to Underworld Emperor. And not to mention that cheat ability, Im sure we can think of a special use for it, right bro Mo?

Of course! Li Mo nodded.

The Transmigration Path stretched on and on, with the three following as it grew. alongside Underworld Emperor behind them.


Then, the soul vial in Mitos hand shook and soul power shined the entire place.

Mito chirped, A big one just died! Theyre the only ones who can supply so much soul power. It alone can grow the Transmigration Path by a kilometer!

Mito powered the vial and the Transmigration Path surged forth.


Mitos vial once again shined with soul power.

Du Fei asked, Another one?

Only allowed on


Mito was excited as he kept emptying the vial.

Look ahead! Mito cried.

Far ahead of the Transmigration Path was a faint dot. Although unclear, it wasnt hard to guess it was the other side of the Transmigration Path. 

Ha-ha-ha, masters wish is about to be achieved. Even if I die now, Id be at peace. Ha-ha-ha

Mito laughed with tears. He had been working in the dark for so many years all for this moment.

Ha-ha-ha, Im exhilarated!

Master, do you see?

Mito turned to Underworld Emperor as he jumped in joy.


In the middle of Mitos victory dance, a sigh came.

Master, is that you? Mito was stunned.


While Mito was dazed, a red vortex appeared above. From its center, a huge red glowing palm pushed down 

Li Mo squinted. The red palm wasnt fast, but it shocked him how even he couldnt move.

Only a God Emperor can unleash such power!

God Prison!

Li Mo shouted just as the red palm was about to strike.

God Prison flew out to meet the attack

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