On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 186 The Real Journey Begins


"Anyway, if I may ask—I don't mean to be nosy, don't get me wrong—do you have a private grudge with the Hero?"


"I mean, you don't look like a patriotic person for me. It's just weird to me, at least, for you to suddenly show that much urge to kill the Hero."

After showing me their rare moments of being sensitive, Millonia and Valeria return to their usual insensitive selves. As I wash Valeria's back, Millonia is cutting my hair, showcasing her superb sense of hairstylist while asking about a few things.

"Let's settle with I hate their hypocrisy."

"Only for that reason? All of us are hypocrites, don't you think? As long as you have something that you like more, it's hard to not be a hypocrite. Demons or humans alike, when it comes to that, we are the same."

"… It is very rare for you to get solemn all of a sudden," I remark. "I think I have misjudged you. Millonia, you are not the woman I thought you were."

"What kind of woman did you think I was? A bloodthirsty lunatic?" Millonia scoffs.

"Are you not?" I ask innocently, irking her.

"This little shit…"

"Ah, please don't mess my hair up—it is not a good day to be bald."

Millonia doesn't seem to hear what I said since she is cutting my hair more vigorously than before. Thankfully, I know she won't try anything unfunny since the Geas will blast her head off the moment she does that.

A few minutes passed and my haircut is finished. Instead of trying to inspect my look by looking at my reflection in the water, I wash Millonia's back as Valeria washes mine. We wash our hair afterwards and spend our time gazing at the sky as we immerse ourselves in the lake.

"I am bored," Millonia says out of the blue. "Layland, do me a favor."

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"We are not going to do something lewd," I say stoically.

"I know, idiot. I don't want to be killed by Lady Valeria either."

Although Valeria doesn't show much emotion, I do agree with Millonia's fear. From the way Valeria is paying attention to our conversation, she does look like the woman who will cut her partner's head when he messes around behind her back.

"I won't do any of that—I am not that kind of weak woman," Valeria remarks, surprising us. "This world is not foreign to polygamous marriage. Men can marry multiple women at once and vice versa. Those who love will stay; those who don't will leave. It's that easy."

"That way of thinking is a double-edged sword, Valeria," I retort. "You may end up loving the wrong person and you will not be able to realize that you have just been played. People will pull something like that."

"When that time comes," Valeria looks at me right in the eyes, "I can only blame myself for being blind." She smiles and adds, "Do you want to prove that I am blind?"

"No, your eyes are wide open; your vision is crystal clear," I answer calmly.

"Kuhum! I usually don't mind; but now that you guys have become more open about it, I can't help feeling like a third-wheeler," Millonia comments.

"Why don't you join us?" Valeria asks as if she is asking about the weather.

"… Seriously?"

"Oi, oi, stop making things take a weird turn," I remind.

Looking at me with judgmental eyes, Millonia hums to herself. "You know, apart from my nether region, you haven't made my heart tingle. I don't think I will ever be able to have a romantic relationship with you."

"What a vulgar statement!" Winerva, who has been quiet, exclaims.

"You really have no filter, don't you," I comment dryly.

"I am just stating the fact, boy." Millonia shrugs and then turns to Valeria. "Well, I won't take away your boyfriend, Lady Valeria and neither will I join you guys. I like our relationship the way it is."

Valeria doesn't show much emotion to that statement. She merely nods her head and doesn't seem to look approving or disapproving.

"Anyway, back to our talk. Layland, can I join you on your journey?"

The question caught me off guard. I turn to Millonia thinking that she is joking but find her being dead serious about it.

What I am going to do is basically speed-running killing the Hero, my accursed former classmates. I don't pay much attention to my daily needs because my sole focus is killing.

Valeria didn't think that was right because eating simply cooked meat could only get me that far. Knowing how busy I would be on my journey, she suggested I bring someone that would take care of my daily needs with me.

Valeria told me that Millonia would help me a lot in my journey; so, in the end, I said yes to Millonia's request. In addition to that, Winerva is also coming with me, much to her horror.

Since I am planning to go today; while waiting for the girls to finish packing up, I am heading to the Training Field. I hear steels clashing against each other in the Arena—it's as rowdy as ever, but I refrain myself from visiting it.

I know they won't let me go until I beat a hundred Warriors there.

"So, you are leaving today," someone remarks, causing me to turn my head in his direction.


"Yo, Golden Rookie, or I should say, Ghost of Lysimork!"

My friendly and kind senior Orc is smiling at me. This Orc has taught me a lot about Instinct; he is the reason why I didn't receive any injuries in the battle of Lysimork.

"You are waiting for someone, aren't you? Care for a walk?" he asks.

"Of course. I am feeling that I will hear something interesting from you."

Kruff smirks and embraces my shoulder. Dragging me with him, he takes me to the Training Field, which is the place I also wanted to visit.

He lets go of my shoulder the moment we arrive there and stands a few feet before me. His mood has become solemn; he looks at me with an empty smile.

"My junior was also like you, you know; she was extremely talented. Truly, at that time, no one had a brighter future than her," Kruff recounts nostalgically. "All it takes to ruin her future is one wrong step and my indecisiveness."

Losing his smile, Kruff looks at me seriously. He extends his hand and gathers a huge amount of Mana in his palm.

"Layland, if you ever find someone you dear baring their fangs at you, what will you do?"

"Are you expecting me to give a heartfelt answer, Kruff?" I ask with a hint of disdain. "I am sorry, but for whatever reason, no matter who they are, as long as they stand in my way, they become my enemy. I am a selfish bastard, so…"

Using my Footwork Technique, I appear behind Kruff in the blink of an eye. He remains unfazed even with my daggers trapping his neck in place.

"… I will unhesitatingly cut them."

Silence fills the space until he speaks, "Hoh? Is that your answer? I didn't feel any doubt in your voice, so you are very sure of what you said. It makes me wonder if you still can bring yourself to kill your loved ones when you know you are falling into the deep abyss of corruption."

"I won't fall, Kruff. I will keep my vision clear," I say convincingly. "I know when I am falling and how to stop the fall. When people still stand in my way despite my clarity, I know who are the ones falling."

Kruff chuckles lightly and then remarks, "You are one selfish creature, aren't you? That is great, Layland. If it is you, you will be able to swing your sword when the time comes."

"It is becoming corny, so stop already," I sigh as I retract my daggers.

Kruff laughs and also retracts his Mana. We then sit on the ground side by side and look at the Warriors training their Spells and fighting techniques in the Training Field silently.

"I didn't manage to cut her; thus, she fell," Kruff mutters lowly. "I was thinking of saving her, but what I did was push her deeper into the abyss. I am a failed senior."

I somehow get what happened but I pretend I didn't hear anything. Talking about emotional things is not my forte, so I just let Kruff deal with it on his own.

Five minutes passed in the blink of an eye. The girls have finished packing up and they have come to the Training Field to tell me that.

"It is time to go." Millonia smirks.

"Your friend doesn't look like she is ready." I motion at the pale and horrified Winerva.

"Don't mind her; she will get used to it."

Shrugging nonchalantly, I stand up and bid my farewell to Kruff. At the same time, I notify Eliseus and Vibiane about my departure.

Walking together, Millonia, Winerva and I head to the field before the Barrack. Those who want to see us off and our transportation are waiting for us there.

Upon arriving there, Winerva remarks nervously, "Are we going to travel by air?"

"You don't like Wyverns?" I ask. Winerva stays silent and I ignore that.

Vibiane and Eliseus are the only people who are waiting for us in the field before the Barrack. Valeria is not there, but she is seeing me off somewhere.

Wasting no time, I hop on Genelos' back. The two warrior maids follow suit and then we take off under the eyes of the people who see us off.

At that exact moment, I know my real journey has begun.

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