On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 259 Crumbling Down (2)

The mood of the army on the two sides was contrary to each other. The Demon King's Army was extremely eager to clash, whereas the army of Antares was wishing they weren't there. Of course, not all humans felt the same. Some individuals remained unfazed in the face of the fearless Demon King's Army.

Most of these strong-spirited people commanded a military unit. They weren't chosen because of their skills but solely because of their brightly burning spirits. A good leader walks when everyone stops. With their leading the army, Dulorand hoped that their spirits could motivate the people they led.

"Doesn't it make your heart beat faster? The rush of adrenaline in your blood heightens your senses, making everything look clear."

Layland quirked an eyebrow as he heard the remark of the person standing behind him. Without even looking at the person, he replied to her with a question.

"Is it already enough to stimulate your adrenaline?"

"No, but the thought of how exciting this fight can be is."

Facing his body slightly to the right, Layland looked at the beautiful white-haired female Demon. "That is a strange way to get yourself excited. I bet you are often disappointed because of it, Eliseus."


Shaking his head faintly, he asked curiously, "Have you met Paulina before the war?"

"No. I don't want to make her think that I am going to die." Eliseus shook her head faintly. "Besides, a month ago when I met her, she kept asking where you were. When I left, she asked me to bring you next time."

"You failed to fulfil her wish, so you didn't see her. That's the real reason why you didn't meet her, right?"


Layland hummed to himself in amusement. He would like to argue that Eliseus was merely acting, yet that was just how she was. He strongly believed that she was one of the hidden Demon King Candidates, which was why he became careful toward her recently. It was moments like this that made him wonder if Eliseus even cared about being one.

Shaking his head faintly to clear his head, Layland threw the matter to the back of his head. As crucial as it was to be careful with another Demon King Candidate, he couldn't live in fear. He needed to focus on his goals. The other Candidates were no more than obstacles, so he shouldn't let them haunt his mind.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Layland put his hand on the tense Millonia's shoulder. It jolted her out of her thought, causing her body to relax.

"Take care of the girls.... No, that will be wrong. Watch over them--you will be surprised by how well they can fight."

Turning around, Millonia looked up at Layland. Her gaze was solemn yet there was a playful smile plastered on her face.

"You should watch over me too--you will be surprised by how powerful I have become."

At this, Layland ruffled her hair. "I can tell already; therefore, don't hold yourself back. I know you are afraid of losing control but trust me; when it happens, I will be there to stop you."

Millonia became silent as she contemplated what could happen. "What if...you can't--"

"You will be surprised by what I can do," Layland interjected.

His face was covered by his mask, yet Millonia could still see the smirk on his face. She shook her head faintly and then turned around to face the battlefield.

At this point, the three Demon King's Generals sent to the battlefield, Velucan, Jovenus and Lemius were already in the centre of the battlefield. It was a custom for the Demon King's Army to give their opponents an "advantage" by exposing their Generals.

They stood there unmoving, waiting for anyone brave enough from the Antares Army to have a go at them. The Warriors stomped the ground rhythmically in unison, urging the human soldiers to have a clash with their Generals.

Two minutes passed, yet no one dared to step forward. The Warriors stepped stomping the ground and the battlefield became silent again yet the atmosphere was thicker than before.

The Generals smirked and swung their weapons threateningly to the side. One of them, Jovenus, raised his hand into the air and then said the words that marked the beginning of the war.

"We have shown enough generosity, yet you spat on our faces by refusing it. Humans, we have had enough; henceforth, today shall be the end of your Kingdom." Sickening Mana Pressure blasted forward, washing the Antares Army with fear. "Warriors, flood the world with blood!"


"Bathe in your enemy's blood!"

The Warriors unhesitatingly rushed at the Antares Army. The said army remained motionless yet the commanders of each military unit didn't remain silent; they riled their subordinates up before charging at the Demon King's Army.

It woke the rest of the soldiers up from their sceptical thoughts. Their spirits began to burn again. Hesitant as they were, still, they charged forward. When someone shouted out the battle cry, they became even more riled up. Adrenaline rushed through their blood, making their hearts beat faster. This time, they were not afraid but excited.

The rise of the army's morale was palpable and it brought a smile to the faces of the commander of the military unit. Unfortunately for them, however, optimism could never change reality.




As soon as the two armies clashed, the excitement of the Antares Army disappeared. Hundreds of them were killed with a mere swing of the Warrior's sword. A punch was enough to puncture a hole in their chests. Even the wind that the Warrior's movement caused was enough to cut them to pieces.

It was horrifying and extremely underwhelming. Although the number of people who decided to retreat wasn't a lot, it significantly affected the dynamic of the army.

"God will always protect you--keep charging!"

It wasn't until the Paladins joined the fray did the soldiers recovered some of the braveness that was beaten out of them. As Holy Power was utilised, the sickening Mana Pressure of the Demon King's Army was suppressed; thus, easing the minds of the soldiers.

Golden light constantly flashed in various spots on the battlefield. Warriors fell one by one, raising the morale of the Antares Army. 'This war wasn't unwinnable,' they thought. Already, their optimism returned.

This was the moment when the senior Warriors--Sixth Wing and above--joined the fray. The movement each of them made was distinct from the rest of the army. Even before any of them killed anyone, the Antares Army was already alarmed. The scene slightly kicked their morale down, yet they kept charging and remained optimistic.


It wasn't until one of the senior Warriors bisected more than a thousand of them at once did they collectively retreat. The Mana Pressure the Warrior was exuding was unbearably overwhelming; even the aura he was emitting was enough to terrify the Paladins.

"Oorah! The Speedrunner Layland has entered the battlefield! Don't embarrass yourself before him!"

"Oh, shit! He will leave no one behind for us--don't falter!"

"Damn it! Why do they have to join the battle so soon--the seniors!?"

"Ku-Ha-Ha! The Speedrunner was younger than you!"

The Warrior that had slain thousands with a swing of his sword was no other than Layland. He breezed through the battlefield like it was a playground, disfiguring bodies as he passed the soldiers even without moving his sword.

No one wished to be near him; they avoided standing in his way at all costs, yet very few of them managed to do it since his path was unpredictable. He was the only senior Warrior with a rank above the Seventh Wing who joined the battle, yet the battle flow already changed drastically.

"Now, where is the bastard?" Layland mused as he looked around for the battlefield. "Teanosvera, while I clean the battlefield, go look for the bastard. We can't let him deliver a blow to the army."

"Immediately, Master," replied the Forest Spirit.

The shadow that suddenly came out of Layland and shot up to the sky made the Antares Army worry. Three of the remaining Warlords, who were supposed to target the Generals, even rushed at him, bringing thousands of their elite soldiers with them.

Stopping in his tracks, Layland planted Rexorem into the ground. Channelling his Mana into it, he blew up the ground.


Thousands of soldiers died as the ground rose into the air like a tidal wave, meanwhile, the Warlords and their troops were forced to stop, lest they wanted to perish with the unlucky people. When the explosion stopped, a 50-feet-deep and 450-feet-wide crater was carved on the ground; Layland was standing proudly in the centre of it.

Willing Rexorem to absorb the blood of the fallen humans, under everyone's eyes, blood flew toward Rexorem before seeping into its blade. The Warlords instinctively knew they shouldn't let Layland do that, so they resumed charging at him.


It was much to their shock that hundreds of tall trees grew out of the ground as soon as they stepped into the crater. These trees weren't normal too--they all could move on their own and actively attack the soldiers.

"Is he an Elf!?"

"How can a Demon use Nature Magic? This is ridiculous!"

No one could believe what they were seeing. Just imagining a Demon being in tune with nature was already ludicrous for them, so they didn't know what to make of the reality presented before them.

Their steps faltered as they gulped their saliva dryly. Origins allowed Demons to be weird but they had never made them as weird as Layland was. It wasn't hard to tell that Layland was abnormal even amongst Demons. Therefore, they were conflicted. They didn't know what to choose: retreat shamefully or die in vain.

"Why don't you become my beta testers before that bastard Mark enjoys his last moment here?"

Unfortunately for them, they have no choice.

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