One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 352

Chapter 352 - Secret

Regarding the four Hall Leaders, I'm just as in the dark as anyone—I haven't even laid eyes on the three Vice Hall Leaders!”

The Fifth Elder expressed his frustration.

He then went on to explain.

“The hierarchy within the Nether King's Hall is rigid, with no room for overstepping one's bounds.”

“Being a subordinate of the Seven Kills Palace Master, my knowledge of the other Palace Masters is nonexistent.”

“The domain of His Highness Seven Kills is divided into the Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise Halls, each overseen by their respective Hall Masters.

We three are elders of the White Tiger Hall, part of the lower management tier.

Above us are the High Officials, who are powerful individuals invited to serve in higher capacities.

Beneath the elders are the protectors, deacons, elite assassins, and the numerous mercenary groups well-known to the public.”

The Fifth Elder laid out the internal workings of the Nether King's Hall in one fell swoop.

Jiang Hao listened intently, his mind weighing the gravity of the situation.

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“The Nether King's Hall has such a well-established and mature organizational structure; it's not something that could have been built overnight.”

This realization made Jiang Hao see the Nether King's Hall in a new light.

He took a moment to assess the Fifth Elder, pondering the implications.

The Fifth Elder possessed a strength that rivaled his family's patriarch.

And above the elders were even more formidable ranks: the consecrates, hall masters, and so on.

It was clear that the Nether King's Hall was a force to be reckoned with.

“However, they'd best not cross me.”

Despite the Nether King's Hall's formidable reputation, Jiang Hao was not without his own resources.

Should they anger him, he could simply enhance his Poison Medicine Phasing Technique several levels and concoct a poison so potent it would obliterate the Nether King's Hall in an instant.

Alternatively, he could upgrade his illusion realm, enveloping the Nether King's Hall in a fantasy that would leave them all but defeated.

But these were thoughts for another time.

Jiang Hao was confident that the display of his strength had already earned him the Nether King's Hall's cautious respect. They would think twice before provoking him.

Putting his previous thoughts aside, Jiang Hao posed another question.

“Why is the Nether King's Hall so intent on obtaining the Baiqi Killing Sword?”

This was a question that weighed heavily on Jiang Hao's mind.

Upon hearing this, the Fifth Elder tensed up, seemingly reluctant to divulge anything. Yet, considering his predicament, a wry smile crept onto his face.

“The command to vie for the Baiqi Killing Sword came directly from Hall Master Hu. We're simply following orders,” he explained.

“But I've heard rumors that the sword holds the secret to eternal life. Whether that's true, I can't say.”

It was clear that even the Fifth Elder had his doubts about such a claim.

Jiang Hao, on the other hand, pondered the implications. Despite the Fifth Elder's skepticism about the sword's supposed powers, they were bound by Hall Master White Tiger's direct command.

They had no choice but to compete vigorously for it.

It appeared that Hall Master White Tiger might be privy to certain details.

And as for Lv Yingyu's extensive knowledge, it could be that her standing within the Lv Family was quite significant.

Setting these considerations aside for the moment, Jiang Hao pressed on with his inquiries.

“What can you tell me about the Seclusion Families within Hua that the Nether King's Hall is aware of?”

Soong Wanzhong's interest was piqued by Jiang Hao's question. He listened intently, his gaze fixed on the Fifth Elder.

The Fifth Elder, taken aback by the question, had assumed that the man Jiang Hao was impersonating, Uncle Hai, was a venerable figure from one of the Seclusion Families. But this new line of questioning threw his assumptions into disarray.

He now found himself trying to figure out the true nature of this ‘Uncle Hai.'

“The Nether King's Hall has indeed documented them; the Seclusion Families of Hua have a profoundly deep-rooted heritage.”

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