One Piece: Gambling to The Top

Chapter 126 - 126

Josh rubbed his forehead and thought. 

"Okay, Let's play a bit." He opened the system and looked at the draw option. It's time to test his theory and see where this is going. 

Putting a six hundred million Berries, Josh got a legendary item. 

He put his hand on his heart and smiled, thanking god. If it gave him an epic tier item, he would have broken the house in frustration that he wasted what has the worth of 6 items. 

Josh was lucky that he was alone so no one would see his actions. However, Hancock, with her Haki, could see him and know what he is doing. So Josh decided not to act like someone crazy. 'Or I'll just tell them it's a Devil Possession.' 

Josh then put another six hundred million, and he got another Legend Rank item. 

'So it's like this. Six hundred million means Legend, and a hundred means Epic… 10 is good or excellent…'

Josh felt that he is understanding the system more and more. There are ranks, and there is a rarity. If Josh spends 200 points on an Epic item, then he may get a rarer one compared to the other items. 

Josh was left with 650. 

He looked at what he had just gotten. 

[+ Golden Orb (Legend)] 

(One Time item. Can be used to resurrect a person to the living world, with peak body condition.)

Something that can bring you back from the dead… it's legendary. All Josh has to do is to wear it, and he will get back to the living world if he died. Or, in case someone close to him died — which he wished to never happen — can be used to resurrect them. 

[+ Devil Spirit Vessel (Legend)] 

(Can take off the Devil Fruits from Devil fruit user in the vessel and seal them. The giver has to agree, or be in a weakened state for this to work.) 

'This… this what I call a legend.' 

Josh felt these two items were worth the wait and suspense. The best thing about it was that he hadn't worked to get them. He had gotten them thanks to the women, who had gotten stronger thanks to him. His investments and love paid very generously to him. 

Now Josh was between two choices. Get one more legend rank item, or try to get 6 Epic Tier items. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Josh thought about his time back to Amazon Lilly island. 

Having six Epic Tier rewards had helped him more than one of the legend rank items he had gained now could help. Sure, a Golden Orb can revive him.  The Vessel can give him Devil Fruits without having to kill the other person. However, non of them would give him instant mastery. But still, the idea of reviving the item was so epic to his ears. 

Josh held the back of his head with both hands before lowering it. 

'Why this is so fucking hard to choose!' Josh was in dilemma. 

1 Legend vs 6 Epics. 

Both choices seemed to be so right for him.

It's like trying to have one very delicious cake or choosing to get 6 pieces of bread to fulfil you and your family. 

'Pieces of bread, so be it… Let's just get three pieces of bread and see where it leads.' 

Josh took a few breathes and decided to get 3 draws. 100 - 100 - 50.

It should leave him with 400 points. With Marianne's hypnosis business becoming an international business, Josh is assured that he would get enough money to play on the Legend Rank and Epic with ease. For now, he'll just get enough for rewarding himself and some for the girls. 

[+ The Pearl of Time (Legend)]

(Host can use it to rewind time from one minute to 20 minutes. Note: Must be used very carefully. Only usable once) 

I guess I got Lucky, thought Josh as he rubbed his chin. Since he got a Legend rank item now, it's like he had spent 600 million Berries to get it while only spending 100 million. 

Thinking about the peal he got, Josh felt that each Legend Item was very precious to hold. 

Josh decided that he may go all with his Draw Points. 

Epic Ranks items are very good as well. Considering that he has a compass the leads him in any direction he wants to go to, more rewards like that seemed to be tempting. 

Josh felt that his hard work, starting from his suffering days in Baroque Works, until this moment, has finally paid off. 

[Full Healing Potion (Epic)]

(Heal any disease and old injury… get the body to peak condition)

[Ability increaser candy (Epic)]

Josh, seeing that he only got one of these, felt quite happy. It means there is no resistance developed for this kind of item.  


[Angel Tears x 4. (Epic)]

Seeing this reward, Josh stood up and stomped the table, breaking it into two. Everyone had an Angel Tear, and Josh didn't feel like starting a charity to help the Devil Fruit users to start their dreams of swimming.  What pissed him off was that he got 4. It's like the system was telling him: you got 4 times Epic rewards that you can't use. 

"Oh really. Suck on this. I can invest it." Josh muttered to the system. 

Now, he may use 1 tear or two. The others would be useless. 

But, what would someone pay to get it… 


'No, I don't like bad clients.' 

Josh didn't feel like giving it to World Government. 

'Now, who is the richest guy in the world, and has Devil Fruit, and is not too strong to pose threat to me.'

Josh felt that the answer was on the verge of his tongue. 

'I'll ask Robin to do researches. She knows almost everything, that nerd… hot smoking pretty nerd…' 

Feeling that his brain was drifting, Josh went back to the system. 

[ Instant Mastery Pill (Epic)]

(Help you master anything you have basic knowledge of. 

[King Kong feast. (Epic)] 

(1 kilo of raw meat. Each 100 gram increases Strength by 3 tons and Stamina by 5%)

Josh was left with 50 Draw Points. He was quite disappointed that he didn't get more lucky legend rank items. But he was happy with whatsoever he got.

Josh looked at the corner of the system. He has two Epic Rank boxes of which he got from defeating Momonga. Maybe it would be good to open them since he has no points left. 

[Instant Mastery Pill x1]Now has 2 of these. 

[Ability Increase candy x1] And he has two of these.

"Good that I'm heading to the Sky." 

Josh stood up and cracked his back. 

"I'll have plenty of money once I come back." 

Josh was a man of focus, business, and sheer greed. He thought of these words as he went to the kitchen and grabbed a group of knives. Josh had a Chef Talent, something he had never taken seriously — unless he had wanted to flirt to Big Mom — Joke. 

"Oh my god! Josh is cooking!" Mikita yelled all of the sudden. Followed by her voice, Marianne and Robin entered the kitchen. 

"It has been a long time Daddy made a meal." Mikita drolled a bit. 

Mikita held a tear. "Please, tell me you aren't going to train and let us cook."

Robin didn't say a word and sat at the table. 

Josh sighed. "Just enjoy the meal. You have done a good job, also… I'll take half." Although it was their money, Josh's share was quite earned. 'Let's see. If I divide it into ten. Marianne only needs half one, that would be enough strength for her. Robin gets three since it fits her fruit... And Mikita needs one and a half… I get five…'

Josh, after he cut the meat, decided to make some rice meal. 

While smelling the meat, he lifted his head and thought deeply while looking at the ceiling. 

"Joshy, what's the matter?" Mikita stood up behind him. She rested her head on his chin, snapping his thoughts and asked. "Something bothering you?"

"Yeah," Josh admitted it. "The pirates are getting less, and the money we gain is getting less," Josh admitted. 

"I can think of a solution." Robin let her long legs rest on the table. "You can change the island. I mean, Water 7 isn't the only direction that pirates head in…" 

Josh turned his head to Robin. Meanwhile, Kalifa entered from the door and stood up next to Josh. "Mealtime." She said in a shy submissive voice. Josh only extended his hand to Kalifa while staring at Robin. 

"You mean…" Josh's eye's lit up as his blood was being sucked. 

"All of the pirates…" Robin, who lived most of her life in the underworld, knows more than someone should know. 

"Ends up in the same island." Josh's eyes lit up. "That's a good place to have a home in. What was its name again?"

"Oh, you mean Sabaody." Kalifa took her head from his mouth and said. 

"Great." Josh held the back of her head and planted a kiss on her lips, before letting her out. Kalifa had a pink layer on her cheeks appearing. She reached for her blouse and unbuttoned a few bottoms. 

"Hold your hand lady, we are serious here." Robin's arms appeared on Kalifa and closed the bottom again. She then looked at Josh. "Are we heading there, after this?" 

"No, there is someone I must visit first." 


"I'll tell you later," Josh said, turning to the meat he is cooking. "Now, let's enjoy a peaceful meal."

"Good, I've been starving." Mikita smiled and Marianne drolled a bit. Robin only wrapped her hand around Josh and smiled. "My idea is good, isn't it."

"You know it is." Josh then gave her a slight kiss and asked her to go back to the table. 


A/N: [20 advanced cgapters ahead at pàtreon]


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