One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 52 - [45] Encephala Island (2)

[2005 words] ​​


[15 Minutes Ago]

(Damien POV)


"Alright, dock the ship here!" I yell over the deck to the fodders.


With them taking care of the sails and anchor, I and Kaido had a little chat.


"So, what now, Damien?" He asked.

"Tell me Kaido, how much do you know about aerodynamics?" I asked him.


"Is it that stuff Shakky makes for lunch?" He questioned.


'Why do I even bother with this guy?' I complain.

"*Cough*, no, not exactly... *SIGH*, just do as I tell you to and you'll get to fight a few thousand pirates soon enough," I instruct him.

"WORORO! Good. You do all that brain stuff and I'll do the punching." He nodded.

"Commander, we're ready and waiting for your command," Indra said as he stood before me.

"Hmm," I nodded, "Alright, you 10 will wait here for us once we take care of Enigma. Once you feel the chaos of 40000 displaced pirates, then come and fetch us."


"Kaido, Indra, let's go to the top of the ship," I told them.


Currently, we were at a small island 2 kilometres away from the Mind Sea.

The 3 of us reach the top platform, it was a flat floor with no obstructions.


I put my hand into my pocket and take out a device.


The device was a conch with a spiral shape and came in black with white polka dots around it.

While gazing at it, a description pops up.



[Fruit Dial]

[Can store up to 5 charges of a release-type Passive Paramecia Ability.]

[Once used, the ability will last for 10 minutes.]


[** Currently storing 5 charges of 'Float-Float Fruit' **]



I was thinking about how to land on the island back on the Titanic and thought to myself, which other way can I enter this place?

Front, back, left, right, under, and above.

I could scratch out the first 5 as that would they would be impossible or simply take too much time.

As for above, Enigma would have surely thought of the possibility...


So what? How can you defend against aerial attacks that appear right above your island?

Bullets won't work, flying-fruit users are possible but can they resist mine and Kaido's powers before we land?


Shiki would not accompany us so I thought of a substitute, I browsed my {System Shop} and bought this device and secretly stored some of the Golden Lion's fruit powers when duelling him.

An attack from above will be discovered eventually, but not before we have gotten past 95% of his defences!


"Alright, both of you, stand still," I told them.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I directed the device at them and clicked the button on the back.


The dispenser on the front of the dial started to emit light as I aimed it at Kaido.


A light ray shot out and covered the Ogre as he started to float!

"...ah...OYE! Why am I flying! Woah!" Kaido started waving his hands as he ascended into the air.


The future Yonko was now flapping his hands like a bird, trying to maintain balance as he slowly rose into the sky.


"RAHAHAHA! Are you trying to imitate a bird, Kaido?" I laugh at his antics.

"Kaido of the Beasts? More like Kaido of the Birds!"

"AH! This is weird! It feels like Shiki's power!" He said as he was now 10 meters in the sky.

"That's right, this can store fruit powers that don't do any physical damage," I explain. "Shiki can fully control objects he manipulates through his mind but this can only allow you to float yourselves. Just calm yourself and it will work."

[A/N: Shiki can control the movement of himself and non-living objects after touching them once. Essentially, this ability is identical to telekinesis.]

I aim it at Indra next.

The brown-haired swordsman shakes a bit as he regains his balance and hovers a few feet above the ground.


I use it on myself as I too begin to ascend.

I take a deep breath and cycle it through my lungs, calming my mind, allowing me to wholly control my body to the smallest degree.

"Alright, we're good."

I and Indra were fine, Kaido however was still wobbling in the air, waving his hands every few seconds.


"This is annoying! I can't even hit anything like this!" He complained.

"RAHAHAHA! This is our method of entry, gentlemen." I tell them with a smile.

Kaido was too dumb to understand, so I let Indra take a shot at what I meant.


"Commander... we will float straight down to Enigma's castle?" He asked.


I nodded with a smile, "Pretty much. But first, we must reach the height of the clouds, once we are directly above his castle, then we will descend to his residence!"

"This power will remain for another 9 and a half minutes, let's begin our ascent right away!" I tell the both of them as we shoot straight up.


[Math Lesson]


The troposphere (layer of the atmosphere where the clouds float) is about 10 km high.

In other words, we must ascend 10000 meters into the sky and then make our way to Encephala Island itself.

Speed of 40m/s in any direction

10000m up = 250 seconds = 4 minutes 10 seconds

2 km forwards = 2000m = 50 seconds

10000m back down = 4 minuntes 10 seconds

Therein, it would take 9 minutes and 10 seconds, just enough to make it to the 'Grand Encephala Citadel' while bypassing over 40000 lookouts.


[9 Minutes Later]


The 3 of us are now directly above the landing point.

It would be difficult to line it up, but Sibyl has her {Map} function which makes it quite easy for me to set up waypoints that appear as beacons, making it easy to find my destination.

The sea of clouds was quite the sight, almost like a river of white, quite peaceful indeed.

I turn my head to the other 2 pirates.

"Begin descent!" I yell as we will our bodies to shoot down.


The air was blasting in my face as I accelerated my fall, getting closer and closer down. It was loud! The howling winds and the screeching air, yet spiked my adrenaline and made me feel alive!

I couldn't help but yell, "I'm Mary Poppins y'all!"

I can now see the silhouette of the island the oval shape and all.

Getting closer, I see the sphere of many colours, our goal!


The free-fall continued as I heard an alert.

[Damien, 12 seconds till you run out of the Floating ability.]

I nodded and smirked as we finally made it.


I and Indra landed gracefully yet Kaido just ate the fall. I think he has M tendencies but oh well.


The moment we crossed the sphere from the fall, I felt a sliver of intent whiz through the air as I knew the Overlord had been alert of our fall.




So we were past the sphere and near the north entrance of the Citadel.


*Heavy Doors Lifting*


'They are already here.' I said.

The doors opened as 2000 or so mindless ones walked out in synchronized movement.


"Intruders! Surrender yourselves!"

8 men walked out in the front, they had the 'pawn piece' on their chest.

"Hmm. Well, that is to be expected. Kaido, Indra, let's run wild, no?" I said as I cracked my knuckles.


"WORORORO! About time..."

"As you wish, commander."


With that said, we rushed out!


I blasted forwards, not wasting time for more nuisances to arrive.


800 mindless ones stood before me, many had weapons drawn, 10% had haki-clad fists, and all that jazz.


I coat my fists in black as I focus on my Armament.


My left fist clocked one straight in the face, three others jumped at me as I swiped my right foot in an arc, easily taking care of them. Another 20 or so rush forth from all directions.

The first 10 draw out rifles and shoot from afar. They were standing in a circle around me so I simply jumped into the air as they cross-fired and killed each other. Taking advantage of the time, I dig my foot into the ground and flash forward.

I focus a stronger sliver of Armament into the tips of my fingers. My index and middle fingers were pointing out as the others were curled into my fist. I shoot my finger into each of their throats, causing blood to shoot out as I rip my finger back out.

100 of them now come from all sides, they were running regardless of injuries, some had broken bones, some with blood shooting out of their throats.


'Grand Ripple.'


I send out a 360-degree repulse of crimson energy, instantly reducing every single one of them to a mist of blood, not a piece of flesh remaining.




I condense some air around both legs and send out 2 arcs of energy, beheading another 20.


I switch back to hand-to-hand combat for the remaining hundreds.




I was mowing down the hordes of mindless ones but I couldn't help but be bored.

'It's much more enjoyable when they cry out in pain...' I complain in my head.

"How annoying! Bunch of puppets."

I jump back around 10 meters from the coming army.

I slightly squat down and point out both hands as if they were guns.


'Shigan Sentry Barrage.'


*Pew* *Pew* *Pew*

*Pew* *Pew* *Pew*

Hundreds upon hundreds of small, condensed air bullets shot out of my fingers as I continued to hip-fire aimlessly.


It was like Ace's 'Fire Gun' but with Shigan instead.

*Thud* *Thud *Thud*

Instantly, around 300 or so bodies fall onto the ground, dead.


"WORORORO! DIE, DIE, DIE!" Kaido was roaring as he waved his club, wiping out tens of mobs every process.


I couldn't help but marvel at the effectiveness of his attacks, regardless of how primitive they were.


'Perhaps I should get a weapon too?' I thought to myself.

Indra was also dancing through the masses, every slash seemed to remove limbs and heads.


Though at that moment the world froze.

A red vision appeared in my head as I felt an imminent intent. It was an axe attack from behind that seemed to appear out of thin air.


The world resumes as I 'Soru' to the side.


A large axe in the hands of a pawn jumps out of the ground and caves into my original position.


The pawn was a Zoan user, one that could easily dig through the earth, a groundhog.

I then flashed right next to him.

I tap his chest with my index finger.




And upon my words, his eyes pop slightly as he turns red all over.

A sound of pixelation sounds out as the man splits apart into thousands of tiny red cubes.

They were barely even visible as they clattered onto the floor.


I nod at his condition then yell out,

"OYE, Kaido! Indra, hurry it up!"

That was enough for a warm-up, we hadn't fought against so many in 6 months now so I let them stretch a bit.

Though they should be good now.




With that, Kaido raised his mighty kanabo club as sparks of lightning wrapped around it and whacked the ground itself.


And just like that a huge spider web ran through the entire front of the Citadel and caved in much of what was around him.

The remaining few hundred were fell into the giant crater and were crushed by the rubble.


3 Pawns were left.


"Raging Stream."


My hand lit up in red as a large river of pulverizing energy blasting out, ripping, shredding and obliterating everything in its way.




The 3 pawns cried out as they were mashed and crushed into pieces and fell to the ground, painting it an eerie red.


"Let's move on," I said as the 3 of us ran forth through the doors and into the next area.


[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

This is 2/5 of the Encephala Island parts.


Should Damien get a weapon?

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