One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 64 - [56] A Massacre

[2730 words]

There was a bit of a typo with the locations of the places he's going to. ​​

Néa -> Paradise (Near Reverse Mountain)

Franz -> West Blue.

World News Agency -> Paradise (Near Sabaody Archipelago)


[Mimic Fruit Ability Token - Permanently mimics ONE type of SUPPORT ability from any devil fruit. Cannot be used to damage or fight enemies. You must have either the fruit itself in hand or the blood of the fruit user of the desired fruit to mimic the ability. ONE TIME USE]

- One type of support ability meaning it will take a portion of the fruit's power, not the entire thing, and it cannot be used to inflict damage upon anyone

He has 3 of these at the moment.


(Damien POV)


The Split-Split fruit is something that would greatly ease my plans. I have many things to do in so little time that having another trustworthy hand would surely help.

I also intend on having a clone controlling the Underworld while I am busy with the crew, after all, it is quite foolish to trust anyone else when we enter the shadows of the world.

Other than that, being in 2 places at once is extremely useful in a multitude of situations.


'Sibyl, display the fruit's mimicked ability once more for me (and the lethargic readers).' I ask.

[Here you go.] She says in a plain voice.


[Split Split Fruit (Bunretsu Bunretsu no Mi)]

[Paramecia Fruit | Release Type]

[Fruit Rating: ?????]

[Creates a clone with 80% overall strength of the user, can create clones based on total strength]

** [Due to mimicking the fruit, the max clones created will be limited to 3]

** All skills except {Ancient Voice} can be copied to the clone

** The skill [Parallel Thinking] may be used to switch between perspectives

[User becomes a Splitting Human]


The strength drop was not much of a problem. It's not like I intend to use them to fight in battle as they would be too weak to do much other than being a distraction.

I could use them like Pain did and see with 6 different pairs of eyes, but that is quite useless when you have Observation Haki.


That aside, I had Sibyl find this fruit with the {Fruit Locator Gadget} and found it in the West Blue nearly 2 years ago.

Since then, I had the Falcon Division keep an eye on it.


That said, just a year ago, some nuisance came upon it and ate it right away, becoming a splitting human.

Some guy name Geronimo Francis or something, they call him the 'Divisor'.

[Ahem, Damien, I believe it was Geminae Franz 'The Divider'.] Sibyl corrected me.


Right. I honestly could care less what some Don Krieg-wannabe does with his life, he won't keep it for long anyway.


(My lord, we are here.)

(I wish you fortune in your escapades, Lord.)

(Please step on me, Great One!)


Well, I did have 3 Sea Kings pulling my ships, one of them was a bit odd but it is what it is.


[Wailles Bay, Paradise Sea]

(3rd POV)


"OY! Baká! Take some men and get me that ship that's rushing here. I want it undamaged!" Franz ordered.

"Hai!" Baká responded as he got 15 or so men ready.


The 6000 or so men were also curious to see which fool would sail straight towards them, the future rulers of the West Blue.

"Look at this fool."

"Wuwuwuwu! He is already dead!"

"To rush into the viper's den, how brazen this one is."

"To be or not to be, he is condemned by these terrible seas. How tragic."


Some pitied, some laughed, some smirked, yet not one of them had an ounce of fear, yet.


(Baká POV)

Bakakakaka, boss-sama has given me an easy mission. But that boat thing is really cool, maybe I can relieve the boss on it as his hair dances in the wind.


[10 Minutes Later]

Hmm, I took too many men, 15 of us sounds too much for some 16-year-old kid, though he has cool hair.


[3 Minutes Later]

"Oye, kid. Jump into the sea and you can get away, otherwise, I'll take your life then take this ship." I yelled.

Looking at him, he was a really handsome kid, 'perhaps I should sell him to those slave traders...' I thought.


The kid then opened his eyes.

Red eyes. Creepy.

What the hell, those eyes don't carry any fear. Is that... pity?


"Tch, you brought this upon yoursel- "

I was going to finish that sentence but for some reason, my vision changed.

My eyes which were gazing at the kid are now looking straight up...?

What was that thud?

Is that my body falling, where's my head?



The 15 men on the ship were currently frozen as they eyed the cool-haired youth with great fear.

"Baká-sama..." One managed to mutter.


"RUN!" Another yelled as they came to their senses, their primal instincts to survive took over as they tried to dive into the sea below.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Nani..?" One said as he looked down and saw red lines over his chest.


Sounds of pixelation buzzed as the 14 or so men's eyes widened as they suddenly turned into thousands of red cubes, clattering into the sea, sinking to the bottom.


"Hmm, so many fodders grouped up... I suppose I can try that move..." The youth thought out loud as he gazed at the 6000 test subjects before him.

Damien got up from his comfortable seat and stood at the front of his boat, his hands in his pockets as he gazes forwards with an expressionless face.


[The Bay]


"Oy, oy! Did Baká-sama just die...?"

"Those guys turned into some red cubes and fell apart."

"Ability user!"


"Hmm, a fruit user?" Franz squinted his eyes.


"Tch, all of you, focus your fire at that ship!" He yelled.

Franz knew the supremacy of fruit users and a part of his fodder instincts were telling him to immediately attack, otherwise he would certainly not like the result.

""""""HAI!"""""" They yelled.


Guns, pistols, rifles, cannons, revolvers, spitballs: thousands of weapons were now aimed at the brown ship that gently floated in the sea.

They couldn't fully make out the youth's expression but his eyes seemed to glow red as they just looked at them without wavering.










Thousands of small air explosions boomed off as each one of the gunslingers pulled the triggers. Sendings countless cannonballs and bullets rushing forth.


Damien stood there, gazing at the oncoming fire with little change in expression and posture.

He did not speak nor act, though a red mist diffused out of his body as wrapped around his boat.

The ship was now glowing with a soft red coating as the projectiles made contact.


A grand explosion.


"Bagagaga! That's ought to do it!"

"Ability user or not, he's dead for sure!"


They celebrated.


Yet their laughs and joy froze as the smoke settled.



"How could it be?"

"Is this the power of a god?"


The boat, the youth, both were still there.

Unaffected, unhurt, undamaged.

Not even a scratch!


'Hmm, my body could easily tank those bullets but I don't want this ship damaged. A man who forsakes his ride is no longer a man.' Damien thought.

*Pat* *Pat*

He then patted away some nonexistent dust off his shoulders.


'Now then...' He smirked.

And in that instant, something happened...


Damien's ever-crimson eyes seemed to glow even more.

He slightly widened his eyes as the entire sclera turned an eerie red.

Following that, a red mist started to exude out of his sockets as the air around it started to vibrate unceasingly.

The molecules in the air were blasted into the void as the 'Sin Incarnate' grinned.


"Omega Beams."


At the drop of his words, two blitzing red beams of dense energy blasted out of his eyes, leaving behind a trail of exploding air and water as they rushed forth.


2 beams of red energy were travelling at absurd speeds as they covered the little distance between them and the 6000 living corpses.


"What is that red stu-"

The man was trying to finish his sentence yet the red beams had already reached him, the moment they touched him, he turned into thousands of cubes and fell apart.


"OYE!" A man yelled who was 30 meters to the far right of the dead man.


The beams kept whizzing forth, bending, turning, elevating in all sorts of awkward angles.






Endless cries of men erupted the seas as tens of thousands of inch-sized cubes rained down everywhere.


The death count was only increased as time went on.

More than a third of Franz's fleet was dead in 10 seconds!


"J-JUMP INTO THE SEA!" One yelled, thinking he was safe below.


The 2 beams suddenly turned straight down and zoomed into the sea, following the man.


"D-Did he make it?" An optimist asked.



The water slightly bubbled as small cubes of red floated to the surface, turning relieved faces into scowls of fear.


One man who was looking into the sea saw a red flash that shot out straight under him and popped him into cubes, yet the beams did not stop.



1 minute passed.

The death count was around 5300.

The remaining men realized they could not swim away so they instead ran ashore, trying to get as far as they could.

And they did escape their fate, for now.


'Hmm, I guess 600 meters is my current limit with the Omega Beams.' Damien calculated.

It would take a higher mastery level to increase the range over his new attack.


(Franz POV)


I was revered.

I was worshiped.

I was admired.

Thousands of men sang my name, my ego was a wide as the West Blue that I dreamed to rule.

After eating that fruit, I WAS A GOD!


But this...

All my men...

My power...

My prestige...

All of it was now broken into thousands of pieces! (Literally)

That youth, one attack and everything, everything fell apart!


(Damien POV)


I am now on the shore, my hands resting in my pockets as I lazily look at the countless cubes all over the ground.

I guess it was satisfactory.

I could now attack over a decent range that is bound to grow, the only thing was the Omega Beams would only kill up those below Yonko Commanders.

Anyone stronger and it would either stun them or just cause decent damage.

"Satisfactory indeed," I said as I walked around.


I then sense a presence to the far left.

I see a spiky red-haired man on the ground, he seemed a bit down.


"Hey man, hang in there. It's gonna be alright." I said as I pitied his current situation.

I could see that he had a dream of great proportions.

To destroy that dream, only a true fiend could be so ruthless.


"Alright!? Everything is ruined!" He yelled as he looked up with anger.


"I WILL KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL YOU!" He roared as he stood up with renewed vigour.


"Splitting Fever!"



10 copies of him poofed beside, they were exact clones.

'Hmm, not bad.' I nodded at the fruit's capabilities.


"Shiné!" They yelled in unison.

The ten of them stood around me with equal gaps, covering every side.

I shook my head as I saw his resolution.


"Don't worry, death isn't as terrible as they make it out to be. Believe me, I've been through once before."

With that, the 10 copies lost their lights as they fell dead.


The only ones left were the red-eyed youth and the red-haired living corpse.


"S-Stop! M-My family will hunt you down! You best let me live!" Franz said as he slowly backed up, trying to maintain the little wisp of life he has left.


"Good for you then. It seems you'll have company soon..."

"In hell, that is."


I then 'Flashstep'ed 2 feet away from him and gazed him in the eyes.


I saw great regret in his eyes as I liberated his head from his neck.


Gallons of blood burst out in a crimson fountain as it rained down upon the vibrant grass.


Some dust kicked up as Franz's body fell to the floor with lost brilliance, his head rolling around, eyes wide open, though lifeless.


'Death eh? The greatest threat to any living thing.' I squinted my eyes.


'Time is the real enemy.'

'And it is something I refuse to bow down to.'

I was lost in thought until Sibyl woke me up.


[Damien, you have 5 minutes left till the fruit leaves his body. Stop thinking so hard and mimic the ability before it respawns god knows where.]

Right, I best do that.

As it happened to Whitebeard, the fruit seems to stay in the body of its user for a while before it reincarnates to the nearest fitting fruit.

This was why Blackbeard was able to siphon it away even after Whitebeard's death.


I picked up the idle head on the ground by the hair and heard a beep.


[The System has detected an ability that meets the condition to being mimicked. Proceed?]



Nodding with a smirk, I click the former choice.


A black wisp exited out of Franz's head and floated in the air.


It seems to not be an object of this realm as it didn't even displace any air as it floated towards me.

I raised my right hand as it was absorbed into my middle finger.

A black substance flowed visibly through my veins as it went through my shoulder and into my heart.



[1 (Mimic Fruit Ability Token) has been deducted.]

[A new skill, {Split}, has been acquired. Congratulations!]


I smirked as I read the notification.

Just like any devil fruit, once you eat it, you gain basic control over it as the information automatically flows into your mind.


[Split] x1



A smoke bomb exploded as a 9'8 tall youth stood before me.


"How intriguing," I said.

"Indeed." He replied.

"How's life?"

"Not bad, you?"

"Rahaha, quite the same as you, or me, I guess."

"Rahaha, so, how's the weather?"


A few minutes of useless chatter ensued.


'Hey, Sibyl, how do I use my {Parallel Thinking}?' I asked.

[Just concentrate your thoughts on your very being. You should feel a link to the clone and feel the path thereon.] She explained.


I closed my eyes shut.

I stabilized my breathing.

I brought my heartbeat down to 1 beat per minute.


'There it is!' I exclaim as I feel a thread connected me to something else., something beyond my body.

I followed the thread as it went on and on.

And... tear!


*Deep Breath*

""Holy shit! It's weird to breathe with 2 sets of lungs!"" Both my bodies said.

""What in the hell? This is WEIRD!""

I looked to the left... my other body did the same, it was really odd.

I could feel 2 hearts beating in unison.


I then close my eyes once more and concentrate, this time I focus on only one end of the thread.


My eyes open as I smile in satisfaction.

'Very good.' I nodded.


I had fully split my conscience and could think from both bodies.

It was odd yet felt natural.

I guess multitasking is no longer a myth for me!


Well, I might as well use this to my advantage.


I had other plans to complete so I left a few tasks for my clone.

I wanted him to work on refining my bones.

It was the added ability from my {Titan Vitality} that allowed me to essentially coat my bones with Armament Haki to the point it turned into eternal black, aka, {Black Bones}.

It took in the same idea as Black Swords like Yoru and Shusui. Once a blade goes through countless battles it will turn wholly black. This would be enough to increase its grade by one level!

If I could apply this to my bones then my defence would explode.


As for how I would harvest the training of my clone, it wasn't a shadow clone that would poof away and allow me to regain the learnings.

That would break the few Laws of Physics that still remain in this world.

I would instead have to re-combine with the clone to get the upgrade once he is finished.

The process of attaining these bones is lengthy so it would certainly take a while, till then, I will be sailing on.


One last thing...

I then sent a stream of solid Pulverizing energy to my eyes and...


2 beams of destruction raged out into the island beyond, bending, twisting, turning in all different angles as cries of pain followed every said turn.

The remaining 600 who had stopped in relief were no broken apart into countless cubes.

'As they say, always finish what you start.'


I then went back to the boat.


{{Alright, take me back to Paradise Sea!}}


[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Do you think the other Rocks Members would just chill during the timeskip...?

Think of One Piece where big things happen even if Luffy wasn't even near them.


Random Trivia:

Would you rather be in the Roger Pirates or in the Whitebeard Pirates?

Thanks for Reading!

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