One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 3 Impact And Thunder

Chapter 3 Impact And Thunder

Just like one should never believe in Fantasies, one should also not blindly believe in their own eyes.

There is less than a second between the old man’s first sound and the impact dial. But it was the interval of less than a second that gave Rowen enough time to make small moves.

He exerted force on his toes and pushed himself a little harder towards the tribute stand, and his strength burst out. He was already floating centimeters above the ground and his feet were not stressed, but due to the unsatisfactory acceleration, it cannot be seen from the side.

When the shock hit him, his palm was actually in front of Rumble-Rumble Fruit. Later, the displacement caused by the impact caused him to fly out a little and he slapped towards thee Rumble-Rumble Fruit. With the help of the violent airflow, the ribbons in the temple were surging and flying and the old man did not find his movements.

Then Rowen grabbed the Rumble-Rumble Fruit in his arms and curled his forehead and knees to support his body. In addition to being unable to move because of the pain, it was also to protect the vulnerable Rumble-Rumble Fruit.

After all, Devil Fruit would not rot before someone ate them, but it is just like any ordinary fruit. A slightly larger impact can crush it and it will lose its effectiveness.

However, this is the past …

“Oh! This taste like shit… I will remember it forever …”

Zī Zī Zī Zī … Crack!

The suddenly rising sense of crisis behind him shocked the old man and he quickly turned around. The attack that he was expecting did not appear. He saw Rowen’s figure standing up and he noticed his shaking body, it seems that he was seriously injured.

But at the same time, blue electric current circulated around his body, making a crisp sound of “Pī Li Pā Lā”. The invisible aura burst out and assaulted the old man’s senses and the numbness that he felt on his face made his expression very grave. The ribbons in the entire Temple were swinging wildly without any air, violating physical rules, and ignoring the gravity, they began to flutter in Rowen’s direction. They were like worshippers who have met their faith and want to see their faith’s face.

Feeling the surging power of thunder in his body, made Rowen feel completly new.

“Is this the power of a Devil Fruit? It’s really is … unique!”

Zī Zī Zī Zī!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The current flashed and crackled between his thumb of the index finger with his thoughts. Even if it was only a simple trivial thunderbolt, Rowen smiled as he smelled the smell.

That is the smell of oxygen in the air getting decomposed by the electric current, and the smell of ozone is getting emitted.

“I don’t know how this power will affect people…”

During this period, Rowen raised his head and his eyes flashed with cold and ruthlessness as he confronted the old man.

“No … impossible!!!”

“Do you know what you did?!”

At this moment, the old man’s expression was filled with madness and he no longer has the calm expressions on his face.

As a member of the Guardians that have been keeping this a secret of all these generations, Rowen’s actions today will turn their efforts of generations into smoke, and it will also negate the necessity for his existence!

The more ancient something is, the more conservative it gets and the more determined people become to protect it.

But when this Will or determination collapses, it will also bring a complete collapse of spirit!

“What did I do? It’s none of my business…”

Turning a blind eye to the old man’s expression, Rowen leaned his head and a hint of playfulness appeared on the corner of his mouth … and it was filled with bloodthirstiness.

The killing intent in his heart is quite heavy!

There are moral laws and weapons that can be confined on the earth, but what about this world…

“Why don’t you tell me?”


Seeing this scene, the old man raised his hand and pointed the Impact Dial towards Rowen. His appearance became menacing as growled: “Die you asshole!!!”


The intangible energy is entwined in the shell of the old man’s hand, and the terrifying fluctuation appeared. The impact force stored in the Impact Dial can be fired out multiple times, giving the user ability to attack several times. Of course, this also reduced its backlash compared to the legendary Reject Dial.

Previously, the old man had only used a little power against Rowen, but at this time, he attacked in full force!

Kaka …

Dense cracks appeared on the shell due to the strong cohesion and the air Buzzed! After this use, this shell would be scrapped. But the Old Man thought that it would be wrt it if Rowen could be killed. When the shock gathered to the extreme, the old man pushed his palm and pressed the switch.

“Impact Dial, Max! Launch!!”

The air seemed to freeze here for a second and in the next moment …

Bang ————!!!

A terrifying impact burst out, forming an air column as thick as a few meters wide in a straight line, the debris around this column disappeared instantly, and the area became empty in the blink of an eye! The hard wall could not even block the impact for one second and they were instantly penetrated the air column and a big hole appeared on it!

Outside the shrine, the Sky Island soldiers who had not dispersed were suddenly startled by the loud noise. Then they became shocked when they heard a loud noise!

When they turned around, they saw that the Temple’s wall had suddenly exploded, and the rolled smoke covered the sky!

“This is … Impact Dial?!”

“What is Lord Officer doing? Why use this kind of thing in Temple?!”

This Temple is sacred and the rest of people are usually not allowed to enter it, let alone carry weapons like Impact Dial! As a Blue Sea Dweller, Rowen cannot have the controlled weapons that Birka strictly guards, so only God’s Officer could have used the Impact Dial in the Temple!

At this moment, something caught their attention.

“Team … Commander, look at that!”

The Commander turned around he suddenly became stunned, he sat down softly with his hands and feet and spoke: “Then … that was also the Impact Dial?!”

He saw clouds in the distance, and a cylindrical passage that stretched for hundreds of meters penetrating the clouds and appearing in the sky, the passage was clearly visible. Wherever the wave passed by, all the smoke disappeared and was smashed into powder, forming an empty passage!


This group of people sucked their breaths as they looked in the distance in horror, they were unable to speak for a long time. Such a powerful impact is an incredible thing even to them.

After some time, someone hesitated and said: “Under this attack, the Blue Sea-Dweller … he should have died, right?”

That’s right!

God’s Officer must have been attacking the Blue Sea criminal. The terrifying impact of Legend’s Reject Dial is not weak at all. The Blue Sea-Dweller must be crushed under the impact!

Suddenly, they looked back at the Temple and wanted to know the result.

Only to find……

Zī Zī Zī Zī … Zī Zī Zī Zī …!

After the smoke cleared, a crisp current sounded, loomingly reflecting a Humanoid figure.



With an earth-shattering scream, the remaining smoke was scattered in the air and the surging electric current began to pour like Rainstorm, falling from the sky!

“This is … thunder?”

“To … in the end … what happened?”

The soldiers’ breathing became harder as they stared at the darkened sky with horror.

The Thunder that fell from the sky did not cover a large area, but only shrouded the shrine. Enel was fleeing in front of the soldier with his bloody ears but the soldiers who used to shout and threaten to kill him at the shrine in the past no longer care about him.

They all stared at the Temple covered in thunder and lost their speaking skills… The dark sky, the strange thunder, and the screams of God’s Officer, it was like the end of the world and the scene was frightening.

“God … God must be angry!”

“Run! Thunder God is angry!”

Suddenly they woke up and the soldiers were terrified. Birka has been venerating Thunder God for generations. This scene is exactly the same as God’s Officer described as Thunder God’s anger!


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