One True God

Chapter 18: Trash

Chapter 18: Trash

While the guards were on their way to perform their tasks, Lucifer and the mysterious guy who saved him were walking into an alleyway.

As the event of the guards stopping them was in the middle of the street, they had to walk quite long.

Of course, that didn't matter to these guys as they just continued walking.

And when the mysterious guy finally checked the area for other people, he moved his head.

He didn't want to be seen by others with this guy he saved because that would just lead to rumors.

And when he confirmed that there was no one else, he unwrapped his arm around Lucifer's neck and walked forward.

He then spoke as he turned around to look at Lucifer.

"Hey! You were in a tough spot there, weren't you?"

The mysterious guy said as he smiled and then he pointed at himself with his thumb.

"I'm Kai! Why didn't you move when you know that the princess is coming?"

"Oh, is it because you really are new here?"


Kai laughed at his own joke, but he didn't stop speaking.

He continued as if he didn't even mind that Lucifer wasn't reacting to him at all.

Well, Lucifer didn't really react to the guard nor to this man who saved him.

"Don't worry about what I did there, don't worry!"

"It's my job to save others, and it is what I think that one should do in a situation like that."

"After all, those guards just kill whenever they want when it is related to the princess."

"They're quite aggressive, don't you think?"

Kai said without even missing a single beat in his words.

It seems Kai was just outgoing and an extrovert that wouldn't shy away from strangers like Lucifer.

However, things became awkward since Lucifer wasn't speaking at all.

He didn't even move his head nor did he react to whatever did Kai said.

And that caused Kai to feel...uncomfortable.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'Is he shy?' Kai thought as he tried to make this situation reason out.

However, he soon shook his head when he remembered the reason why he saved Lucifer in that troublesome situation.

He remembered why he even said a lie to the guard that could possibly make him eligible for capital punishment.

And that was to recruit this stranger into his First Academy.

"Hey, if you're new to this, how about going to First Academy?"

"Although it has bad images in the demon society, it's one of the best!"

"I can assure you that, brother!"

Right, the other reason why Kai saved Lucifer in that troublesome situation was to make him join the First Academy.

After all, First Academy was close to shutting down due to not having enough students.

There were no demons who wanted to enroll at First Academy.

First Academy had all the bad images and rumors going around it that it is called trash.

Well, demons who could afford to go to other academies considers it as trash, after all.

However, Kai was loyal to the First Academy, which is why he was trying hard to make it float.

It was then that Lucifer finally moved. He looked up to look at Kai.

And due to this, Kai spoke once more with a smile on his face.

After all, this would be the first time that Lucifer reacted to him.

'Is he interested?' Kai thought.

"Hey, don't worry, I'll talk to the princip-" Kai said.

However, he couldn't finish his sentence as the next thing that came out of his mouth was blood.



His blood splattered to the ground, and without him noticing it, Lucifer's hand was pierced into his stomach.

Kai widened his eyes when he saw that.

After all, he didn't even say nor did he even feel anything!

No, why did Lucifer even do something like this?

"W-why..." He asked.

However, he also churned up his mana to try and save himself from this.

Although it was a critical wound, Kai would be able to live if he were to move fast.


'I-I can't do...anything?!' Kai thought as he couldn't use his mana or do anything at all.

It was as if he were bound to this place forever!

It was then that Lucifer finally spoke while having his arm stuck in Kai's stomach.

"Kai...was it?" Lucifer then looked at Kai straight in the eyes.

And that act made Kai terrified.

Why? It was because, in those black eyes of Lucifer, Kai could see it.

Kai could see the abyss that doesn't have any end! Lucifer's eyes were so black that Kai thought that he was being sucked in!

And when Kai forced himself to look at somewhere else, his eyes landed on Lucifer's lips.

And those lips slowly as if Lucifer intended to make his words resound out in Kai's brain for eternity.

"How dare you touch me like that."

"Kuha!" Kai blurted out some more blood out from his mouth, and even the blood coming from his wound was pooling in the ground.

It was then that Lucifer finally pulled back his hand out from Kai's stomach.

And in his hand was a heart. It was weird if you think about how his hand was in his stomach, but well.

It was Lucifer who did that, and nothing is impossible for him.

At least, getting Kai's heart from his stomach is as easy as killing him.

"Piece of trash. Trash like you don't have the right to touch me!"

Lucifer then squeezed the heart in his hand, and it popped!

However, it was not only the heart that popped but also Kai himself!

And just like that, Kai died, for the reason of touching Lucifer.

"Fuck. This piece of trash made me so angry that I forgot about things."

"Anyway, First Academy, huh."

"I guess this trash has its own use."

Lucifer said as he cleaned up this mess just by snapping his fingers.

He then walked away after calming himself down.

"I guess I'll start by making that academy the most famous in this kingdom."

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