One True God

Chapter 25: Start the exam!

Chapter 25: Start the exam!

'This fucking piece of shit...' Lucifer thought as his eyes turned sharp.

After all, he was having trouble with picking an academy to attend for this new start of his.

Although Lucifer did come here in order to regain his powers back and buy time for himself, Lucifer also plans to start his journey here.

He planned to start the journey to become the One True God in here.

And he needed a good environment to be able to write a book.

After all, Lucifer didn't know how to write a book. It's not like he has that knowledge now that he read millions of books.

That was why this choice was crucial and fatal for the start of his book.

Will it be the Royal Academy or the First Academy?

Either way, Lucifer planned to start by entering one academy.

"Huuu." Lucifer hummed as he tried to calm himself.

It would be just unreasonable of him to kill this person now.

After all, there are many eyes, and he would be seen killing Asgo.

As strong as he is, Lucifer didn't want to blow away any covers now.

"I'm still not sure about which academy I would go to. How about you?" Lucifer said as he just looked at Asgo calmly.

And when he heard what Lucifer said, Asgo spoke quickly.

"Of course! I'm aiming for Royal Academy! Just the benefits of joining the Royal Academy will set you apart from those trashes who would join the lower class academies!"

Lucifer's eyebrows unnaturally wriggled as he heard the word benefits.

'Hmm. That would be a factor to take in as well.' Lucifer thought.

However, Lucifer was no longer planning to think things through right now.

He could just do that later when he knows more things about this whole entrance exam.

He would have more time to decide as well.

Besides, Lucifer could feel something growing in the tower that could be located in the center of this room.

It isn't the time to think or talk about something like this.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


And when Lucifer moved his eyes towards the tower, he could see the light growing out of nowhere.

That light was so blinding that it caught the attention of all of the people in here.

Of course, even Asgo who was right by the side of Lucifer.

"Ah! It's starting." Asgo said as he covered his eyes with his right hand.

After all, the light was too blinding. However, Asgo couldn't care about that as he smiled.

It was the start of the entrance exam that he dreamed of, and it would be the start of the day when he would change his life.

That was why he said with a wide smile on his face.

"It's the start of the entrance exam!!!"

And, of course, Lucifer could hear Asgo scream even if he didn't want to hear it.

Lucifer then squinted his eyes as he tried to see through the light better.

However, even Lucifer couldn't see what was behind the light. It was strange if you think about how he was a Hell God.

Well, it couldn't be helped. Lucifer was too weak right now, and all of his powers were affected.

Even then, Lucifer thought that whoever made that light was strong.

'There's no way they could hide even from my naked eye if they are not strong, anyway.' Lucifer thought.

And as he kept looking at the light, Lucifer soon witnessed a change.

Of course, that change was the light becoming smaller and weaker.

It didn't take long for the light to go out, and something replaced the light.

And what replaced the light was...

"The examiner!" Asgo said as he started walking towards the center of the room.

He then looked back towards Lucifer and shouted, "Let's go!"

It was the start of the exam.


"Gather!" The examiner shouted out loud as he looked down on the participants.

All of the participants were right in front of the tower now, and the examiner was just checking if there were anyone missing.

And when he confirmed that all were here, he shouted once more.

"We will begin the entrance exam now!"

"However, before we do begin the entrance exam, we will have you go through a little test!"

"This is the so-called cutting off the weed!"

And when the participants heard that, they all murmured amongst themselves.

"Will this be hard...?"

"I heard this would be a test on the Demonic Origins, but I'm not sure..."

There were many voices resounding out in this room right now, and even Lucifer's is not an exception.

After all, Lucifer asked Asgo about this little test that the examiner was talking about.

"What is he talking about? I never heard about this." Lucifer said.

He acted as if he knew something about the test from the beginning, but well.

Lucifer had to act like he did as he came here for the entrance exam, after all.

"Ah, the entrance exam is basically made for the Royal Academy."

"However, there are other academies participating."

"So, this is the process where they sort and filter out the students."

Asgo said as he looked at Lucifer. He then continued as he pointed at Lucifer.

"If you pass through the minimum requirement of the Royal Academy, you will take the Royal Academy exam."

"However, if you do not pass the requirement, you would take the other academies' exam."

And when Asgo finished saying all that, Lucifer began to speak.

After all, he didn't even know what the exam was about.

"What are they testing for in this exam?"

Of course, Asgo answered Lucifer without batting an eye.

"They'll be testing your Demonic Origin."

And when Lucifer heard that, his eyes widened a little bit.

After all, it has been a while since he heard that term.

'Demonic Origin, huh.' Lucifer thought.

However, his thoughts ended there as the examiner shouted once more.

"We will now begin the little test, the test where we would determine your worth!"

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