One True God

Chapter 40: Old man

Chapter 40: Old man

Lucifer and Asgo were able to enter the room by opening the door.

They didn't have any hesitations, and it seems like they didn't give a fuck even though they were late.

Well, the examiner of the First Academy would probably know why they were late.

Lucifer thought that they would be pardoned for being late as it was not his fault.

It was the princess' fault for having Lucifer held up back then.

However, it seems Lucifer was wrong in this one as he heard a voice resound out in his ears as soon as he entered the room.


"Late! Late! Late! Late!"

"You bastards are LATE!!!"

And when Lucifer heard the voice that just screamed, he quickly turned his head here and there to look for the source.

After all, someone just dared to shout at Lucifer!

Well, Lucifer was not mad or angry about it as he knew that he had to control his anger.

However, Lucifer wanted to see the face of the bastard who shouted out loud.

After all, it was obvious that the voice was talking about Lucifer and Asgo, who just entered this place.

Anyway, Lucifer was able to find the one who shouted out loud.

The one who shouted was an old man who was dressed in some...dirty shirt and pants, an outfit unbecoming of a teacher.

The old man was also walking towards Lucifer and Asgo with great strides.

It seems that the old man was hurrying, and it seems that he also wasn't done shouting out loud as Lucifer saw the old man's mouth move.

"What the hell are you bastards doing to be so late in this exam!?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I know we have the worst reputation among all the academies in the kingdom, but this is not how students should act while taking the entrance exam!!"

It seems that the old man was really angry about Lucifer and Asgo being late.

He was so passionate while he was speaking that he was spitting all over the place.

Lucifer was glad that the old man was still far away from them, or else the spit would have landed on him.

And if that spit landed on him, there's only one outcome for the old man.

And that would be death.

There's no way that Lucifer would just let someone spit on him, whether it be a child or an old man.

Anyway, when Lucifer found the old man who was still walking towards them, he quickly turned his head a little bit to ask Asgo.

He spoke with a whisper, seemingly not wanting to have the old man hear him.

"Who is that?" Lucifer said.

Of course, Asgo was able to hear what Lucifer said as Asgo was paying attention only to Lucifer.

He didn't pay any attention to the old man who was shouting at all.

There was only one reason, and it was because of the fear.

After all, Asgo was really scared of Lucifer so much that he would rather avoid having him angry.

And that was why Asgo spoke right after Lucifer asked him.

"The old man who is walking towards us is a professor in the First Academy."

"He is also notorious for being harsh on the students."

"As most of the students right now are practically...weak and trash, they are all sorted down to the First Academy, which is a trash academy as well."

Asgo said as he tried to explain things to Lucifer. Of course, Lucifer already understood these things.

'So, First Academy and the other trash academies have more students than the better academies...' Lucifer thought as he whipped his head back in front.

It was only natural that the worst school would have the worse students, and the best school would have the best students.

And since worse students were more common than the best students, it was only natural that they would be packed with students.

Anyway, now that Lucifer knew who this old man was, it was now time to...act normal.

Right, it was now time for him to act normal.

After all, he already established the image of being a friendly guy when he was talking with the princess. If he suddenly became a quiet child, it would be easy to guess that he would be suspected soon enough.

It was then that Lucifer spoke as he forced himself to smile a little bit.

"Ah, haven't you heard of what happened? The princess prevented me from going here, and I had to talk with her."

Lucifer said as he tried to explain as politely as he could.

And it was then that the old man was finally able to reach Lucifer and Asgo.

He stopped right in front of them, and it was then that the old man did something really unusual.

No, for Lucifer who's instincts were so advanced, it was something unusual.

Why? It was because the old man raised his right hand while it was in a chopping form.

What's more, Lucifer could feel that the hand was filled with bloodlust!

It was filled with the intention to harm! No, it was not only the hand, but the old man's whole body was filled with bloodlust!

What's more, the target of that bloodlust was Lucifer!

Of course, everything seems so slow for Lucifer that he was able to notice that in just a matter of a second.

That was why it was only natural to think that Lucifer would defend himself and kill the old man for even thinking that he could touch him.

Right, Lucifer was just that kind of a demon.

However...that didn't happen.

What happened was...

"You bastards are late no matter what your reasons are!!!" The old man shouted out loud as his hands moved like a snake!

And it was with those hands that he struck Lucifer!

Right, the old man struck Lucifer in the shoulder, causing the ground beneath them to suddenly give in to the pressure!

And before anyone knew it, Lucifer...had his lower body eaten by the ground as his upper body was out above ground.

And Lucifer was...knocked out unconscious.

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