Online In Another World

Chapter 179 Peaceful Stroll

Roan wasn’t much of a fan for driving a carriage, especially when having to navigate through the populated city, so the carriage was left in the care of a company of drivers for the time being.

“Nngh…agh,” Emilio sighed out while stretching his limbs.

It was always a great feeling to be back on his feet after having to sit in a carriage for hours on end, especially now being surrounded by a swathe of alluring aromas of Indasia’s enticing restaurants.

“We’re going to hunker down for a couple days–kids needs some rest, I bet, and I need to stock up on a few things,” Roan said, speaking to the knight, “I take it this is where we part ways, Miss Knight?”

Aife looked at the red-haired man for a moment, glancing at Melisande before smiling, “Well, I am not urgently needed. For the time being, how about I repay your kindness by taking you all out for a meal at one of Indasia’s greatest establishments?”

All of them shared the same thought process as the past few days had been filled with less-than-savory meals, so the offer was like music to Roan’s ears as he was thinking with his stomach.

“Say less,” Roan playfully said.

Aife led the way through Indasia, which seemed almost impossible to navigate with just how populated it was and how intricate the layout of the city was, with multiple layers that went up above the ground level.

There were people dressed differently than in Milligarde; wearing colorful robes that looked silken, with multiple layers compared to the light attire those in his homeland wore. Though he came to his own assumption as to why there was a difference in attire between the two sibling countries: Vasmoria was noticeably more brisk in weather than Milligarde; the air was somewhat humid, but it remained cool.

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“It’s been awhile since I’ve actually stopped in Indasia,” Roan remarked, “This city is always so lively, it makes me want to have a beer!”

Aife laughed, “I don’t see the correlation there, but if that’s how you choose to celebrate, I can respect that. It’s a lively city indeed, though. Some say it is the ‘City That Never Sleeps’–I think that is an apt nickname.”

Emilio didn’t have much to say as he was engrossed in the new cityscape, looking around as he saw multiple stores that seemed to sell grimoires, catalysts, and such like common household necessities.

It took every ounce of his willpower not to run off from the group and explore the magical products of Vasmoria, though fortunately, it seemed they reached their destination as the blonde-haired knight came to a stop.

“This is it,” Aife said, looking up towards the establishment’s sign, “–‘Helfaffle’s Diner’.”

There was an alluring aroma that smelled like seasoned pork that greeted the group, which prompted Roan to walk in first while chuckling to himself.

“I wonder if they gave booze…” Roan muttered with a smile.

Even in the face of the enticing restaurant, Emilio found himself gawking at the droves of students from mage academies, finding himself missing his tutor while also impatient to explore such an avenue of life for himself.

Looking at Emilio, Melisande lightly tugged his sleeve, “C’mon, let’s try it out.”

“Y-yeah,” he nodded, having been distracted by the sights of the city.

Following the adults inside, Melisande and Emilio entered the premises of the diner as the brisk temperature changed to a steamy heat as the sight of the chef preparing dishes on a flame-stoked pan was seen from the very moment they walked through the front door.

“Welcome, welcome! Take a seat, anywhere you’d like!”

The chef dressed in verdant robes with his sleeves rolled up to reveal hairy arms was not what he expected: the jovial, tubby man was quite short in stature–more than was normal. By his long, bristly beard and hair that matched in length, it was clear to Emilio what the chef was:

A dwarf! Emilio realized.

As they seated themselves at a table, they waited patiently, though with growling stomachs that were teased by the saliva-inducing scents exuding from the chef’s corner, who prepared seasoned dishes like an art.

What was served was fulfilling, hearty dishes that combated all of the impromptu dishes he’d been eating on the road. Apparently a signature style of dwarven dishes was the incredibly fat pieces of meat used as well as savory, thick gravy that added a sublime texture and flavor.

A meal like this almost makes it all worth it…He thought jokingly.

“I take it that you like it?!” Standing by the table, the bristly-bearded dwarf asked with a voice that definitely couldn’t be considered an ‘inside voice’.

Of course, there was only resounding praise for the greasy, yet meticulously made dish as they all nodded their heads, mostly trying to cope with how full their stomachs were.

“Delicious as always, Mr. Helfaffle,” Aife said, elegantly patting the sauce from her cheek with a napkin.

Roan tapped his stomach without any grace of his own, leaning back as he burped out with a sigh of relief following that drew a disgusted look from the knight seated beside him.

“Hoh! I take that sort of stance as a compliment, Sir Adventurer!” Helfaffle laughed boisterously as Roan leaned back.

“I’ll sing the praises of the dwarf in Indasia who whips up the best damn dish around,” Roan said with his eyes closed.

“Urgh…” Melisande leaned her head down on the table, “So full…”

After such a meal that could cover an entire week’s necessity for energy, which Aife insisted on paying for, and that Roan didn’t even attempt to decline, the group headed out as the bright blue sky began to dim with the arrival of dusk looming overhead.

Aife looked up with a smile before turning to face the others, “…Well, I suppose this is where we part ways.”

Though Melisande was visibly sleepy from what Emilio dubbed a ‘food coma’, the silver-haired girl seemed displeased of Aife’s departure, but understanding.

The city had grown noticeably more quiet, though it was still flourishing with people as the cobblestone streets of the restaurant-focused sector of the city were mostly filled with tourists and adventurers.

“Yeah, guess so,” Roan responded with a smile, patting his hand against the top of Melisande’s head, “Thanks for the grub.”

The knight slowly shook her head as her silken, gold ponytail gently swayed, “The gratitude is mine, Sir Roan. You graciously welcomed me onto your carriage and fed me. For that, I will always be in your debt, and an ally.”

Placing her hand over her heart, Aife held a soft smile as she looked at the three with an unmatched smile of kindness. There was no doubt that she was the person she acted as and her words represented; a rare feat in this world.

She’s so serious–that’s a knight for you. It’s odd finding somebody so…earnest, Emilio thought, but…it’s nice.

“Will I be able to see you again–?” Melisande asked, looking up at the knight.

Aife stroked the girl’s hair for a moment, “Undoubtedly. That I am sure of, Melisande. The same goes for you, Emilio. With the certainty that you will both become adventurers, there will no doubt be a time in which our paths cross again, as one day the stars will deem it.”

Those reassuring words were enough for a smile to stretch across Melisande’s lips, and Emilio’s in subsequence before the knight, at last, took her leave.

After a minute of standing there to see the kind knight off, the two looked to Roan, who scratched his chin, looking around.

“Alright…It’s about time we checked in,” Roan said, “I think we can all agree some sleep is needed after a meal like that.”

“Yeah,” Melisande nodded.

“Agreed,” Emilio added.

While they strolled through the calm, brisk city that soon became looked over by a gentle night sky and unveiled stars, sparkling far above, though seeming to neighbor the colossal structures of the advanced city, Roan constantly chit-chatted and waved to passing adventurers.

“Hey, Red Hair!” A grizzly man with an eyepatch called out with a smile.

“Didn’t know ya were in town, Red Hair!” A frizzy-haired demi-human woman waved, hopping up as her cat ears and tail bounced.

The sight of a demi-human girl, specifically a ‘cat girl’, for Emilio was a neuron-activating sight as he had kept himself calm, clenching his fist.

Patience, Emilio, he told himself, soon enough, you will find a cat girl brothel…!

Roan simply waved leisurely as he always tended to be lackadaisical, in contrast to Emilio’s perception of him in crisis situations, which Roan was as reliable as could be. Compared to that, the red-haired man he walked alongside seemed like a totally different person, but much more approachable.

After briefly greeting the adventurers that all seemed to revere him, Roan glanced over at the blonde-haired young man, seeing a small smile on his face as he chatted with the silver-haired girl beside him.

I’m glad you can get your minds off things for a bit, kid, Roan thought, I know I said all that before, but Vandread didn’t stick you with an easy burden. I just hope you can accept it sooner rather than later–he was a good man, but he was encumbered by the past.

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