Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 557: Li Mazi Got Hurt

Chapter 557: Li Mazi Got Hurt

The white shadow got up. His strange eyes looked at me. I didnt have time to hide. After maintaining eye contact with me for a short time, he turned and was about to leave. 

As he was leaving, Orange stopped weeping. Her beautiful face reddened with anger. She crazily shouted at the white shadow. You left me behind one thousand years ago. Do you want to do that again?! 

The shadow didnt say anything. He didnt even stop walking. Oranges beautiful face twisted. Her eyes turned red. It looked as though she could cry out blood. Her body began to exude a black mist. 

Muahahaha! Orange suddenly released a burst of ear-splitting laughter. I was startled.

Isnt this the voice Li Mazi spoke in yesterday when we were in the car? Li Yu didnt possess him. The female ghost did! 

Then, the ghost controlled Orange and slowly moved to the window. With a hostile face, she screamed, You wont have a decent death! All of you! No one will have a decent death!

After thundering, she jumped through the window. I was so scared that I didnt have time to worry about them recognizing me. I rolled and got out from behind the bed like a carp. Immediately, I lashed the Sirius Whip at Orange. 

Following a shriek, a woman dressed in a gold color floated from Oranges body. Orange fell to the ground, while the ghost flew aside. Her blood-red eyes gazed at me. She clenched her jaw and ground her teeth as though she wanted to tear me into pieces. 

I hurried to place Orange on the bed. I anxiously studied the two ghosts. There was no need to mention how restless I was. Both wormwood powder and Sirius Whip couldnt scare them away. I didnt have the confidence that I could defeat them. 

Li Yu didnt look at me. He stooped and looked at the ghost I had hit. His face grimaced and he looked reluctant. I had watched a lot of drama series about Li Yu on TV. The actors who played him also wore such tender and fond expressions while also looking hesitant and reluctant. 

When the female ghost saw that Li Yu was looking at her, the red hue in her eyes faded a little. Her furious face turned tender. 

I was shocked and watched the new development of this ghostly drama. I thought they had finally reached the romantic moment after a dramatic climax. But right at that moment, someone screamed in pain in the next room. 

Feeling worried, I rushed out of the room. After a few steps, I turned and found that both Li Yu and the woman were gone. 

Before I could open the door of the next room, someone fell into my chest. I turned on the light and found it was Shen Haoran. His face was as pale as a sheet of white paper. He didnt say anything and looked blankly as if he had lost his soul. However, I was more worried about Li Mazi. I pushed him aside and went to the patient ward next door. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Six people were surrounding Li Mazi with panicked faces. Li Mazi was holding a fruit knife in his hand.

When I came in, the other six heaved a sigh of relief. They remained cautious as they watched Li Mazi. I turned to check him, and I was immediately frightened by what I saw. 

His shirt was open. His bulging veins were twitching, just as if something was swimming back and forth beneath his skin. His face was twisted, and the knife in his hand was dripping blood. There were so many bleeding cuts on his belly. It seemed he had cut himself. 

Why didnt you guys stop him?! I couldnt help but scold the other people in the room. Then, I snatched the knife from Li Mazis hand. Before he could react, I hit his temple to knock him out. 

There were six people in this room, but they had just watched Li Mazi hurt himself. If I had started fighting with the other two spirits in the other room, Li Mazi would have been in grave danger. 

The more I thought about it, the angrier I became. I couldnt control my emotions. Li Mazis sudden groan snapped me out of it. I pulled myself together. Li Mazi was still in danger. 

I hurried to help him lie down. I burned the fruit knife with a lighter for a while to disinfect it. Then, I made a small cut on his belly. Afterward, I burned and melted an evil expelling talisman to make charm water to feed to Li Mazi. 

Then, I put my index finger and middle finger together and pressed by the cut on Li Mazis belly. Frighteningly, black worms came out from the cut. As soon as they made contact with the air, they died. 

After forcing the worms out, I treated his wounds then called the doctor. The doctor was a man with good senses. He didnt ask any questions and just gave Li Mazi an injection then wrapped up his hurt belly. 

Li Mazi, who was always lively and hopped around, was now in bed with a pale face. He was flinching and looking as though he was in great pain. I really wanted to reprimand those people who had just watched him hurt himself. 

Shen Haoran came into the room. He was looking better. However, he didnt dare to say anything when he saw that I had a dark face. Since he had kept his mouth shut, I had to ask him first. What happened?

He hesitated for a long time before telling me what had happened. 

It turned out they were scared, so they didnt turn off the light. The team took shifts to rest. Nothing happened for quite a long time. When it was Li Mazis turn to watch, he suddenly tore his shirt, his face grimacing in pain. He woke everybody up, so they wanted to check if he was okay. 

However, they then saw a womans face hover above Li Mazis shoulder. She opened her big mouth, and her blood-red eyes gazed at people, which scared the souls out of them. 

Then, something started to move under the skin of his belly. Li Mazi was in great pain, but he couldnt make a sound. Before they could do anything, Li Mazi abruptly grabbed the fruit knife on the table and stabbed himself. 

Oranges mother was so scared that she shrieked. As Shen Haoran was worried that Li Mazi would harm himself, he ignored his fears. Holding the talisman, he shakily ran to the next room to get me. 

After listening to him, my face turned even darker. I lifted Li Mazis shirt to his shoulders. Indeed, there were two black handprints on his shoulders. It seemed the female ghost had pressed on his shoulder. 

It was no wonder why the female ghost didnt move when I hit her earlier. I didnt pay attention, but she had taken the time to come here to hurt Li Mazi! 

Although I was displeased that Shen Haorans friends didnt even try to help Li Mazi, I knew they were just ordinary people. It was understandable that the ghost would scare the crap out of them. With a dark face, I told them, Nothing will happen later tonight. You can rest now. Then, I returned to Oranges room. 

After the incident, Orange still hadnt woken up. Her breaths were gradual, but the talisman on her body had turned into ashes. 

The female ghost was intimidating beyond my estimation. I took a deep breath and thought that I would have to study her tomorrow. Otherwise, I wasnt sure if Li Mazi and I could come back this time 

It was after midnight, and I slept as soon as I touched the bed. 

The white face kept showing up in my discontinued dreams. Finally, I saw its appearance clearly. It seemed Li Yu didnt mean harm to me. I saw him smile at me. The imperial aura on him was outstanding. 

He was walking around and holding an elegant fan. I followed him as I wanted to see what he wanted to do. The meandering path led to a garden where a young woman was dancing beautifully. However, I didnt see the womans face. I felt she must be a beautiful woman. 

Li Yu stood aside and smiled. He looked at the young woman dancing. His face was full of affection and pain. 

I didnt know what he meant by this. Why did he want to show me this scene? 

The young woman danced faster and faster. When she spun around, I could only see her swirling, big sleeves. She looked like she was floating. Suddenly, her movements halted as if someone had interrupted her. She landed hard while spinning. She fell and spurted blood, her blood slowly seeping into the ground. 

No, Im not willing! The woman suddenly lifted her head and shouted at us. The dream went dead silent. I woke up with head-splitting pain. Many people were surrounding my bed, except for Li Mazi and Orange who hadnt woken up yet. Looking at them, I knew I had just done something weird. 

Shen Haoran worriedly looked at me. Youve been screaming Ehuang something.

I understood something quickly. Ehuang, Ehuang... Was that Zhou Ehuang? 

Zhou Ehuang was Queen Zhou, Li Yus first wife. She was famous for her dance that could mesmerize people. Recalling the dance I had seen in my dream, I knew it must be her. It was no wonder she said that Li Yu had betrayed her a thousand years ago.

No matter how gentle a woman was, she would never stand that her husband was having an affair with her sister while she was seriously ill! It seemed the female ghost was Zhou Ehuang. But what was the role of Li Yu, who had walked out of the painting? 

After recalling that Orange had stroked the scroll of the painting, I somehow got it. The scroll was the otherworldly item where Li Yu dwelled, and Zhou Ehuang just happened to possess Orange!

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