Otome Game no Heroine de Saikyou Survival (LN)

Book 3: Chapter 10

Book 3: Chapter 10

A New Job

Viro Dawn RaceHumanRank

Magic Power30UP Stamina10UP

Overall Combat StrengthWith Body Strengthening156UP

Viro too had his combat strength grew a lot throughout these three years. With his age it should be difficult to experience a rapid growth in status, so I guessed he mainly grew in his sorcery skill.

With this number he should be able to fight even not weakened orc soldier head on. Furthermore he had combat experiences from many years, so I guessed it would be difficult to win against him fair and square with my current strength.

I returned the black knife into the sheath and attached it on my back waist, then I turned toward Galbas and took the finished pendulum blades.

Its magic steel even though said that it would be magic iron. Is the way to clean it the same like before?

Yeah, excellent work arent they? You need to mix in just a bit of granite to turn iron into steel, but in magic irons case you need to mix some powder of magic stone to turn it into magic steel. If someone unskilled do it then its strength will lower even as its hardness increase.

Oi? Whats with you two?

Viro said something like an explanation when I directed my killing intent to him, but he seemed taken aback and looked alternately at Galbas and me.

It was only a joke just now. You tried to sneak up on a scout, so were even right?

GAHAHAHAHAH, Viro boy, you got outwitted by your student-! This is why you always got tricked by woman-

Stop calling me boy already Galbas. Also whyre you mentioning woman here!

Galbas drank alcohol while slapping his knee. Viro looked exhausted and sat down on a nearby bench. Any job that Viro brought would be troublesome thing in the end, but I at least trust him to not sell me out and vice versa.

Besides his relationship with that organization was simply the relationship of client and adventurer. He also wasnt someone who would willingly be hostile to his student.

Viro looked somewhat resentfully at us while frowning before sighing once more.

Even so, Aria. You have changed too much in these three years, and not just in appearance. Whats with that combat strength? A kid shouldnt be that strong you know?

Long time no see. Youve also gotten stronger Viro?

I now looked thirteen or fourteen years old. Now I rarely got treated like a kid although sometimes I was still addressed as a brat. Setting aside the thickness of my body, I had grown to be at least as tall as an adult female.

For some reason Viros face twitched slightly when I let out my honest comment after seeing his combat strength.

Oi, ash covered. That boy retrained himself in sorcery and some other things fearing that he might get overtaken by his student you know? In fact he is about to get overtaken for real though! GAHAHAHAHAH

Im telling you thats not the case.

Viro glared at Galbas before returning his gaze to me.

A lot of things happened even after you vanished. Its true that organization is looking for you, but Sera and her son are also worried for you. Then a while after that there were rumors about someone who got called with exaggerated title like Ash Crowned Princess. Rumors like this person getting into quarrel with the assassin guild and thief guild, or that a branch guild somewhere got destroyed. That kind of crazy rumors kept popping out.

Viro poured Galbass alcohol into a cup without asking and gulped it down.

The underworld seems vast but its also small. There its possible to unexpectedly run into some guy who has been making waves, so its only natural for everyone to be on their guard right? The more someone know about the underworld, the more they will avoid making those two guilds into enemy. Well, I dont know any other brat who will do something absurd like that other than you though.

I see.

Other than me, that black haired girl might also be capable of doing the same thing though.

Anyway, it looked like Viro was practically convinced that I was still alive thanks to the nickname, or rather the notorious name that the thief guild assigned to me.

Viro must be looking for me too, but he said that it was a coincidence that he found me here. He said that he came to this baron territory for an adventurer work and he planned to ask Galbas to create something that he might use for another job.

Was this another job the business that he wanted me to help out with?

Galbas, youll finish with the daggers repair by tomorrow right?

I guess. Ill finish by then even with my work of repairing this boys weapon. And whatre you gonna do about the throwing knives? I got ten of them if you dont mind some thin knives.

Thats fine. Ill come for them tomorrow.

I made that request to Galbas and received the pendulum blades before turning toward Viro.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I have business in the adventurer guild so lets talk outside.


I left Galbass workshop together with Viro. I also stopped by at Victors general store to let him know that I was alive while also buying some secondhand mantel. I also handed him several silver coins to deliver food and alcohol to Galbass place.

Ash coveredif its you, you should be able to buy a mantle that suit a rank 3 rather than rackety thing like that right?

In my case, itll become scrap in half a month at the shortest.

I see

Galbas wouldnt receive any payment for the black dagger too, so I wanted to pay him with things like thisdid Viro also has the same reason for bringing things like material or magic stone to Galbas?

After that we headed toward the adventurer guild. On the way there Viro got interested with the leather bag I was carrying.

Is your business at the adventurer guild related to that sack? You didnt sell it to the general stores old man. Did you take some kind of material gathering quest?

Well, something like that.

As expected the adventurer guild that had been taking a lot of actions in regard to the orcs would be troubled if I didnt hand the orc generals magic stone to them at laest. If it was that receptionist lady, she would surely help me out.

Well, I also planned to show up at the guild, so its nice timing.

What did you do?

I didnt do anything. Rather there is this grave matter currently troubling this territory. The guild want to ask this great me to take command until they can find a party of rank 4 or above. Itll delay my actual job somewhat but, it cant be helped this time.


Was there another problem coming up here? Also the words grave matter reminded me of how I was being targeted, so lets warn Viro just in case.

Ah, also, I think Viro knows already but, you might get dragged into trouble if youre seen with me, but if its you Viro, there wont be any problem wont it?

By that, do you mean that you trust in my skill? Or, it means that you dont care whatll happen to me?

Viro looked toward me with narrowed eyes. I tilted my head a little.


If it was Viro then even if he got dragged into my trouble, he would surely deal with it skillfully. He grimaced. Perhaps he finally remembered that I was being targeted by the underworld.

Well, I also have something to tell you about that. If you help me out, Ill create a situation where itll be difficult for the underworld to try anything with you, though its impossible to make it completely gone. What do you think?

In the end, whats this job about?

Viro stopped walking and looked straight at me. He began to talk with an unusually serious look.

This is also something related to you but, even if I dont manage to contact you, I still plan to do it with one other person. Itll be really close if I do it myself with just one more person, but the success rate will go up if you also join as support. Listen well Aria, the job this time is

Viro told me the detail ambiguously because we were still at the side of a main road. Hearing the content made me to grimace too like him just now.

As I thought, it was a troublesome matter. I secretly sighed because I absolutely couldnt refuse this offer from Viro.


When we arrived at the adventurer guild, the tension inside was even higher than before and there were also a lot of adventurers with uneasy look. I found that receptionist lady at the counter amidst such atmosphere. She also noticed me and stood up while waving her hand.

Aria-san, welcome back. Im glad that you manage to return safelyoh, you. So youre here.

Ive been beside this girl the whole time you know-!?

The smile that the receptionist lady directed at me turned into a frown for an instant. Viro leaned forward and protested.

My apologies. Aria-san is too radiant that her surrounding becomes shadowy.

Arent you being too cold to me!? I had even treated you to dinner.

A good man wont bring up that kind of thing every time.


I thought that she had forgotten him, but it looked like they were getting along really well. Someone with her personality wouldnt even say any complain if she genuinely disliked him.

Anyway, the guild master is waiting for you Viro-san. Ah, in that case I should listen to your report first.

The receptionist lady put on her working face and looked toward me with a serious gaze.

Aria-san, how was the situation at the scene? I will report it to the guild master if you have important information.

Yes. The higher ranked orcs were already gone.


The receptionist ladys business smile froze solid. Viros neck moved like a rusty cogwheel and he stared at me unblinkingly.

Aa, I see. So the serious incident that Viro talked about was the matter of orcs.

For me it was already a finished business so I didnt even really keep it in mind anymore. While I was thinking like that, familiar faces from among the adventurers in the lobby saw me and came running.


Youre safe, thank god.

Those two were the slum orphans Gil and Shuri. No, I guess they were adventurers now. The two of them were rejoicing in my safety while at the same time showing expressions that couldnt fully hide their uneasiness.

A-and, how was the town?

This uncle, is he Arias father? You two dont look similar though.

Like I keep saying, Im still 38

That was older than even my father though.

That town isnt under any threat anymore.


Gil didnt get it and tilted his head. The receptionist lady also broke free from shock by her own power and leaned forward across her counter.

What do you mean by that? Did the orc general go to somewhere else?

I brought this with me. Please confirm it.

I placed the leather sack on top of the counter and a lot of magic stones spilled out from it. Everyones eyes widened seeing the orc generals magic stone that was the size of an adults fist.

Viro hurriedly grasped that magic stone and observed it with a glare.

Ariathis, is orc generals magci stone aint it-!

EEEEEH!? Wait, then, these larger stones are from the higher rank? Orc soldiers!? Other than them there are also fifty stones of the normal orcs!?


Saying yes like that, Aria you

Viro was making an exasperated face but, what else could I say?

Also, it seemed by using Appraisal on the remaining magic power in the magic stone, you could learn where that magic stone came from. So Appraisal could also be used at non-living thingbut, thinking carefully it was called Appraisal, so obviously it was originally used to investigate object rather than human.

The two adults started using Appraisal to the many magic stones. The truth seemed to be too shocking that their voices were getting louder. The other adventurers who listened were starting to make a stir.


Check the truth later. I think a report from the adventurers who are in that town will also come after several days. And, can you buy the magic stones from me?

When I told them that dispassionately, the astounded receptionist lady hurriedly nodded her head.

Y-yes, of course. But, if possible please explain to the guild master

Itll sound unbelievable anyway even if I told the story. Youll learn what happen when the adventurers from that town return, so I wont give any pointless explanation. Then, Ill come for the payment of the magic stones at another day.

Eeeeh!? Youre leaving!?

Aria-!? Wait a second-!

Viro-san, please dont run away-! I wont be able to explain this to the guild master by myself-!

The receptionist lady grabbed Viro who tried to follow after me and detained him.

I wouldnt be believed even if I claimed that I defeated the orcs until the adventurers from the town returned back anyway, so I judged that it would be just a waste of time to stay here.

I pushed off everything to the adults before it became troublesome and turned my back on the confused receptionist lady and Viro who got captured by her. As I started walking like that, several adventurers who were standing in the lobby silently moved out of my way.

I went outside by taking advantage of the chaos like that. Gil and Shuri chased after me only because they didnt really understand the adult circumstance and followed me to the back alley.


Aria? I dont really follow whats going on but

Youre so stupid Nii-chan. Aria had done something with the orcs, isnt that right?

Something like that. There might be still several remaining, but they had ceased being a problem.


I spoke clearly to reassure them. Gils eyes moistened and he moved to grab my hand, but Shuri slapped his hand down and grabbed my hand with both hands.

Ariathank you.

Its fine. More importantly, itll be better if you dont get seen together with me.

YesI hope your problem will also get resolved soon! See you later again, Aria-. Come on Onii-chan, were going.

O-oi, Shuri! Aria, thanks! See you-!

Shuri grabbed Gils hand and dragged him away. The two kept looking back and I too lightly waved my hand back and muttered See you with a small voice.

See you huhI wonder when I would become able to speak normally with them?

Come out.

I called out. Then three young men appeared from the darkness of the alley.

Oi oi, this girl, she noticed us yeah.

I heard the rumor but, shes really a young girl huh.

Really, just why are the seniors saying not to do anything to a little girl like this?

They were young adventurers who were at their late teens or early twenty. All of them were wearing slightly dirty leather armor. They looked like a party or light warrior or scout.

All of them got combat strength around 130rank 2 at the lower end I guess. But, I got an idea of their true identity from their conversation.

Thief Guild huh. The other thief said that they wont antagonize me though?

The thieves grinned condescendingly when I said that.

Oi oi, little girl shouldnt act tough.

That uncle looked strong but, you messed up by going out alone.

The seniors said not to do anything but, if we can catch and drag you back, we wont only get accepted as formal members, we might even get promoted to the leadership in one shot-

I see, they were the thief guilds gruntno, they were just thugs that were even lower than that.

Most likely this senior that they mentioned received order directly from the thief guilds top brass, but it seemed the grunt only received half-hearted explanation.

That was why they didnt understand the danger of going against an order from Thief Guild and the reason why that guild decided to not antagonize me.

You wont get hurt if you come with us quietly yeah.

Throw away your weapon already.

Dont ever think of resisting okay? If you try anything, who know whatll happen to the brats just


A horizontal red line opened on the throat of the man who lifted his face while speaking such thing condescendingly. A lot of blood then spurted out from there before the man collapsed.



I threw the slashing type pendulum at another man who was bewildered and couldnt keep up with the situation. His throat got cut open with that.


The last man got showered by the blood that spurted out like fountain and screamed while turning his back on me. The scythe type pendulum flew and grazed his neck. Then when I pulled on the string to pull it back, the blade sunk deeply into his carotid artery and deeply tore his neck.

So even this kind of thugs were picking a fight with me.

I could just defeat anyone who picked a fight with me. That was what I thought before, and that thought hadnt changed even now but, it wasnt my intention to expose even ordinary people like Gil and Shuri to danger because of that.

If I kept turning the table on all attackers, one day they would think that getting involved me was bad luck and stopped attacking. But that day wasnt now.

Viro promised that he would make a situation where it would be difficult for the assassin guild and thief guild to lay their hand on me if I helped with his job. But even without that I didnt have the option of refusing that job.

It was work for


Assassinating the traitor, Grave

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