Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 116: EP17: Soul-devouring monster.

Chapter 116: EP17: Soul-devouring monster.

The darkish-wave was made out of all information related to Doom Cloud. Once it drowned him within, he obtained ten packed episodes. 

Feng opened the first episode. He saw many well-defined picture. Various well-defined picture of the infamy comic Doom Cloud began to glimpse in Feng's eye.

'Holy shit, Doom Cloud aren't mere clouds colored black but soul blockers. No wonder why those clouds felt ominous for even me,' Feng drowned inside the darkish waves was enlightened about some parts of the conspiracy embroidering this world.

[Episode 1: Doom clouds]:: He found out that the Doom clouds that have materialized all around Earth atmosphere after the apocalypse began hides an enormous secret.

These clouds were obstructing the soul of death from passing on to the netherworld I.e the Death realm.

The netherworld and the Death realm are one and the same, place where souls of mortals go towards after their physical body dies.

The term Death realm is used to refer to the netherworld located in the universe of Eastern Immortals Western Gods star clusters. The Death True God changed the name of the nether world to the Death realm. Anyways, this universe that contains the Fruity way galaxy was not the same universe that contains Eastern Immortals Western Gods star cluster. Feng didn't know about this before but he knew now. It's because Elder Bai had told him that they traveled into another universe so that they can escape the retaliation of the Death True God, Creator of all, and various other enemies.

According to the information being watched by Feng, the Doom cloud worked like a noise insulation material. Except the fact, that Doom clouds insulate souls from the netherworld/Death realm, and kept the soul in the physical worlds. 'But for what reason?' Feng thought.

Right after, Feng opened the next episode named soul-eating monster of the comic 'Doom cloud'.

Feng read it in a millisecond.

[Episode 2: soul-eating monster]:: The soul of mortals wasn't allowed to leave this world, Doom cloud acted as a prison that locked these souls in this world 'Earth'. All souls heading out of this world will be repelled by Doom Clouds and forever be trapped in this world.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

These trapped souls weren't lucky at all because a monster was waiting in this world to eat them, hence all trapped souls didn't roam freely in this world. They got sucked towards a certain location and were devoured inside of a monster.

Where was this soul-eating monster? Well, Feng had found out about it. The soul-eating monster was none other than one of the many Mister. Meteoroids that appeared out of nowhere and wrecked the land. Yes, folks, one of the many meteoroids used the features of space rocks to hide in a certain part of this world. It had been happily eating all the souls obtained after killing the livings ever since the apocalypse began. Sadly for the soul-eating monster, the truth had unveiled in the eyes of Feng Mei.

"This doom cloud works like an aluminum foil that prevents food from losing moisture," he thought like the eccentric he is.

Feng confirmed that zombies were not created because of a mad-scientist unleashing a deadly biological weapon but a mysterious force.

He honestly complained, 'Why is this world not a novel? Scientist who becomes mad after losing a pet or loved ones, and unleashes a biological weapon to destroy the entire world don't exist. Sigh ~ A biological weapon would have been better than facing a mysterious entity that can cast a world-wide soul-prison spell and block all souls from leaving this world,"

The onslaught of the Darkish-wave hasn't stopped. Though, the wave has thinned by 20% of its total size after Feng watched the first two episodes that contained information about Doom Cloud and the soul-eating monster.

Anyways, the webtoon-artist of this comic was really on the epic level. Feng thought, 'This would have easily gone mainstream In the real world.'

Like a good hardcore fan, he wanted to binge-watch this entire webtoon in a single night.

Feng opened [Episode 3-10] and began to read them:: Feng understood that the Soul-eating monster aka the meteoroid had unleashed a worldwide danger. It was the one that created zombies through using who knows what dark arts of mysterious voodoo, hex, conjuring, and wizardry. 

The zombies are created to fasten the butchering of humans so that it can lower the threatening population of humans and simultaneously reap a lot of souls.

The butchering stops after the total population of humankind reaches a certain number, let's say one hundred million to two hundred million. 

The soul-eating monster pulls out the zombies from a certain piece of land and let humans occupy it. It stops killing humans. It provides humans a false sense of peace. Due to which, they start developing.

Feng read chapter 4. He saw ten pictures showing how humans will build walls and hide within the safety of the guarded cities.

Soon or later, they start making love and reproduce offsprings, the future generations.

Feng concluded that the humans are used as cows by the soul-eating monster to generate healthy babies. As reproduction meant the creation of more souls. The dark cloud only stopped souls from going outside the world not coming into the world.

Feng was disgusted after he found out that the world affected by the Doom cloud and controlled from the shadows by the soul-eating monster usually becomes a human rearing farm used to produce a limited amount of humans.

The humans are used as cows by the soul-eating monster to generate healthy babies. Reproduction meant more souls, after all.

The soul-eating monster starts a massacre once the total human population reaches one to two billion. It stops the butchering of humans, once the population plummets to one hundred million or two hundred million.

This cycle continues on and on till the end of times or until the netherworld/Death realm becomes aware of the crisis faced by the physical world.

Episode five began. It contained ten more pictures.

From what Feng had seen, 'EARTH' wasn't the first world to be affected by the soul-eating monster. Many worlds contained humans. The soul-eating monster wasn't a sole existence. Rather, it was part of a fucking race. Their races had targeted a lot of mortal worlds. Powerful ones even target the world of spiritual beings or divine beings.

Episode six of the comic began. Feng obtained ten more pictures. He found out that the powerful soul-eating monster had managed to successfully turn spiritual being worlds and divine being worlds into spiritual beings rearing farms and divine beings rearing farms.

'Well, that's fucking horrifying. But the soul-eating monster that targeted Earth shouldn't be a powerhouse. Earth is merely a world of civilized mortals that had made good advancements in technology, after all. Since it targeted Earth, a world filled with mortal-ranked bodied and soul, it shouldn't be super-powerful.'

Usually, the level of the human soul is equivalent to the level of their body.

As far as Feng knows, humans on this planet 'Earth' are mere mortals. They only had a mortal-ranked body, hence they should only have a mortal-ranked soul.

In some rare cases, a mortal could have such a pure or powerful soul that it naturally reaches a higher level and can be ranked as Transcending mortality or Transcendental, itself.

'Let's read episode seven,' Feng happily thought. 'Damn, this comic has managed to interest me. Am only lacking a comfortable place, packets of chips and a 1.5-liter bottle of Red-bull,"

Drowning inside a wave made out of words really wasn't an ideal place to be in when reading a comic but Feng didn't have much of a choice. He had already told the Wisdom emblem that he can only pay five years worth of his life for this. Hence, the treatment he received was so shitty. 

Beggars can't be chooser!

The wisdom emblem had many reserved rooms. These rooms are only for VVIP members who pay dozens of years of their life to obtain a certain answer.

'All in all, the wisdom emblem is a greedy bitch,' Feng thought.

He opened the seventh chapter and saw something that made his eye bleed.

[The script has been hidden behind a paywall]

[Please pay five years of your lifespan to access the hidden knowledge]

Pay five years of lifespan

Exit the sea of knowledge and be thrown out of the wisdom emblem first dimension

Feng never thought that the wisdom emblem will pull a fast one on him. Though, he had already obtained a lot of valuable information, already by reading the first six chapters.

He wanted to read the next chapter too.

But who knows, whether the next chapter will expose the weaknesses of the soul-devouring creature or just waste his time by showing fillers.

Feng did not have an unlimited lifespan. He wasn't gonna waste it here.

"Hey, wisdom emblem! How about you improve your customer service and do a massive giveaway? Let me read the next chapter for free."

Shame was it a thing? Is it wearable or is it eatable? Well, Feng didn't know nor did he cared about it.

"Sure," the emblem of wisdom said.

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