Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 84: EP10: Soul & Magic Mech

Chapter 84: EP10: Soul & Magic Mech

Feng's extensive explanation about how the soul can be created came from his own memories. He was after all a powerful expert that managed to kill a heavenly emperor. He also was the owner of the soul line of evil. Feng had interacted more with souls than living beings.

"Master, I finally understood why the process of a robot forming a soul is partially the same as reverse engineering"

Dracula was an intelligent robot. Hence, he managed to catch on to what his master was saying.

"Oh, go on explain your thinking to me," Feng said. He wanted to know whether his robot really understood what he meant. After all, Feng did not want his robot to be misled. Furthermore, Feng felt that his way of explaining was too ridiculous. 

"Master, Humans have souls. But robots don't. Soul gives birth to the five pillars. Hence, there is a possibility that the five pillars in reverse can also give birth to the soul. I have two of the five pillars. But I am still in the process of forming the other three. They are emotions, desires, and instincts. I will form an artificial soul the moment I have emotions, desires, and instincts. Master, am I right?" Dracula excitedly shouted like a kid.

Feng nodded in affirmation and praised Dracula "You really are intelligent."

Dracula was excited by the prospect of forming a soul. Something that only belongs to a living being. He was also excited because he will be able to use magic after he forms a soul. But reality demanded immediate strength.

"But Master, I only have some emotions. It will take a long time to attain more emotions, desires, and instincts. I calculated that it will take months or even years to make further progress in this aspect and gain an artificial soul. I will also have to learn how to cast spells. All of it will take a very long time. But in the Apocalypse gaining power instantly is more important. So, will you upgrade me into a four-arms monster, please?" Dracula gently requested his master. Dracula was smiling while saying these words. Its because Feng designed Dracula to always smile and act gently.

Feng understood Dracula reasonings. But he just couldn't say yes. He had his reasons. 

"Dracula, I made you in memories of my friend 'Shadow'. I can increase your height and give you an overall retouch. But... About the upgrade you want. I am sorry but I can't redesign your body into a monster." The Feng who used to be stupid mystically dealt with this sensitive matter like an intelligent man.

Dracula sulked at his master words. He turned away from Feng Mei and started using the smartphone 'Hub-Tub 100'.   

"Believe me, it won't take a long time for you to create a soul. See Dracula, you are already sulking" Feng said to his servant. 

Dracula was still not willing to talk back and buried himself in the movie that he was watching on Netflix.

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Feng rolled his eyes at the antics of his servant. He said, "You don't need to sulk. I won't upgrade you into a four-arms monster but I can upgrade you into a Magic Mech. It will make you stronger."

"Magic mech? Master, what is that. Though it sounds cool." Dracula finally stopped sulking and curiously asked back.

"A Magic Mech is an extended brand of technology and magic craftsmanship. It's a creation birthed by the mixture of these two professions. You just need to know that it will make you become powerful. You won't be shooting laser from your eyes but you will spit out solar blasts from your hands. I can also change it to your mouth, if you want." Feng explained.

"No... no Master, I am good with shooting solar blast from my hand. But when will I be upgraded." Dracula hurriedly replied back.

"Hmm, I will upgrade you into a magic Mech after we reach back home," Feng confirmed.

His words caused excitement to bubble up in the overly enthusiastic robot. The robot who was sulking just some seconds ago.

Feng rested himself on the bed and closed his eyes. He was ready to sleep because he was too tired and exhausted. He had been fighting zombies and traveling on foot like a maniac for six hours. They didn't use a car to reach Flamingo Mall because the roads were blocked by stone rubble and destroyed houses.

The four sixteen wheelers trucks loaded with a hell lot of stuff traveled through the solid roads of the Flamingo forest. The trucks were traveling on the same path Dracula and Arnold had taken to reach flamingo Mall. Soon they reached the place where Feng had fought with the zombies using his spear-like glaive. 

Arnold and Mister Jo were sitting in the 'A part' of the same black eighteen-wheelers truck.

Arnold was talking with Darci, telling her that they will be back soon. During his chat, he found out that his kids and others have fortunately met with no troubles. Darci also told him that his children who had filled their tummies after eating bbq meat were fast asleep.

Arnold wondered how long it will take to get out of these red-zones and reach a safe-zone. 

Arnold got jerked out of his thoughts when the truck suddenly stopped. The three black trucks traveling behind the first black truck also stopped.

"Jo, why you stopped driving. Are you malfunctioning?" Arnold said to the driver. Jo right side was badly damaged. It was definitely damaged by the zombies who like to thump their bodies into everything. 

"Arnold, I am not malfunctioning. I stopped because we can't go on as the road ahead is barricaded by the destroyed building and stones." Jo the robot said in his macho voice to Arnold. Jo was a buffed metallic robot designed like a human. He had a skin made out of grayish threads. He had two mechanical eyes but no lips. His mouth was shaped like a rectangle. The voice came from there as the speakers were installed behind the mouth. 

Arnold looked outside through the windscreen.

The road ahead was piled up with destroyed buildings. They didn't face such a problem before. It's because they were walking on foot. Each of them was physically strong and trained. They easily treaded these areas. But the huge eighteen-wheeler trucks loaded with a lot of heavy stuff won't be able to pass through these areas.

"Yeah, stop the truck here. The truck tires might blowout If we force our way through this area. If that happens, then we will have to abandon the truck as we don't have a spare tire for this truck. Sigh, The tires of nearby destroyed cars can not be used. They will not fit this truck." Arnold said to Jo. He realized that they have messed up. A short car might be able to pass through such area but these huge-ass trucks won't.

Arnold couldn't come up with any ways to the current predicament. It's not like he can move the huge Mountain tall rubbles and 2 to 5-meter tall stones.

He didn't have a way but the mystical Asian man who he had been calling a brother might have away!

Arnold stood up from the passenger seat. He opened the door connecting the car(Driver compartment or 'Part A) to the cargo(part B).

The noise caused by the door opening disturbed Feng Mei who had just closed his eyes to have a rest.

"Bro, am sorry to disturb you but we got a problem," Arnold said.

"You can't solve it?" Feng asked. As a matter of fact, he was tired of doing everything. He needed hard-working henchmen. He knows Arnold will make a good hard-working henchman. Arnold had proved his worth by looting the Mall.

"I can't solve it that's why I am here. The road ahead is blocked by huge mountain-shaped rubbles that are spread all around the surrounding area in a vertical line. We will have to abandon these trucks if you don't provide a solution" Arnold stated the facts.

Feng didn't want to abandon these trucks. The city of silver was far away. He didn't want to travel there without any food and necessities. Hell, what if his teeth rot? How will he bear to smile before his parents? 

"How fucked up is the apocalypse. A tired man can't even rest. What has the world come to"

Feng left the comfortable bed while swearing. He stepped out the cargo and saw the shit that dared to create a blockage. 

"Jo, drive the truck on my signal," Feng said to Jo.

"Mister weirdo what's the signal?" Jo asked. He didn't know Feng Mei name. But he did saw the weird accident that took place a while ago. The robot has many information installed in his system. He understood that people like Feng can only be referred to as weirdo.

Feng who was already annoyed lost his mind. It was time to troll Jo "Don't call daddy a weirdo. Call me the holy master of the holy grail. The great sun lord Feng Mei. Do you understand? As for the signal, you don't need to worry about it. Broken robot you will naturally know what the signal is." Feng jumped atop the truck while shouting his piece of advice.

"Yes, mister great Sun lord" the robot who was just activated for the sake of shoplifting replied.

Arnold knew what the signal was. He believed that Feng was gonna blast this area.

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