Paragon of Death

Chapter 133

133 Chapter 132: Making a decision

With the multicolored sky, people gathered outside to watch what was going on. While only those close by could see the battle taking place, even they didn’t dare stay close by. The son of heaven and the other important figures in the Gyro Kingdom stood outside the royal court, gazing at the multicolored sky.

Unlike the average person, these people were extremely sensitive and could feel how fierce and intense the battle was.

“He said only five minutes yet he has been forced to use his Anomaly and pathway... Could that kid really be this strong?” Pope Light was slightly stunned but even then he remained extremely calm.

As the leader of the holy church with an army of knights of lights under his command, he feared no form of evil. Even if Damon was to push his way toward the capital, this old monster was sure he would win.

Dark magic can never beat light magic.

This is a law ordained by the gods that no one can change!

“That child grew so strong in a short while... if allowed to survive for another five years, even the combined strength of the four great kingdoms may not be able to bring him down!” Archmage Kratos said with a frown on his face.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Meanwhile, somewhere within the capital. Four figures stood in a dark lonely room, gazing towards the multicolored sky with complicated looks on their faces. They were too stunned to know how to react to this.

“Damon... did he really get this strong in such a short period of time?” Cyrus asked with a slight frown on his face.


He and the rest witnessed the last moments of the death mage at the foot of the blood mountain. With the injuries Damon sustained, many people believed even if he escaped into the underworld he would still die.

Two years passed after his supposed death and people actually began to believe he died for real. Three years, the fourth year, and the fifth year, many had already forgotten him. Just earlier today, news of his return had spread across the kingdom and how he single-handedly conquered the blood mountain.

This news was yet to be confirmed and he had already returned here with great rage and madness to take revenge on all those who wronged him.

“This is wrong... even if Damon wants revenge he isn’t so impulsive as to act this way... he must have come for us ... he must have known that with the arrival of the star alliance sect, eyes have been on us as possible accomplices. Many already suspect we are guardian spirit hosts. I strongly believe he came here to save us and pull us out of this wretched place” Gin said confidently.

He wore bright blue long sleeved robes, while Klien wore blood red robes. Cyrus wore a white robe with golden designs while Lucy wore a black robe with dark green serpent like designs. For a while now they have been under house arrest, so the four have grown closer during that time.

“We need to leave now and make our way to Damon.... If we don’t make the effort, we may never get this chance again!” Lucy said while Klien remained silent with a frown.

He seemed to be pondering on the matter for a while before letting out a defeated sigh.

“We have been restricted from cultivating for years now, leaving us in the warrior realm, far behind our peers. In fact, the only reason we are still alive is because of our relationship with Gin, who is the best enchanter in the kingdom. Damons arrival will only make them more paranoid. I believe we will be killed once this battle is over... we have no choice but to leave” Klien finally said with a sad smile.

How could these people be so paranoid that they are willing to kill even him and Lucy just because they once associated with Damon. If these people are reasonable even one bit, they wouldn’t have held him and Lucy since they both can be considered dark magic and the identity of the death mage has already been confirmed.

“Good... now that’s settled, I know we can finally leave” Gin said with a bright smile.

“Follow me!” Gin waved before he started walking away and the others chased after him.

“Even if we are going to escape, we need a plan. This mansion is surrounded. We can’t afford to alert the enemy” Cyrus seemed a bit anxious and reluctant but Gin laughed it off.

“First of all, we always had an underground tunnel leading out of the capital, they had already anticipated the kingdom’s betrayal... Why didn’t my family use it? They were caught off guard. They didn’t expect the attack to come that soon... Take nothing and follow me. If they even sense we are packing or moving strangely they will strike... right now we can only hope that Damon has enough strength to protect and provide for us in the blood mountain” Gin said with a rare stern look on his face as he hastened his pace.

Hearing this Cyrus frowned. Although he was reluctant to leave he knew this was the only way to survive. But not taking anything would be an issue. Imagine meeting enemies at the other end of the tunnel, won’t it be easier if they at least had their magic gears with them?

“I know what you are thinking and I have a simple question to ask. Do you really think you can survive in this world with such cowardice? When Damon fought against the four great armies did he have any gear on him? We are both guardian spirit hosts and I refuse to believe we are inferior.... I suggest you act like a future true God or slit your throat right now and get it over with!” Gin sensed Cyrus’ thoughts and felt disgusted.

He promptly walked faster and the others followed him hastily without saying a word to Cyrus who was rooted at the spot. Only after a while did he recover and race forward to meet up with them.

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