Paragon of Death

Chapter 87

87 Chapter 86: Change of heart?

Trumpets blowing, birds singing! The strong winds gushing forth and a big massive white door, with Duke Hail by his side. That was what Damon could see at the moment. He felt uncomfortable by this but when he realized Duke Hail was going to follow him through the journey, he felt a bit more relaxed.

His identity as a werewolf made the Hail’s strong allies. Right now, outside the Ross family and his friends, the Hail family can be considered another set of allies made in this short time here. Unfortunately, apart from his friends in school, Damon couldn’t tell anyone else about his death magic or they may turn on him.

In reality, the truest allies he had now, were his friends.

“Are you nervous?” Duke Hail asked as he gazed at the calm look on Damon’s face.

“Not really... I will say I am more curious that nervous now” Damon replied honestly.

“Hahahaha! Spoken like a true Hail” Duke Hail laughed as he pushed the doors open and they walked in.

In the past, when Damon came here with arch mage Kratos, there were nobles here and the son of heaven merely wanted to see the new lone wolf and nothing more. Right now the son of heaven has decided to accept Damon into their circle due to his identity as a lone wolf.

Even Jenny, Damon’s replacement in the hail family pack is not given such treatments. This is a way of showing the difference in importance between the two.



As soon as the doors swung open a fierce pressure escaped the room and almost instantly Damon fell on his knee and spat out a mouthful of blood. His eyes dilated as unexplained rage surged through Damon and his pupils revealed a purple glow while the other parts of his eyes turned black with cracks spreading across his face.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Not now...” Damon muttered as countless voices cried out in his head, asking him to kill the son of heaven but even Damon knew this won’t be possible.

With great effort, Damon was able to dispel these voices and return to normal. His face was lowered to the ground so no one could see his face or tell what was happening.


Arch mage Kratos could be seen gazing at the son of heaven with a frown. He stood behind the son of heaven and wore a stern look on his face.

“Rise!” The Son of heaven said as his voice boomed across the hall like lightning.


Damon spat out another mouthful of blood as he slowly rose to his feet. His facial expression remained motionless and his eyes cold as always.

“You know, you don’t have to use this method to make me bow, right?” Damon said casually as he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the blood off his lips.

He may have said those words so casually and meant no harm but everyone else in the room turned terribly pale upon hearing those words. Outside the three great Dukes and the Archmage. No one could speak unless spoken to! In fact, even the Marquise rank nobles here had to request before they speak, talk less of a warrior realm child.

The entire hall was silent as everyone’s fearful gaze was on the distant figure seated above. His firm eyes were pinned on Damon for a short while before he finally spoke.

“You dare speak to your king so casually? Are you not afraid of death?” The voice seemed more inquisitive than enraged.

“Nope...” Damon shook his head in refusal while he gave a fast response.

“In my short fourteen years of life, I have had close brushes with death a number of times. Last night’s event can be considered the fourth and fifth since I almost lost my life twice in that battle... Do you think a child like me with a broken mind would fear death?” Damon responded with a question!


Countless nobles flew into rage and many stood up in anger. Duke Hail frowned and took a step forward, with his hands placed behind him. If it wasn’t for his presence a lot of nobles would have attacked Damon a long time ago.


Damon snorted disdianfully with a cold grin, revealing his fangs, his eyes let out a purple flash as the guards standing at the entrance tightened their grip on their spears. If these people wanted a fight because he just chose to air his views then he would give it to them.

Yes, it is certain he would be the one to die but he didn’t seem worried and the son of heaven could see that in his eyes.

“I understand.... It is really sad that someone your age has been forced to go through this much in a short amount of time” the son of heaven said with a hint of apology in his tone, leaving everyone suprised, including Damon.

He didn’t expect this from a man whom he considered the most powerful enemy he may have to come across in future. The surprise quickly faded though as Damon swiftly began to suppress his emotions before speaking.

“You apoligize, yet you bring me here to push me further down that path, not taking into account of my age and background. Does my life really matter that little to you all? Or are the lives of all commoners that useless to you all?” Damon had no intentions of letting go of this.

He sincerely wanted to peer into the mind of this great being and know what he is actually thinking.


Even Duke Hail and arch mage Kratos couldn’t help but rebuke him. He was becoming far too bold even for them but suprisingly the son of heaven simply shook his head and raised his hands to stop them.

“Let the child speak... since he will be playing an important role in the future, I believe it’s best to know what type of person he is right here and now” The son of heaven didn’t seemed moved on bit.

“Soldiers are very valuable resources to any kingdom or empire. We all cherish them, especially the outstanding ones like yourself... unfortunately, soldiers are trained for a thosuand years just to be used for a single moment... As a member of this great kingdom you should be ready to lay down your life for it or do you not identify as one of us?” The son of heaven said with a deep frown.

“No” Damon answered casually making everyone frown!

Did he really just say that?

Does this kid have balls of steel?

Many questions poured into the minds of everyone present as they wondered what kind of drugs Damon must be on to make such a statement!

“I am a nobody from the slums adopted by the Ross family for my talent” Damon said. He has no intentions of hiding his true background now.

“My real parents were killed for looking at a few nobles the wrong way... Over the years I have been suppressed and oppressed by descendants of the nobles seated here...” Damon said calmly.

“Am I one of you? No. Am I patriotic, no? Will I fight for you? Yes” Damon said with a frown.

“Explain!” The powerful voice boomed across the room.

“To be honest, I hate the system this kingdom works with. I hate the fact that the nobles can come and do as they wish with no one to checkmate their activities but this is still my home and the only home available to all humans. So I will tell you this. Does the kingdom have my loyalty? Yes, but keep it in mind that I’m not just coming here to become on of the kingdom’s numerous puppets... I am here because I plan to try and change everything. I will rise through the ladders until I stand on equal footing with the nobles here and then I will hold them accountable for their actions. I hope when that happens, you won’t stand in my way” Damon finished his words with a deep bow.

Within the shadows, the harsh look on the eyes of the son of heaven seemed to soften and without hesitation he have a nod of approval!

Seeing this, Damon was momentarily shocked. His death magic allowed him to sense negative emotions and outside the son of heaven, Arch mage Kratos, Duke Hail and Pope light, everyone else in the room had immense animosity directed at him.

How could his main enemies be the one to accept him or has he been wrong all these while?

It is said one should hear both sides of the story before jumping into conclusion. So far he has only heard the side of the guardian spirit hosts and is yet to hear the side of the people who fought.

This display of good will from the four greatest masters of the kingdom was enough to move Damon’s heart and he silently considered spending more time here.

Truly, it would be an injustice on his own part if he didn’t give these people a chance to explain why they did some things before acting against them.

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