Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 409

Chapter 409: “Punish Me.”

Eun-sun felt life was slowly about to seep out of her when Dan-Han crooked his hand and motioned for her to come over. Her eyes widened at him, and her heart lost control of its rhythm at the frostiness of his eyes.

The solemn press of his lips against each other, which Eun-sun believed was an attempt to reel in his anger, and from the unwavering movement of his eyes, she undoubtedly believed that he was beyond livid.

She desperately turned and looked behind her shoulders in search of a door or a human shield that could hide her from him, but there was none behind her save the large pristine wall that stretched out the entirety of the hallway.

There was nothing to save her from him. But even if there was, she feared hiding would do her no good; with Dan-Han, nothing could stand in his way of her. Nothing could keep her away from him. He’d tear down any stronghold and take down anyone that stands in his way of her.

He was possessive of her in a way that didn’t scare her but rather stirred up the overwhelming feeling of being valued and wanted.

Her neck slowly turned to her left as she anxiously sorts In-Ha for help, but he awkwardly evaded her gaze.

He stepped forward with Ni-Na desperately taking refuge in his arms as she curled and buried her face against in chest.


“I’ll take Ni-Na to her room.” He said.

Dan-Han turned to Ni-Na, who quickly shut her eyes and buried her face in In-Ha’s chest, her fingers tightly holding against his shirt.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“You better be dead by morning, Lee Ni-Na.” He drawled, and Eun-sun took note of the small shake of her head. Even at this moment, she was still being rebellious. How typical of her.

Eun-sun watched as In-Ha walked away and stepped into the elevator behind Dan-Han. Of course, he’d leave her to her fate and let her burn. Just how fickle was their friendship? She surreptitiously threw a glare at him as the elevator door closed.

Now left with Dan-Han, Eun-sun painfully gulped as she cautiously moved her gaze to him. She drew a shaky breath to braze herself as she took a few steps towards him. A shaky smile tugged her lips as she stood two feet away from him.

“Honey, I was bored.” She guiltily stuttered out, but the frigidity in his eyes didn’t shift, reeling in fear of death. She painfully swallowed as she tried to toughen her quivering lips. Eun-sun doubted she’d make it through this night unscathed.

“Park Eun-sun, you must be courting death.” He darkly drawled.

“No.” She earnestly replied with a frantic shake of her head.

“No?” He coldly asked.

Eun-sun shifted on her toes when Dan-Han’s eyes took a dangerous tour over her body. Her eyes fretfully looked at his towering build looming over her, all 6 foot 4 inches of him, as he growled at her. “Then what the fuck are you wearing?! And what in the devil’s name were you doing there?!” He roared, making her flinch.

Eun-sun tugged on the hem of her dress as his chilling eyes traveled through her again. She mentally slapped herself in the head. She should have known better than let Ni-Na convince her to wear this.

She lowered her gaze as her fingers fiddled with the hem of her dress. “Baby, you’re scaring me.” She softly muttered out, her lashes batting with feigned innocence.

“You do not know what fear is, but I’ll teach you.” He flatly told her and turned to the elevator, which announced its arrival with a chiming sound. Seeing his body’s rigidness, Eun-sun believed he would fulfill his promises to her.

She slowly walked toward him and boarded the elevator. She didn’t miss his gaze on her leg and tried to walk as comfortably as she could.

Eun-sun peeked at him as she diligently racked her brain for a saving plan as they rode the elevator, but nothing came to mind no matter how hard she tried.

She bit her lips as she trailed behind Dan-Han, who had no intentions of carrying her like he used to. He never let her walk, at least not since the accident, but seeing how he ignored her and walked ahead, she knew he was gravely mad.

“Ouch.” She audibly winced in pain from behind him, her eyes keenly observing his reaction to her cry. Her eyes lit up when Dan-Han suddenly paused on his heels, but whatever spark had glistened in her eyes dimmed when he continued his walk without staring at her.

He didn’t turn? Eun-sun blinked in disbelief. Lee Dan-Han was set to kill her tonight.

She gulped when she stood before the door to their suite. Her fingers trembled as they rested them on the knob, too afraid to open the door and take a step in. Her eyes darted towards Ni-Na’s door, and she wondered if she should seek calvary in her room or share the chaos with her because she was sure Dan-Han would break the door and everything in the room if she dared carry out her thought.

Eun-sun took a long breath which did nothing to calm her wracking nerves.

Her breath stilled when she stepped into the room and saw him seated at the foot of the bed. His hands worked to free himself of his cufflinks and buttons.

“Honey, should I help?” She offered, cautiously attempting to walk towards him, but his gaze stopped her. She caught her lower lips in her mouth when his gaze met hers. He ignored her and continued removing his cufflinks.

Eun-sun could feel her death drawing near.

Seeing Dan-Han on the bed and catching a quick glimpse of her reflection in the mirror, Ni-Na’s words from earlier tonight suddenly reverberated through her mind.

Her eyes flickered wide towards Dan-Han as she pondered on those words.

She looked at the cast on her leg hidden beneath the black hose and considered the possibility of successfully tumbling Dan-Han over on that bed. He wasn’t going to give in, but she had to try.

Tossing her clutch towards the couch, which was barely feet from her, she kicked off the flat she had been wearing and slowly made her way towards Dan-Han, who lifted his gaze to her while her hands surreptitiously moved her dress upward to show whatever was left of her barely hidden thighs.

A smile threatened to break on her face when she observed the quick glint of desire that moved through his eyes, but he quickly tried to shutter them.

Despite the cold and angry gaze Dan-Han had on her, the heated gaze of desire he was desperately trying to conceal in those gray eyes of his was still visible. Eun-sun felt proud knowing she had that effect over him. Only her could affect him this way, just as the angry look on his face made him look dangerously hot, and his frigid eyes were warming her up.

Dan-Han might be a man of many principles, but he was a man who had a weakness for her. And let her soul be judged for trying to take advantage of his weakness for her, now. If she wanted to live through this night, she’d prefer to take her punishment with him in bed.

“What are you doing?” Dan-Han flatly asked when he saw her walk closer. She gave an innocent shake of her head as she strode even closer.

“I want to help you.” She replied, her chin nudging towards the button of his shirt.

“I don’t want your help. And nothing is going to save you tonight.” He blankly told her, and Eun-sun responsively nodded.

“I don’t think anything can save me, love. You want to punish me. I won’t stop you.” She told him as she moved even closer. Her eyes were piercing at him.

Dan-Han’s gaze suspiciously narrowed at her when she stopped in front of him. His eyes followed her hand as they made soft contact with her thighs, and he frowned when he realized what she was doing. She was luring him.

“Honey, are you mad because of my dress or because I went out?” She softly asked while Dan-Han frowned and rose to his feet.

“Do you even have to ask that?” He growled. “Are you supposed to be wearing this out? And to a club where you’ll have other men staring at you? It barely covers you!” He snapped.

Eun-sun nodded as she covered the space between them and wrapped her arms around his waist. She placed her head on his chest as she listened to the complicated beat of his heart. His desire was slowly betraying the anger in him.

Dan-Han hissed when he felt her fingers fiddle with his buttons, and she slipped a finger into his chest, drawing a lazy circle on him.

He caught her wrist and pulled her back. “Park Eun-sun, nothing will save you tonight, I assure.” He pointedly told her, and she agreeably nodded her head.

She craned upwards and kissed his chin, her breath teasing his lips slightly above hers. “I don’t want you to spare me tonight, Dan-Han. I want you to punish me. Punish me for defying you and put a claim on me because so many eyes were staring at what was yours.” She breathed against him.

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