Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 415

Chapter 415: Not Giving Up.

Eun-sun laid in bed several minutes after Dan-Han had dropped that bombshell on her, his words still reverberating in her mind as she pondered on what he meant. He had taken advantage of her stupified state and rolled out of bed.

‘Close to bringing her parents to her.’ That was what he had said and that could only mean he has found her parents, right? He had found them, and that was why he had said ‘bring’ and not ‘find’.

Eun-sun rolled out of the bed and quickly hopped towards the bathroom where Dan-Han was current taking a shower. At this moment, hopping was faster than walking, and her heart was beating so quickly she couldn’t stay still.

“Dan-Han, what do you mean by that?” Her question came in a rush as she hopped into the bathroom and slide open the glass door of the bathroom cubicle where Dan-Han stood naked under the shower.

He flicked on the shower and let the water run down his body before turning it off. “What do I mean by what?” He innocently asked, his hand combing through his hair before taking a quick look at her.

“Don’t mess with me like that! You know what I mean.” She sharply told him. She was certain he was trying to toil with her by feigning ignorance.

Dan-Han shrugged as he picked up her shampoo and squeezed some into his palms. “That’s mine.” Eun-sun pointed out.


“I know. I like how you smell. I always do. I want to take a part of you with me today, else I’d be back before I make it to the reception.” He casually told her as he lathered his hands and rubbed it in on his hair.

“Lee Dan-Han!” Eun-sun called with a chiding tone but the man softly chuckled, loving how firm she called his name, and how tortured she looks when upset. That little temper of hers was always amusing to him.

Dan-Han waved his hand and beckoned on her. “Come here,” He said and Eun-sun instantly yanked off the big polo shirt he had worn her last night and joined him, her eyes eagerly seeking for her answers.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

With his eyes closed Dan-Han reached for her hand and placed them on his hair, silently asking her to help him wash his hair. He loved how her dainty fingers always worked on his scalp and hair. It was always so relaxing. And moments like this were what he always wanted with her, but circumstances keeps depriving him of them. But not anymore. He was going to do all he wanted with her and nothing was going to stand in his way of fulfilling his fantasies.

Eun-sun threw a hard glare at him, but she had her fingers working on his hair when he gently said, “Please.”

She heard him moan as her fingers gently massaged his scalp.

She tried to study his face as she delicately washed his hair, but his head was bent down so she could barely see his face. “Tell me what you meant, Dan-Han. Did you find them? Are they...are they really-” She trailed off just as her hands on his hair paused.

Dan-Han sighed and stepped under the shower before turning it on, letting the water wash his hair clean before staring at her. Her bright eyes were piercing his, desperately in need of some answers, but he could also spot the hesitation that lingered. The hesitation that was always there whenever it came to finding her biological parents.

He let his cold hand cup her cheeks. “I’m not certain, love, but I think I’m unto something real good.” He said in a casual tone.

“Not certain? What does even that mean?” Eun-sun curiously inquired. Her brows slightly narrowing at him. She wanted to understand what he was trying to say, because right now she couldn’t.

“It means that I might have found them, but there are some things I have to confirm first, and doing so, I have to be very careful.”

Very careful? What could make a man like Dan-Han want to be careful? Nothing she could think of. He always went about with sense of power, knowing nothing or anyone could stand in his path, so when has he been careful? And why did it suddenly have to start now? Eun-sun had a feeling inside her.

He wasn’t being careful with himself, but with her?

Her hands on her side suddenly quivered for a second as a scary thought came to mind. “Are they dangerous people? Do they...are they...” Eun-sun didn’t know what to think or say, because she was suddenly feeling scared and uneasy.

“Hey,” Dan-Han called, drawing her attention to himself as he pulled her closer. “You don’t have to worry about anything. Nothing is like the way you think, but there might be some issues surrounding your birth that makes the issue a precarious one.” He said making Eun-Sun eyes narrow with more worry.

“Then what are you saying, Dan-Han? What issues? I’m not getting you at all.” She honestly told him, hints of worry lingering in her voice.

Dan-Han sighed and pulled her into a hug, his hand holding her face to his chest where she could hear his heart beat. “Do you trust me?” He asked and Eun-sun bobbed her head against his chest with no hesitation. She trusted him with her life and with everything she had.

Dan-Han pulled her away and dropped a feathery kiss on her head. “Then believe I’ll sort everything out. And when I say everything, I mean everything.” He confidently told her.

Eun-sun didn’t doubt a word he had said. She believed him and every word he had ever told her, but this right now wasn’t something she could just let go. He had let her in, so he couldn’t just leave her hanging now.

“I trust you Dan-Han, I do. But you have to tell me something. You know how restless I will be after this.”

Dan-Han leaned in and kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry, but I can’t love. You have to make do with this for now.” He told her making Eun-sun frown at him. Why then did he tell her about it? To torture her?

“If you weren’t going to let me in on the whole of it, why mention it?” Eun-sun tersely demanded, making Dan-Han sigh when he heard the annoyance in her tone.

“Because you wanted me to tell you something, and this is me telling you. I’m sorry I can’t tell you the whole of it, but I assure I have it all planned out. I’m gonna to give what you’ve always wanted, a family. A happy family.” He said taking her into his arms and hugging her tightly, leaving no space for her to get away or for her anger to grow.

There was so many questions going through Eun-sun’s mind at the moment, but again she wanted to trust Dan-Han. She wanted to trust that he had everything under control and everything was going to be just fine.

Sometimes it was difficult trying to adapt to his ways of handling things and withholding things to himself even though she knew he had his reasons, and everytime she told herself it was for a good cause.

Dan-Han was a man burdened with a lot of responsibilities and one of these responsibilities involved protecting the people around him, especially her. She had told herself that a few times and she wanted to keep understanding him. And above all, he had never kept a secret from her before, at least not like her.

Eun-sun pulled her face away so she could look into eyes. “Dan-Han,” She softly called making him look directly into her eyes. “I don’t know exactly how I’ll feel having a complete family, because it’s something I haven’t felt in a long time. It might be good or it might be bad, I can’t say because I haven’t had the best of experience with the ones I was opportuned to have before, and I know you want to fix the bad experiences. But Dan-Han know that I’d rather have you than anything else. You’ve become my family, and I only want to have a bigger one with you. So if finding them is going to hurt you, hurt us in anyway, then I don’t want them found. I’d rather have you than lose to a search that might cost my life. So this is me saying, it’s okay to stop if it isn’t worth it. I can-”

Dan-Han caught her face between his palm and shut her up. “You are worth it. And you’re worth every trouble I’ll ever encounter. And yes there a little danger and hiccups might stir up, but I’ll have it under control. I want to see your smile so brightly when they stand by your side and completely give you to me. So no love, I’m not stopping till I make you happy, danger or not.”


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