Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 462

Chapter 462: Can’t Save Everybody

Shock, fear and surprise had Eun-sun fixated on the ground as her trembling hands let go of the gun, and it clattered to the floor.

She stared wide-eyed at the man lifelessly sprawled on the floor, and she staggered backwards in horror.

Had she... killed someone? She has killed someone. Her heart suddenly lost its rhythm as it began to beat strong and hard against her chest; so much air got caught in her chest.

“Eun-sun?” A faint call of her name echoed through the room, and her eyes subconsciously darted towards the source.

“Eun-sun?” The voice called again, and Eun-sun snapped to reality as she stared at Mi-Cha, who was looking at her worriedly.

“Are you hurt?” Mi-Cha urgently asked as she trailed her eyes over her.

Eun-sun slowly shook her head.


“You are.” Mi-Cha suddenly announced, and Eun-sun’s heart skipped another beat as her eyes searched her body till they fell on her arm, which Mi-Cha was staring at.

“It’s a flesh wound. The bullet must have grazed your skin.” She said as she touched Eun-sun’s arm to see the extent of her wound.

Mi-Cha sighed in relief when she confirmed nothing serious had happened to her. Eun-sun looked away from her slightly bleeding arm and looked over at Mi-Cha.

“Are you-”

“I’m fine.” She said, knowing what Eun-sun meant as her eyes cautiously looked over her. “Thank you,” Mi-Cha said, and Eun-sun slightly nodded, knowing what she was thanking her for.

Their eyes looked back at the man, who had a large pool of blood surrounding him.

“I-I think I killed him,” Eun-sun muttered, her eyes peering at the blood pooling on the floor.

“I don’t think you did,” Mi-Cha muttered.

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“Hmm?” Eun-sun mumbled, and Ni-Na pointed to his head while taking a step closer.

“Look, there’s a bullet to his head.” She said, and Eun-sun looked at it before trailing her eyes to his stomach, where he was also bleeding.

“I didn’t shoot him twice.” She blurted out, and Mi-Cha nodded in agreement.

“I know.” She said. “I think someone else did.” She turned and looked towards the window, where she saw a hole in the glass window, as well as the one the bullet that grazed Eun-sun’s arm had passed through. Eun-sun also turned and looked at it, and her eyes widened once more.

“Do you think your boyfriend did this?” Mi-Cha asked, glancing at Eun-Sun, who was looking outside the window into the distance. Her eyes looked around the tall buildings around that vicinity, and she wondered where that had come from.

“I don’t know.” Eun-sun absentmindedly replied.

They jerked up when a knock rapped on the door, and they both perked up. Their eyes darted to the gun, and Eun-sun hastily picked it up.

They shared a glance as their heart paced with fear that someone else might have come, but the call that suddenly came from the door quickly sent a mixed reaction of fear and relief.

“Open up. It’s the police.” A voice came in from the door, and the sirens of police cars immediately filled the environment. Eun-sun stared out the window, and she saw three police cars pulling up at the hotel entrance, with police officers hurrying out of it and into the hotel.

She guessed the sound of the gun must have alerted other hotel occupants. She stared at Mi-Cha, who stared back at her.

“We’ll be fine.” She encouraged her, not that it seemed like Mi-Cha needed any encouragement. The girl was braver than she looked.

Eun-sun dropped the gun on the floor and walked towards the door, and opened it.

Away from there, on the 20th floor of a building meters away from the grand Orchid hotel where Dan-Han was lodged, Tae-Ho took off the Acog scope of his rifle before placing them into a drag bag.

He pulled up his phone when it suddenly began to ring and quickly answered it.


“Where is she?” Dan-Han asked over the phone.

Tae-Ho looked over to the hotel building yards away from him. He could see the window, but not inside the room. “With the cops.” He replied, staring at the cops pulling into the hotel in haste.

“She isn’t hurt, is she?”

“She fired a shot,” Tae-Ho said as he zipped up his bag and strapped it on. “Two shots,” he added with a tinge of amusement in his voice which Dan-Han could hear for the first time.

Tae-Ho had almost left his position and made way for the hotel to take out the man himself when he couldn’t get a clear shot because of Kim Mi-Cha, who kept blocking his shot at the man. He had roughly observed everything that transpired inside the room through his rifle’s telescopic sight.

Dan-Han frowned when he heard Eun-sun had used the gun he gave her. He didn’t mean for her to use it.

He only gave her for precautionary reasons, as he hated taking chances with her. “You should have handled it on your own.” Dan-Han gruffed into the phone.

“Boss, she’s more than capable of taking care of herself. I’m sure she’d be-”

“Just shut up and answer my question. Is she alright?” He demanded, not wanting to hear anything other than a hundred per cent assurance that his woman was fine and unharmed.

“She got a graze on her arm, and she’s a bit shaken up,” Tae-Ho replied.

Dan-Han’s face instantly turned grim. “How bad is it?” He coldly asked.

“It’s a graze,” Tae-Ho told him.

“Tae-Ho, you better be dead when I get back.” Dan-Han drawled and ended the call.

Tae-Ho knew Dan-Han’s threat wasn’t a joke because he knew how infuriated the boss could be when the miss got hurt. Dan-Han’s world seemed to revolve around Eun-sun, so he understood what her safety meant to him.

But this was inevitable.

He sighed as he strapped on his bag and made his way out of the room he had stationed his gun. He opened his phone when he received a message from Dan-Han. It was information on his new target and a location where to find him.

Dan-Han drummed his hand on the steering wheel as he pondered the ongoing plot in his head.

Ki-Jun’s safety was the major issue of concern in his mind at the moment. He was the centrepiece now that Eun-sun was safe.

Dan-Han had never wanted to endanger the man’s life in any way because first, he was a father to him, and secondly, he was Eun-sun’s father who had to show her what being with a family was all about. He had promised to give her a complete family and having her father killed the moment he discovered she was his child wasn’t any way of keeping to his words.

And thirdly, Ki-Jun didn’t deserve to be put in such a predicament. Neither did he deserve to be schemed against by people he valued and loved.

He had only allowed this because it was the only way. Matters were complicated, and he had to ensure all parties involved could be trusted, and of course, they weren’t.

Had he not followed Yong-Gun’s plan, the man might have improvised, and things might have gotten out of hand.

He had let the man assume all his plans were going as he wanted; meanwhile, he had countermeasures set in place, just like now he was waiting for Ki-Jun’s car outside a tunnel where there was a soft verge.

The nearside wheels would be run into the verge to bog the car down on the mud, and after Ki-Jun was safe, they’d write off the car by running it into a roadside barrier.

These and more were the part of the plan he hadn’t mentioned earlier because he knew he couldn’t just give out the entire detail of his plan if he had to ensure it was successfully executed.

And according to the plan, he was meant to receive two calls right about now, and he wondered who would call him first.

Who would it be? The attorney or Yong-Gun.

Just as he was pondering on that, his phone rang. A wry smile lit his lips when he saw who the caller was.

“Mr Kim,” Dan-Han called with a tone.

“You must be having a great day.” The man said with a flat tone.

“On the contrary, I’m not.” He replied. “And I guess you’re not having one either.”

“Lee Dan-Han.” Yong-Gun drawled.

“Have you heard from your accomplice?” Dan-Han amusedly asked, looking at the side mirror to watch out for Ki-Jun’s car.

Yong-Gun frowned when he heard his question, but he didn’t answer him.

“I guessed he was the one who’d be helping you steal after all,” Dan-Han said, but the man didn’t reply, but Dan-Han knew that was the truth.

The answer to the question about how Yong-Gun would steal his brother’s wealth from his daughter was Ki-Jun’s attorney.

He had thought about it for so long, and only that made sense. He had investigated the man, but nothing came up. And he must say the man had performed quite an act earlier, feigning ignorance and fear.

He hadn’t been conclusive about the man’s involvement in Yong-Gun’s plan until he had addressed Eun-Sun as Ms Park when she was about to part from them.

He recalled he hadn’t introduced her with her last name but rather with her first name. That was how he had been convinced about his involvement, as he wouldn’t call Eun-sun that if he hadn’t heard about her before.

This had set his plans in motion from then.

He wouldn’t have wanted to end his miserable life till Ki-Jun decided what to do with them, but he couldn’t just give them all leeway.

He wasn’t that nice at heart. And the attorney wouldn’t be dying from an accident as he might think. He would be receiving a visit from Tae-Ho before he even thinks of a way of saving himself.

“You might have been able to save your little girlfriend, but you won’t be able to save everybody. You’re not the only one who can make bullets fly, Lee Dan-Han.” Yong-Gun drawled and interrupted the call.

Dan-Han frowned as soon as the call ended. He looked outside the window, and he caught sight of Ki-Jun’s car coming out of the tunnel. He stepped out of the car, but the moment he did, he saw Ki-Jun’s car run off the road and tumble severally right before he felt a bullet pierce through him.

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