Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 130 - Night Duty

Dan-Han was both angry and worried as he looked at the girl slightly squirming on his seat. He really felt like waking her up and scolding her right now, but he couldn't. She was in pain and he couldn't bring himself to yell at her or scold her even though she truly deserved it.

He wasn't sure if Jae-Hyun's diagnosis was right, because the man had based it on the part of her stomach which she has been holding. Jae-Hyun had even asked him to press hard on it just to confirm if it was indeed what he suspected....PUD (peptic ulcer disease).


If indeed Jae-Hyun was right, and he finds out she had actually skipped her meal and might have consumed alcohol on an empty stomach, she wasn't going to get it easy from him. Starvation worsened ulcers, she should know that, atleast he knew.

He looked at the pills Jae-Hyun had ordered him to get from the pharmacy. He unbuckled her seat belt and carried her to the back seat.

He could see her effort to wake up, but she was completely out due to the alcohol she had consumed. His heart broke for her when he saw her like pain.

He took out the pills and gave them to her. Same at the syrup which he found to be quite awkward for it's white color and milky nature. He was pleased with her compliance, he had thought it would be difficult to make her take them.

He took note of the time, if she wasn't feeling better in the next ten minutes just as Jae-Hyun had assured him, he'd take her to the hospital. He wouldn't care whether she liked it or not, or whether her pride would prompt into offeri to pay the bills again. He'd make sure that she doesn't try absconding till she was better.

He brushed the hair which were now stuck to her face behind her ears, as he looked at her with concern. Her cheeks were still red and her hand was still clenched against her stomach.

Dan-Han didn't relaxe for the next ten minutes till he saw her hand on her stomach relax and her breathe came back to normal. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw her that way.

Seems Jae-Hyun was right after all. This silly girl has been skipping meals, and had actually consumed alcohol on an empty stomach. He wondered what he'd do with her. If she knew the state of her health then she should be more careful.

He gently trailed his hand down her face, as she slept peacefully. He thought about all she said outside the club about him being mean and wicked. He scoffed at that.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

If only she knew she was the only one he was being nice to. It didn't matter what the others called him, but he didn't want her to see him as all those things that she had called him. he didn't want to be hard with her, but she wasn't making things easy for him either.

Dan-Han sat there with her for few more minutes before he laid her down on the seat. He placed a kiss on her forehead and hopped back to the driver's seat. He had to take her home, and probably get her to eat something, there was no way he was going to let her sleep on an empty stomach after this. What if she suffers another episode after he leaves? 

Dan-Han glanced back at her again before he revved up the car and drove off.

Soon they arrived her apartment, he carried her from the back seat and strolled towards the door. He frowned when he realized he had her purse in the front seat of the car. He walked back to the car with her in his arms and picked up her purse from the floor where it was lying. He hoped the keys to her apartment were inside. He anxiously opened it and thankfully it was inside.

He walked back to the door and opened it. This was the second time he was stepping in to her apartment, and it still looked the same like the first he had brought her home. The apartment was still small and arranged as he remembered. It reflected the tidiness of it's occupants.

Dan-Han stood transfixed with her in his arms as he pondered on where to put here. He wasn't sure if he should place her in the bedroom or on the couch. He didn't think it was a wise idea going into a room which belonged to two ladies, who knows what he would see.

He turned to look at the couch which looked quite spacious and comfortable, but he was skeptical if she'd sleep well in it. She could fall off it, since she was really drunk.

After few seconds of hesitation, Dan-Han decided to go to the room. He convinced himself he wasn't doing anything wrong. If there was anything inappropriate lying around, he'd look away.

Using his elbow he pushed the door to the bedroom open and unlike the typical girl room, were alot of things were always strewn here and there, and what he had expected, he found the room to be quite clean and tidy.

The only things that were out of place which he noticed were the set of clothes which she had worn to work earlier today, and her pair of shoe that was lying on the ground.

He quickly placed on the bed and she moaned out sleepily before turning around when her back touched the bed, like she knew she had been placed on it. Dan-Han's eyes stayed on her for a bit, before bending down to take off her shoes.

He frowned when he looked at the straps of the sandal that were twisted around her leg, it made him wonder how she had been comfortable wearing such a thing. To him it felt like ropes were being tied around her legs. Dan-Han successfully took them off and sighed as he stood up to his feet.

He looked at the petite body lying helplessly on the bed. His eyes trailed down from her face to neck, her chest till it stopped on her stomach.

'Food' He said in his head. He had to give her food. There was no way he'd let her sleep without eating, especially after giving her those pill, though Jae-Hyun had told him it was safe to take them without eating except one, which of course he hadn't given to her.

He strolled out of the room and walked towards the kitchen. He looked at the refrigerator to find something he could give to her. There were few stuffs packed in the fridge, but he didn't think they would be suitable for her, since she was still sleepy.

He remembered he had read somewhere that foods which were rich in fiber were better to take when someone had ulcer. Luckily he saw a box of oatmeal and he made a bowl for her.

He'll have to thank his cousin for making him read all those magazines while she lived with him. Indeed no knowledge is wasted.

Dan-Han returned back to the room with the bowl in hand. The moment his eyes looked at her, they almost fell from their sockets. Eun-sun had turned to the other side of the bed and her gown had slowly rolled up her thighs revealing a good amount of it.

Dan-Han felt his heart skip and his cheek hit up with a blush. He knew he was supposed to look away but he couldn't. His eyes stubbornly remained glued to her thighs which were fair and silk. His heart began to race at the sight of it.

'Lee Dan-Han!' He chided himself in his head. 'You're no pervert' He told himself.

He walked closer to the bed, dropped the plate of lightly made oats on the bedside table, before pulling the quilt over her. He heaved a sigh of relief when she was finally covered up.

That was a first.

Soon he resumed his night duty of taking care of her. He pulled her a bit, and tried feeding her, but she protested at the first attempt. After several tries she finally accepted the food. He sighed out when she slowly started eating, she tried opening her eyes her few times but she'd always drift back to sleep. After a few number of spoons he fed her the tried feeding her the last pill, but she spat it out and turned away. Maybe because she was full and her body was assuming it was more food.

"Open up, I promise it's the last" Dan-Han tried to coax her. But the lady was too lost in her subconscious that she could barely him. Dan-Han tried again, but still she wouldn't let it. All attempts to make her take the last pill proved futile.

He was thinking on how to go about when an idea popped in to his mind. His eyes fell on her lips and lingered there for a while.

'Should he try it?' He asked himself.

It's not like it's the first he had tried kissing her, and this time he wasn't actually kissing her, he was saving her life. He convinced himself. With that thought in mind, Dan-Han popped the pill into his mouth and slowly lowered his lips to hers.

"Swallow It" He said softly before putting his lips against hers and slipping the pills into her mouth with his tongue. His lips lingered there for a little while longer. His mind registered how soft her lips felt against his and he couldn't help but lose himself as he nibbled against it. It's actions made Eun-sun frown in her sleep, and she subconsciously pressed her teeth against whatever was making her uncomfortable.

'Ouch' Dan-Han screamed in mind, as his body froze in space.

This crazy girl has just bit him.


Seems Eun-sun got to be rebellious in her sleep afterall...hehehe.

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