Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 132 - Hei-Ran's Pool Of Embarrassment

"" Hei-Ran stuttered in surprise. Her eyes fluttering rapidly and her heart thumping over the moon when she saw him standing him there. She wasn't imagining things was she?

She stood agape, as she stared at him completely stupified.


"Good morning" Jinhai greeted feigning a casual tone as he walked into the room, with Hei-Ran's eyes closely following him as he walked in. "I guess you slept well?" He asked his eyes looking only at her face and not daring to wander below or else he would see her exposed thighs. He had been dazed to see her standing by the bed in his shirt. Her fair tone legs were exposed. He had always imagined having her in his house, wearing his shirt and stuff, but seeing her now he couldn't help but blush slightly.

Hei-Ran heard his question but her brain was too slow to respond to what he said.

"Yyouu brought me here?" Were the first words that escaped her mouth, she still had that stupified look on her face as she stuttered.

"Yes" He replied with a nod. Her eyes flew wide open when he answered her.

'It was her boss who had brought her home? How the hell did that happen?!!' She yelled inwardly.

"I brought this for you, should help with the hang over" He said stretching the cup of coffee to her. Hei-Ran looked at his face and then her eyes looked down to the hot cup of coffee in his hands. She was more than stunned. The fact that her boss' had been the one to bring her home last night hasn't fully registered in her brain. She stood transfixed as she kept staring at him.

Jinhai sighed when he noticed she was just going to stand there and stare at him. He was about to take her hand and place it in it when voices suddenly emanated from her phone, jolting Hei-Ran back to reality.

"Hei-Ran?" Mrs Su and her sister called from the other side of the line, their voices were audible enough for Jinhai to hear.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'Shit' She cussed inwardly. How could she have forgotten about the call? Her grip over phone tightened when her mom and aunty kept shouting out from it.

Why was her mom always embarrassing her in front of her boss with her calls? Hei-Ran felt so embarrassed right now that she thought she was wallowing in the pool of embarrassment. If only the earth could open up and swallow her!

Hei-Ran didn't know how to continue her call with Jinhai present in the room. And was her mom still screaming her name?!

Jinhai noticed the embarrassed look on her face. He was amused. He quickly dropped the cup of coffee on the bedside table and walked out so he wouldn't make her feel more uncomfortable, but not before saying, "Take your time."

Hei-Ran heaved out the breath which she had subconsciously being holding.

"Su Hei-Ran!" She heard her mother call again. Only her could call her in that way. Hei-Ran closed her eyes and took a deep breath to relax herself before bringing the phone up again.


"Wasn't that Jinhai?" Her mother inquired in an angry tone. Of course it was Jinhai, she had seen him but she just wanted her daughter to admit it to them. Why did she just lie to her? She wasn't planning on breaking up with already right?

"Y..yes" Hei-Ran stuttered.

"Then why did you just lie to us?" Woo-Mi asked confusedly. Hei-Ran's heart skipped at that question. What was she to say now? The truth or maybe she should say another lie? She was sure lying alot lately. Hei-Ran was about to say something when her mother spoke up first.

"Are you living together?" She suddenly asked making Hei-Ran almost swallow her tongue.

"No!" She hurriedly and forcefully replied. Could this women just leave her alone? She had a more embarrassing situation over here. Imagine been brought home by your boss...that was terrible. Did he carry her? What the hell happened last night? All she remembered was talking to Ji-Sang about something she couldn't even remember.

Her head was currently trying to remember what had transpired last night, but these women were taunting her. She just hoped she hasn't done anything foolish, or else she would just die.

"You're not having issues with him are you? Su Hei-Ran you better not break up with him or I'll lay a curse on you and break all ties with you, do you hear me?" Mrs Su threatened, making her sister scoff while she glared at.

"Please stop being overly dramatic. Didn't you see how he brought her tea...was it tea?" She turned to Hei-Ran and asked, but Hei-Ran was also lost in her own thought to answer her.

"He's a good guy, he's probably trying to apologize to her, let's leave them be. Couples always fight, but don't do it too much" She addressed her later words to Hei-Ran, who didn't know what to say at the moment. She had brought all this upon herself so she can't do anything about it

"Well go fix things up with your man, and remember to come to the house okay. Everybody will be excited to see the both of you" Woo-Mi cheered excitedly, while her sister nodded concurrently.

"We'll let you be now, and please Hei-Ran go fix your face you look hideous. The poor boy might just have a rethink about you if he sees you like that again" Her mother hissed, while her cheerful aunt kept bobbing her head like an agama before her mother ended the call.

Hei-Ran stood transfixed after her mother ended the call. A plethora of thoughts were running through her mind at the moment.

She looked over at the cup of coffee on the bedside table, but she didn't dare to touch it.

All she wanted was to get out of there, out of the house. With her heart beating over the roof top and her palms feeling sweaty she slowly made her to the door. Her hand lingered on the knob for a while before she finally opened it, she craned her neck out to look at both sides of the hallway before taking a step out.

Hei-Ran had only taken her first step out of the room when she saw Jinhai walking towards her. Her heart began to thump very hard against her chest as he closed in on her. She almost felt breathless as he approached her. Her brain was trying to remember what had happened last night but there was this big barrier in her head. She noticed the cloth in his hand, it was her gown. Where did he take it to?

"You're done?" Jinhai asked, while Hei-Ran nodded slowly as she looked everywhere else but at him. She was mortified.

She had a lot of questions to ask him, like; How did he bring her there? Who changed her? Where did he take her gown and most importantly what happened last night. But she didn't know how to ask without feeling utterly embarrassed. What if he had changed her? She cringed inwardly at that thought. She didn't want to find out.

Jinhai knew she had questions to ask but she was too embarrassed to, he sighed. From her gaze on her gown he could tell what she was thinking.

"I had my maid change you last night, here's your gown" He handed it to her. He knew he had to explain before she starts imagining things in her head.

"You should go change, there are some new supplies in the bathroom you can use them and come down when you're done" He told her and walked away. He couldn't help the thoughts running through his mind when he sees her in his shirt. His lips curved up as he walked away.

Hei-Ran watched him as he left before retreating into the room. She had to hurry up and leave this place immediately. She went into the bathroom, the reflection of her face on the mirror surprised her. Indeed she was looking hideous. She couldn't believe her boss had seen her like that!

When will all this embarrassment stop!!

"Hei-Ran you should be given an award for always embarrassing yourself in front of him" She hissed out frustratedly.

She hurriedly fixed herself up and walked out of the room to face the boss who was downstairs waiting for her. With slow and heavy steps Hei-Ran made her way down the stairs. She spotted Jinhai sitting on the couch obviously waiting for her, and her heart began to race again.

He turned to face her the moment she reached the base of the stairs. Her heart skidded when she locked eyes with him. A wave of embarrassment washed through her as he looked at her. She wished she had superpowers to teleport herself away from there. She tried to calm herself as she walked towards him.

"Mr Song thank you for your help, I really can't remember much and I hope I haven't been of much inconvenience to you. I'm sorry if have been, please forgive me" She apologised with a low bow as she cried in her mind. If only she remembered what had happened last night then she'd be a little bit specific with her apology, but unfortunately she doesn't. She could only hope nothing embarrassing really happened, but she somewhere in her heart she doubted that. She had the feeling she might done something stupid.

Jinhai looked at her with stoicly, his brows narrowed together as he gazed at her. He wasn't sure if she didn't really remember or if she was pretending too.

His lips twitched in amusement when he saw her darting her eyes back and forth, as she shifted from foot to foot.

"You really don't remember?" Jinhai asked as he tried to hide the amused look on his face.

"No" Hei-Ran slowly shook her head. She suddenly had a feeling of foreboding when she observed the look on his face. She must have done something wrong haven't she? She looked at his face and her heart skipped a beat when she saw the smirk on it.

"Mr Song did I do something wrong?" She asked in a small voice, as she scratched the back of her neck nervously.

"So you really don't remember?" He cocked a brow amusedly as he stood up to his feet, and stood in front of her making Hei-Ran swallow hard.

He was standing close and was currently looking good in the casual clothes he had on. His casual full view was terrifyingly alluring, she must admit. This was her first time seeing him in anything other than a suit. Looking at the tshirt he had on, it was similar to the one she had worn minutes ago. She couldn't believe she had worn her boss shirt! 'Oh Hei-Ran' She face palmed inwardly.

She bit the inside of her lip to snap her herself back to reality and focus on the problem at hand instead of checking her boss out.

"No" She replied softly, as she shook her head again. Her heart was pounding and thumping hard against her chest, while she tried to joggle her brain which was currently unresponsive.

Jinhai almost chuckled out when she looked at him so innocently. This was far from the person he had seen last night.

" don't remember...." He intentionally paused when he noticed how she held her breath in suspense. Hei-Ran felt like she was about to die from the suspense, her breath was frozen.

"Remember what?" She asked almost in a hushed voice.

"Kissing me and asking me to marry you?" He smirked.


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