Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 157 - "Touch Me"

Dan-Han lowered himself to the girl's ear and with an unusually soft voice, he said, "It's me, you're safe now" He muttered into her ears, before picking her up. The girl showed a sign of protesting but in no time she relaxed a bit.

"Lee" She muttered in her subconscious state, almost as if her brain had subconsciously picked up his familiar scent and informed her he was there. When Dan-Han heard her call his name he thought she had opened her eyes, but when he looked down he observed her eyes were firmly closed. Dan-Han paused and gazed at the man who was now on the ground with blood dripping from his arm and thigh.


"What did you give to her?" He asked coldly.

Carlos shook his head, "It wasn't me. It was her mother" He desperately pushed the blame off his head to Song-Hee. He didn't know what Song-Hee had given to her.

Dan-Han turned to look at his right-hand man, "You know what to do" He said before strolling out of the room with the girl in his arms. Many of the men in the room were surprised when they saw the boss carry a woman in his arms. They had been more surprised to see him causing a ruckus because of a woman. When Tae-Ho had gathered their team, they thought someone had provoked their clan and they were going for a shoot-out, but who knew the boss had called his elite team to come to rescue a woman.

Dan-Han stopped in front of the woman who was made to kneel when he walked into the sitting room. He noticed how she looked at the girl with slightly widened eyes.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Dan-Han wasn't sure if this was the mother, that man was referring to. How could she be her mother and yet treat her daughter this way? He truly doubted the possibility of there being a blood relation between Eun-sun and this woman. Apart from the fear in her eyes, there was no remorse.

"What did you give to her?" Dan-Han asked in a non-polite tone. Had it been on different circumstances he'd try to be polite to her because she was the supposed mother of the woman he loved, but they were far from that.

Song-Hee eyed him and looked away, without saying a word. But she immediately squealed out when one of the men violently squeezed her shoulder almost dislodging it from its socket.

"Answer the boss" One of them snapped.

"There... there, on the table" She painfully cried out, pointing to the small amber bottle on the shelf. One of Dan-Han's men hurried over and picked it up and handed it to Dan-Han.

Dan-Han's inside churned when he saw the empty bottle. He couldn't believe she had given this to her and the whole bottle at that. He had the urge to snap her neck whether she was Eun-sun's mother or not. But he knew he had to take the girl to the hospital before the drug got to exert its full effect.

The drug would initially sedate the person who had consumed it, and when he/she regain consciousness they'll wake up to a ravenous sexual urge.

Without waiting one more second, Dan-Han dashed out of the house with Eun-sun in his hand. He hopped into the back seat of the car.

"Hospital, drive fast!" He commanded.

"Yes sir" The chauffeur replied, before revving the car to life and zooming off at full speed

Dan-Han couldn't take his eyes of the girl who was lying in his arms. Her body was burning up and she was uncomfortable as she kept whirling and turning in his arms while rubbing her thighs together. She let out low moans as she kept moving her body around him.

"Faster!" Dan-Han growled at the driver, who was already driving at full speed.

"Stay calm" He whispered into her ears, and at that same moment, her eyes halfly opened. Though her eyes were lidded at the moment, the desires in them were evident, but Dan-Han knew they weren't real. It was the effect of the drugs that was swinging into full action. Her hands started moving all over his arm till it moved to his chest.

"Touch me" She whispered in a low and hoarse voice. "Please" She added as a tear seeped out of the side of her eyes. She was not in her senses anymore, and her sexual desires were out of control. It was unbearable and Dan-Han knew it.

"Please stay calm" Dan-Han couldn't help but plead with her when she looked like she was in so much pain. Her face was contorted in a frown as she kept rubbing her thighs together, desperately trying to ease herself. The more she tried the more her frustration heightened and more tears rolled out of her eyes. She moved her hands to her thighs to touch herself but Dan-Han was quick enough to grab her hand and hold it in place.

Eun-sun groaned out in frustration, she turned her face to the side and she sniffed him before sinking her teeth into him. Dan-Han winced when he felt her sharp teeth on his arm. He looked at her as she kept biting him.

Even in this state, she was still troublesome. He understood she wasn't doing all this with a clear head, so he let her be. She could do whatever she wanted with him.

But there was just one problem, she wouldn't stop moving on him. It was as if she was indirectly grinding him and his member which has been still for a long while seem to be having a reawakening. He hated himself at the moment for even getting aroused.

Dan-Han hissed out in frustration, "Step on that paddle" He lashed out at the driver.

Dan-Han looked at her, and he saw how her hair was now stuck to her face with sweat, and it seemed that with every second she was getting worse, and tears were still dripping out of her eyes due to the frustration of not being able to ease herself. He couldn't imagine why someone would do this to her.

His eyes turned dark when he remembered those people who were behind this. He was going to make them pay, he swears on it.

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