Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 192 - His Fiancee

Eun-sun felt giddy as she waited for lunchtime but it seemed like time was been too slow. She tried not to look too excited but she couldn't help it. A smile was plastered on her face as she remembered how Dan-Han had looked at her and talked to her earlier. It was so intense and it made her feel giddy and at the same time uncomfortable. She didn't know what to experience at lunch with him but she was looking forward to it.

"Seems someone is happy" Hye-Jin jabbed Eun-sun on the side as she wriggled her brows playfully at her. She has been looking at her and she couldn't help but observe the smile plastered on her face.


"Huh?" Eun-sun shot her a confused look when she saw the way she was smiling at her.

Hye-Jin hissed as she rolled her eyes at her, "I know you and secretary Chang-wok has fixed your little problem and that's why you're happy, I know it" She chirped. Eun-sun furrowed her brows as she looked even more confused. She looked at her like she had just said something crazy and she was yet to understand it.

She and secretary Chang-wok? Why would she be happy because of secretary Chang-wok?

"I don't understand what you mean," Eun-sun told her.

A frown formed between Hye-Jin's brows. "Aren't you and secretary Chang-wok dating?" Hye-Jin asked. "I've seen the things he brings here for you, so I know you both are dating," She said matter of factly. On several occasions, she had seen Chang-wok deliver one thing or the other to her, and there were times he had come to the office to see her, so it was as clear as day.

Eun-sun couldn't believe what she had heard. She could choke on those words.

'She and secretary Chang-wok?' Hold on, she wasn't looking down at him or something, as a matter of fact, the man was just as handsome as In-Ha and he was quite good at his job, but nothing was going on between them.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She couldn't imagine the look on Dan-Han's face if he heard something like this, secretary Chang-wok could as well kiss his job goodbye. Dan-Han was already jealous of his friend who was also a good friend to her, she couldn't imagine what would become the fate of his nice and capable secretary. Thinking about this, Eun-sun couldn't help but remember how possessive Dan-Han has been with her. His countenance when Jinhai and In-Ha had given her flowers at the hospital, he looked like he could murder them at the same time, that was epic.

For Chang-Wok's sake, she didn't know how to warn Hye-Jin from saying anything because that might lead to some complicated things like Hye-Jin knowing that something was up between her and the big boss – well not yet, but soon.

Eun-sun was about to say something when she heard a shrieking voice behind her, which attracted the attention of their other colleagues.

"What? You're dating Chang-wok!" The girl asked in a displeased voice.

"She's dating secretary Chang-wok?" The others exchanged meaningful looks amongst themselves as they began to whisper.

Eun-sun and Hye-Jin turned their heads towards the source of the voice they've both heard and they were both surprised to see not just the person who owned the voice but also the person standing by her side who was shooting Eun-Sun a condescending and disgusting look, her eyes looking her up from head to her waist –which was visible to her.

Min-Jung and Soojin.

"Secretary Chang-wok huh?" Soojin said with a condescending tone. "I guess only a man like him could look your way" She scoffed derisively, oblivious to the gaze the girl beside her was shooting her way.

Eun-sun looked at the girls standing in front of her with a blank expression on her face. She didn't know what to think of this rude interruption. She thought they were more sensible than this. Both girls have always been seen together, so it wasn't much of a surprise to see them now. They were like those pairs of stupid high school girls who thought they were prettier than every other girl, with Soojin being the leader and Min-Jung the stupid other who had to live in her shadow.

"Soojin just shut your mouth and go away from here" Hye-Jin snapped at the lady who was disrespecting Eun-sun.

Soojin was about to say something when the first girl interjected her, "Tell me the truth are you truly dating Secretary Chang-wok?" She asked in a small voice, her question was directed to Eun-sun. Her eyes looked sad and pleading almost as if she was begging Eun-sun to say only what she wanted to hear.

Tilting a brow towards her, Eun-sun asked, "So what if I am?" She wasn't interested in playing with words with these girls and looking at the one talking to her, she could see she was quite different from the stupid person planted by her side, but that didn't mean she was going to treat them differently. It was in her nature to be challenging and fierce. She has never been nice to people especially those who didn't know how to mind their business or knew how to talk.

The girl was stunned by Eun-sun's blunt response, her countenance became dull and sad. Eun-sun observed the change in her countenance, the crestfallen look on her face showed she was about to cry.

Did she by chance like Chang-wok? Eun-sun asked herself. From the girl's countenance that seemed to be the case.

Soojin turned to look at the girl confusedly, "Why are you asking about the silly secretary?" She asked. She continued without waiting for the girl's answer. "Don't forget about what we were supposed to do, so get your head straight okay?" She said before glancing back at Eun-sun, her eyes were full of so much hatred for her and Eun-sun didn't miss it. She had noticed the way she had always looked at her but she didn't mind.

"You, when trying to play with your secretary boy, make sure you stay away from the president's office or else..." She warned seethingly while Eun-sun just watched her spew the nonsense that was coming out of her mouth. She didn't have the time or energy to waste on her especially when she had to see him right now.

Eun-sun turned to Hye-Jin and with a smile, she said, "Hye-Jin I'll see you after lunch okay. I won't be joining you to the cafeteria" She said as she stood up to her feet. She looked at the girl standing in front of her with a stoic look on her face, before walking past them. She had no time to waste, Dan-Han must be waiting for her.

"Hey, you!" Soojin called out rudely to stop Eun-sun who was walking away, but she didn't stop to look at her. Rather Hye-Jin sprang up to her feet and glared at Soojin.

"Hey you spoilt brat, I've always known you have no manners but you should at least try and pretend to be since this is a workplace. Don't throw that stupid attitude around, not all of us appreciates such ill manners. So learn to behave appropriately" Hye-Jin lectured, her eyes glaring daggers at her before she sighed and walked away.

Soojin opened her mouth to say something but she couldn't help but notice the way others like looking at her disgustingly. She had sounded rude to Eun-sun earlier, and they admired the way Eun-sun had ignored her. That showed how matured and well-groomed she was.

[A/N: If only they knew the temper behind that act of maturity]

"What?" Soojin roared when the other colleagues looked at her meaningfully.

She turned to look at Min-Jung, but Min-Jung spoke up first.

"Excuse me Soojin, I have to use the restroom," She said before hurrying out.


Eun-sun brushed her hair backwards, arranged her well-tucked clothes one more time as she rode the elevator, her heart was thudding hard behind her chest. She hasn't felt as nervous as she was right now earlier when she had come to see him. Maybe it was because this was the first time they'll be having lunch after admitting her feelings for him. It was definitely going to be different now.

She smacked her lips but it felt dry, she cringed when she remembered she had forgotten to apply some gloss on her lips. Since Dan-Han gave her that balm it has become her favourite lip balm.

It was all that Soojin's fault she cried in her head.

When the elevator chimed on arrival, she drew in deep breaths to calm herself before walking out. Eun-sun had only walked a few steps closer to the Dan-Han's office when she heard a female shrieking voice echoing across the whole lobby.

"How dare you stop me from seeing him! I'm his fiancee and you have no right to stop me!"

'Fiancee?' Eun-sun asked herself.

'Dan-Han was engaged?'


Hello dearies... I'm sorry for reposting the wrong chapter. I was sleepy while updating, haven't had proper sleep for days. I'm truly sorry.

Well, I have some good news for us, who's excited...

Firstly, I'm done with all the work and I'm back to writing fully, so expect daily updates.

Secondly, Power is back and you know what that means right?

Thirdly, there's been an upgrade with the win-win, and WN has advised all users to update their apps so the changes on the app can be reflected. And also we're participating in this month win-win challenge, so let's keep supporting our favourite characters so we can all win, and get those rebate coins.

Fourthly, there'll be a second-tier privilege for this month for five(5) chapters, let's support this work.

Thanks for all the love, care and support you guys I've been showing me, I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. I love you guys and a happy new month.

Have a fruitful year ahead.

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