Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 206 - Unnamedv

Su Family Mansion

Hei-Ran didn't know how to face the whole family so she hid herself in the kitchen, trying to busy herself when actually she was doing something else, drinking.


Seeing them all laugh and cheer like she had just won a Grammy award make her heart feel heavy.

It was so difficult telling a lie to her family members, especially when they love her so much and wanted nothing but the best for her.

Why has she done this?

Her aunt, mom, Dad, and her cousin's, even her mischievous younger sister Seul-Bi were currently harruanging Jinhai with a lot of questions about how they met and how he proposed. She couldn't handle it and that was why she was here. They had all asked to see the ring, but she had to say another lie to get out of it.

She couldn't tell how many lies she had had to say simply to cover one stupid lie.

She was currently living in a web of lies.

And above all that she had a another issue at hand and that was....

"Ah, there you are" A voice spoke from the door.

Speak of the devil, and he comes running, only this time he was in form of a certain someone, A-Yeong.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The cousin that must be hated.

Hei-Ran dropped the glass in her hand and turned to look at the annoying creature that had just walked into the kitchen.

Thi was the lady that had met them at the door, and Hei-Ran was more than certain that she had heard her argument between Jinhai and herself.

"Dear cousin, I know you're here because you've heard my little secret, so if you came here to torture me with it, I'm glad to let you know I'm already being tortured so save yourself the trouble." She said before gulping down the rest of her drink.

"You're still as stupid as ever" The girl hissed and walked into the kitchen. She picked up a glass and walked over to where Hei-Ran was sitting on the kitched island. She picked up the bottle and began to pour herself a glass causing Hei-Ran to look at her angrily.

She wasn't going to drink with her right?

Hei-Ran couldn't help but notice her slow and gracious movement. This was the thing about her that made everyone admire her. She did everything with finesse. Her suave manner always had an extra touch of poise.

Wasn't that the reason she also hated her?

Hei-Ran turned another glass and chugged it down her throat. Why was everything and everyone making her feel depressed?

"You should go slow on that. You know you're such a stupid drunk and you don't want to throw yourself at a man who isn't really your.... boyfriend?" She raised a taunting brow at her.

Hei-Ran looked at her from the corner of her eyes. What was the worst thing that could happen in this life?

Maybe having your worst enemy know worst your secret? Yes that was definitely the worst.

"A-Yeong please just go away. If you want to torture me, do that some other day, but please not today." Hei-Ran said defeatedly. This was her fault, she shouldn't have been so careless. But why had her mom invited her in the first place?

A-Yeong chuckled out, making Hei-Ran roll her eyes. Even the way she talked and laughed was graceful. Ahh! she hated this girl.

"It seems you can't handle the truth. You've never been able to." She said in a borish tone, as she took a sip from her glass. Hei-Ran caught on to what she was saying, and scowled.

"You came here to gloat didn't you?" Hei-Ran asked in a cold tone while A-Yeong tilted her head towards her and smiled.

"As a matter of fact I did, but..." She intentionally paused as if to taunt Hei-Ran. She gave a once over, "I don't think you'll be needing it. You already feel down enough." She mocked.

Scowling even harder, Hei-Ran said, "Then get lost." Hei-Ran drawled.

A-Yeong tsked nonchalantly, she was unfazed by the Hei-Ran's outburst. "You don't always have to be so angry everytime we meet."

"You think?" Hei-Ran asked rhetorically.

"I shouldn't just be angry at you. I should kill you! You're the reason why I'm like this, you!" Hei-Ran spat out angrily.

"Oh please, you have to stop blaming me at some point. It was not my fault your ex-boyfriend was a scam. And stop blaming me for your unmarried status, only you are at fault." She hissed. She didn't come here for this but Hei-Ran was always spoiling for a fight over something that happened years ago.

"You are the scam. You gave him that advice and he duped me and left. You wanted to win the bet, and you sabotaged my relationship because of it. A-Yeong, you cheated me, and guess what I'm still single, and miserable, and yes I'm working outside the company now, so stop bothering me" She snapped at her.

"Don't blame me for your misfortune. I agree I cheated you, but I equally opened your eyes to the kind of man you were dating and wanted to marry. He was a scumbag, and yes I benefitted out of it, but I saved you from making the biggest mistake of your life by wanting to marry an animal. So instead of all these hating, you should be grateful. And aren't you making the same mistake by hiring a man to come act as your boyfriend? Where are the morals your mother thought you?" She mocked.

Hei-Ran looked at her incredulously, her blood was boiled with rage. Was there anyone as shameless and thicked as her? "I should be grateful to you? And business of yours is it if I get hire a man to come act as my boyfriend?" Hei-Ran asked angrily. She knew she shouldn't be having this conversation in the house where everybody was gathered but she couldn't help it, and she was feeling tipsy already.

A-Yeong picked up her glass and gulped her drink in one go, before flashing a taunting smile at Hei-Ran which made Hei-Ran confuse. Why was she smiling now?

"Why the hell are you smiling?" Hei-Ran asked in annoyance.

"Nothing" A-Yeong shrugged.

"I'm just wondering how you and your fakr boyfriend will explain everything to the them" She tilted her chin towards the door.

Hei-Ran turned around to look at the door and the glass in her slipped and shattered to the floor.

"" She called in a shaky voice.

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