Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 209 - Scared Of Losing You

"A-Yeong I'm very disappointed in you. I'm disappointed in you for trying to embarrass your sister and for what you did to her in the past. You wanted the company, I hope you enjoy it, just as she's actually enjoying her job. And for your sake I hope grandfather will still be as proud of you when he hears what for what you did to Hei-Ran back then." She wouldn't have known that A-Yeong was the one behind it had she not overheard them talking. They had all ran to the kitchen when they heard Hei-Ran's voice, but they were surprised when they heard what Hei-Ran had said, they thought A-Yeong was going to deny it but she didn't.

Mother Su had no intention of exposing Hei-Ran's lie, as a matter of fact she was going to encourage them into playing on with their lies she wanted to see how they could go with it, but when A-Yeong tried to embarrass her daughter in front of the whole family she decided to turn it her advantage.


"Aunty!" A-Yeong snapped.

"You've lost all right to call me that, when you cheated my daughter and try to kick her down when she was low. Dogs don't eat dogs neither should family kick their family members down. I thought you were better than this, but you have really opened my eyes today. Now get out of my house before I do something we'll both regret. While I'm still respectful towards your parents, please leave" Mrs Su snapped at her. She couldn't believe A-Yeong was the reason behind the ordeal Hei-Ran had faced years ago. She could remember how Hei-Ran had cried and tried to apologize to everyone.

It was only a year after her graduation from college, that their grandfather had pitched the two girls together to compete against one another. The better one of them would be a director, but who knew A-Yeong would use an under handed means to cheat Hei-Ran by making use of her boyfriend who worked at the company with them. Hei-Ran was humiliated for authorizing the transfer of money which were to be used to purchase materials for a company project, to her boyfriend, when in actual case she was tricked into signing it and that idiot had made way with the company money. Their grandfather, which happened to be her mother's father decided not to pursue the case because it wouldn't become public knows and Hei-Ran wouldn't face much embarrassment, but no one in the company looked at her the same way again. And that was why she had left to work for Jinhai who was only starting up his company then.

She wanted to be part of something small that would grow bigger, that way she'd prove to them that she wasn't a nonentity. And that was what she did. She worked side by side with Jinhai till the man started acting like he owned her, but she didn't mind since she loved working with him and she loved his passion towards his job and in no time they became one of the leading decor companies in the country. It had brought her alot of satisfaction and nothing measured up to it, not even the position of being a director in her grandfather's company could measure up to it.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A-Yeong looked at her aunt and everyone else in the room before stepping out of the kitchen and out of the house.

Mother Su took in a deep breath to calm herself, she glanced at Hei-Ran and Jinhai one more time before turning to the rest of the family at the door most especially her younger sister, Woo-Mi.

She clapped her hands together and sighed, "So it seems our princess is still very much single. We can continue supporting her in prayers, because I prayed for everyone of you now you all owe me, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun. We've made so many preparations and the food can't go to waste and it isn't everyday we get to have a full house like this. So in the absence of a couple to celebrate, let's celebrate life and just have some fun!" She chirped.

"And everyone can stay for the night because there's alot of rooms to keep you guys, so what do you guys say?" She asked.

"I totally agree noona, let's have some fun." Woo-Mi chirped as well as other members of the family. They all sauntered away from the kitchen leaving the two to work things out for themselves.

Jinhai nervously and hesistantly turned to Hei-Ran, who was staring at his back.

His heart began to ram against his chest when he saw the way she was looking at him.


"Is it true?" Hei-Ran interjected him, her eyes intently staring at him.

Jinhai felt lost for words as he stared at her. He could feel his hands sweat as she waited for his answer with her eyes fixed on him.

"Jinhai?" She called him in gentle tone as if compelling him to speak up.

"Yes" He spurted out before taking a step closer to her. He could feel his heart ram wildly against his chest but there was nothing he could do to calm it down. He knew this was the best time to come clean with his feelings for her. He just had to tell her and there was no running from it.

"Yes, I do love you Hei-Ran. I've loved you from the first year you started working for me. I have stupidly been in love with you and I loved you more every passing day. It's been six years and I've found myself loving you day by day. I'm sorry I wasn't bold enough to tell you and you have to find out this way." He said with a low and apologectic tone.

Hei-Ran felt shocked when she heard him. Hearing it from him made it different from when her mother had say it. She couldn't believe it was true.

This man, Song Jinhai was really in love with her and the most shocking thing was that he has been in love with her for so long? It was unbelievable. But he did those many things to her. He tortured her. Why?

"Then why have you been acting weird all this while?" She was referring to him being cold and demanding towards her. Jinhai understood what she meant. If he loved him he wouldn't be as cold, mean and inconsiderate as he was to her.

He sighed and replied, "I just didn't want to lose you to someone else....and I was...scared of telling you."

"Huh?" Hei-Ran didn't understand.

"I once heard you say you wouldn't date your boss and you would resign if he ever likes you. So I got scared and I had no other choice but to keep you to my side by acting like a demanding boss. I'm sorry." He apologized again.

Hei-Ran looked at him in stupefaction. Was this the reason he had acted that way? Made her life a living hell? Yes, she has indeed said that, and she just wasn't referring to her boss alone she had meant every male employee who worked in the same company as her. What happened to her in the past had thought her quite a lesson and that was why she had made such a resolution.

But was that enough reason to torture her that way?

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