Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 279 - Cruel Ways

Trigger warning!! The chapter contains gore!!

Although arriving at his destination didn't take so long, it had been one hell of a ride travelling through the forest paths. He couldn't remember the last time he had done something like this outside his base. He could have left this till he got home, but he couldn't. That video was quite disturbing, and he knew he wouldn't be able to rest till he got the answer he needed.

He stopped in front of the unobtrusive building, and the moment he descended his ride, his subordinates all arrayed themselves and bowed to him.

"Boss." They greeted. He responded with a nod whileTae-Ho led him inside the house.

"Where is he?" Dan-Han asked as he strolled into the building.

"There, boss," Tae-Ho pointed his chin to the man tied to a chair directly under the huge bright light in what seemed like a living room. Dan-Han narrowed his eyes at him as he closely approached him. He stood in front of the man, his eyes keenly observing how the man was trying to listen to his environment while trying to maintain a calm aura around him. He remained still for a while without saying a word, and he could feel the man getting agitated by the wait as he knew someone other than the people who had abducted him was standing right before him.

But that was Dan-Han's aim. To ruffle him up.

After a few seconds had elapsed, he hinted one of his men to take the blindfold off, revealing the man's face. The man flinched at the bright light that assaulted his eyes till he adapted.

It was indeed the man from the footage, but he looked older now. Dan-Han guessed he was probably in his fifties now. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

  Dan-Han watched as the man's eyes scanned his environment and the people around till his eyes fell on him.

He observed every one of the man's actions, and he couldn't help but notice how the man's eyes quivered for a second when he saw him.

"I see you know me. That will save us the introduction." Dan-Han coldly said.

"What do you want? I don't remember offending a Lee." The man said in an unfazed tone. His eyes were cold and dead like he wasn't scared of anything, but Dan-Han knew better.

"You don't have to offend a Lee to get on my bad side." He replied as he moved a step closer to the man towering over him with his intimidatingly. His eyes fell on the mind-boggling tattoo sitting on his arm.

The man raised his eyes to Dan-Han when he saw how he was paying rapt attention to the tattoo. Dan-Han returned his gaze to the man's face and asked, "Who do you work for?"

"No one." Came the man's quick and blunt reply.

Whipping out his phone from his pocket, he opened it and showed him a picture. It was a screenshot from the footage. The man's eyes widened for a bit, but he quickly regained his composure.

"So let's try again. Who do you work for, and where is the child?" Came Dan-Han's cold and menacing voice.

"I work for no one." The man adamantly replied, making Dan-Han sigh.

"Tae-Ho." He called, and he immediately appeared before him.

"Loosen his tongue." He said before taking a step back. He didn't have the time to waste.

Tae-Ho looked at the man who challengingly and fearlessly stared  back at him, but Tae-Ho didn't reveal any emotion on his face; instead, he brought out a knife from his pocket. The man glared at Tae-Ho as he already knew what was coming his way.

"Better be quick about." He smugly said, but Tae-Ho's maintained his nonchalant countenance. It was almost as if that paralysed look on his face was permanently etched on his face.

He moved the knife between his fingers before grabbing the man's hand. But before the man could look or prepare himself for what was about to happen, a sharp pain coursed through him, making him groan. He bit his lips as he lowered his eyes to look at his severed finger. His index finger was gone and blood was spluttering all over.

Without looking at him, Tae-Ho hesitated for a while before returning his attention to the man's hand, but just when the man thought Tae-Ho was about to chop another finger, the weird man decided to peel his fingers off. He groaned a little more, and sweat began to trickle down his forehead as Tae-Ho monstrously took out all his fingernails, as well as peeled a few portions of his skin off. But just he thought that was all, Tae-Ho brought out a small amble bottle from his pocket and spilt its contents on the man's hand and on all the brutalised part of his body, causing the man to scream in anguish.

His eyes widened when he saw his skin slowly melting away. It was eating him alive and the pain was madly intense.

"Fuck you!" He cussed as he continued to groan in pain.

Dan-Han walked closer, prompting Tae-Ho to halt his actions. Looking at the man with more intense eyes, he asked again; this time, he rephrased his question. "Who took her child?" he asked, but there was no answer as the man only groaned. His fingers were still melting off. This wasn't just acid!

A devilish smirk appeared on Dan-Han's face, slightly fazing the man. 

"The thing is, I can do this all night, but I don't have the time." He said before glancing at Tae-Ho, who nodded as he understood the silent order. He walked to the side of the room and soon returned with a silver briefcase. He quickly opened it and handed a long metallic probe to Dan-Han, which looked about 12 meters long. Dan-Han's lips curved up when he saw the curious look in the man's eyes.

"You don't have to be scared. It seems you can handle your pain very well, so I'm just going to see how far you can go." He tauntingly said before glancing at Tae-Ho, who quickly walked behind the man and roughly tilted his head up. 

"What are you trying to do?" The man asked in a panicked voice.

"You have 30 seconds before I push the whole of this into your brain. And believe me, this is nothing like you've ever experienced. The pain is a thousand times more than you can imagine, and halfway through, you might suffer from asphyxiation because it would be deep into the part of your brain that coordinates your breathing. So one last time, who do you work for, and where's the child?" Dan-Han asked this time his voice sounding colder than usual, but the man still didn't budge. His eyes were solely focused on the object in Dan-Han's hand.

He has heard of Dan-pHan's cruelty but he thought they were mere rumours.

Without hesitating one second, Dan-Han drove the probe into the man's nose, making him swirl at how irritating it felt, but soon he started screaming when it felt like hot liquid was being pumped into his head. He could feel an immense amount of pain surging through his head, and blood began slipping out of his nose.

But once again, it got more intense when Dan-Han pushed further, and he began to struggle, but he was firmly pinned down.

"Do I have to ask again?" Came Dan-Han's threatening voice as his hand moved an inch deeper making the man cave in as he screamed at the top of his voice.

"T-he Kim master has the child."

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