Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 81 - Angry Dan-Han

Eun-Sun was a little worried when she got another call from Dan-Han's office again. Twice in one day? What the heck was wrong with this man? What did he have to tell her again? This man must have a lot of time in his hands.

Eun-Sun was about to cry in her mind. Maybe this was his new way of punishing her. Though all she had to do was take the elevator but she also had to walk right? Moreover it was lunch time, and all she needed at the moment was food. After been fed by Dan-Han twice yesterday, her stomach has been raging for more food. It's as if the walls of her stomach were having some sort of dispute and only food could sort things out. 


Eun-Sun hasn't forgotten how her colleagues had looked at her when she returned back from Dan-Han's earlier this morning. It was as if they were watching a heroine who had just walked of a dangerous cave full of venomous gartner snakes, unscathed. And Hye-Jin had bugged her with series of questions of why she had been called and how the president's office looked like since none of them had been opportuned to go there. 

And the look they gave her when she got another call almost made her choke. She wouldn't lie, President Lee was making her life unbearable. Who would have thought that the president of a huge conglomerate such as this had a lot of spare time to torture a small staff like her?

Eun-Sun bowed to Secretary Chang-Wok's who directed towards Dan-Han's door. Now he was sure something was going on with his boss. The man was acting strange. 

"Sir you called?" 'Again' she remembered to add in her mind.

"Hmmm. Wait a while" He said without even looking at her, his attention was buried deep in the documents on his table. With the way the pen in his hand was moving so fast one could tell in was in a hurry, but in a hurry to do what? If he was in such a hurry why then did he rewuet for her presence? Eun-Sun asked herself in her mind as she scowled at him.

Damn, she was really hungry, and if she stayed any longer she might miss out on the good stuff at the cafeteria. The thought of throwing her shoe at him was currently going through her mind at the moment. He man was sure evil. Even the word 'evil' doesn't cover it.

"Sit on the sofa" He said again still not looking at her.

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Eun-Sun wanted to open her mouth to ask him why he had asked her to come, but she clamped mouth shut when she realized how immersed he was in the document on his desk. She couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked in his intensed state. He was even looking more than attractive as he worked. 

From the way he was sitted behind his desk, he looked like he was in his own world, and was silently warning everybody not to disturb him.

Dan-Han could tell she was staring at him, because he feel her gaze on him. He lifted his head up and cocked a brow at her in a questioning way completely taking Eun-Sun unaware. 

"Uhmm.." She awkwardly turned to the sofa as she sauntered over, with an embarrassed look on her face.

'What were you doing Eun-Sun?' She cringed in her mind.

'How can you be thinking about your boss looking attractive? That man is a maniac'

Dan-Han's gaze followed her as she plonked herself on the seat. He could tell she was thinking about something at the moment but he didn't know what. He returned his attention back to his file. He had to finish things up quickly so he wouldn't keep her waiting for long.

Eun-Sun eyes wandered around theol office. She couldn't help but acknowledge how neat and organinzed eeverything in the office looked, it reminded her of his house. It was also very organized. The man must be very meticulous.

She slowly looked over her shoulder the floor to ceiling Window. Behind it was the beautiful view of the city. PK Corps building was the tallest building in the city and with Dan-Han's office been at the very top, one was graced with a perfect view of the city. Eun-Sun wanted a clearer view of it, just as she was about to turnaround to take a good look at it, the door was flung open completely startling her. Her eyes flew to the door too see who must have grown some balls to make such a spectacular entrance into the presidents office, when her eyes flew wide open in surprise. 

"Pumpkin?" That familiar voice from that familiar face called out in surprise. 

'Pumpkin?' Eun-Sun arched a brow. Why would he call her that? Well she shouldn't be surprise, this guy was a professional casanova, he must be used to such endearments. She stood up to her feet to greet him with a bow.

"Good afternoon, sir In-Ha" She said with a small smile. She couldn't say it was a pleasant surprise to see him, because she still wasn't that close to him yet. Though she wasn't as irritated as she used to be, she still wasn't so hung up on the idea of being friends with him. But she must acknowledge the fact that he has been of good character since after the shoulder flip thingy.

"Sir In-Ha? Are we still on that? I thought we were friends already?" In-Ha complained faking a pout, as he walked closer to her.

"Ermm..I'm sorry" She said with an apologectic smile. She still wasn't used to addressing him with his first name, as he so wanted her to. She wasn't sure she'd ever get used to that.

As In-Ha walked closer to where she was, his eyes lit up as they took a full look of her. Why hasn't he noticed how curvy her petite body was? 

"What are you doing here?" He asked in surprise. He was surprised to see her in this office, knowing who actually owned it. Speaking of the devil, In-Ha glanced at the demon looking guy who looked like he was about to explode any moment soon. The scowl on his face was enough to scare anybody but In-Ha wasn't bothered.

"Hey buddy" In-Ha greeted cheerfully as he waved at him, with a smile, which Dan-Han so wanted to wipe off his face.

There was only one word playing th Dan-Han's head at the moment, and it was the word 'pumpkin'.

And why the hell was she smiling at In-Ha like that, when she hasn't even smiled at him, not for once. All she does was frown, scowl and even scold him. Now she had the nerve to smile at another man, while he was there. 

"What are you doing here?" Dan-Han asked in an extremely cold tone. Why did this idiot choose to come now?

"Don't look at me like that. I didn't come here for you, I actually came here in search of my friend, princess Eun-Sun" In-Ha said slowly putting his hand across Eun-Sun's shoulders. He was being careful, so he wouldn't get another shoulder flip. Eun-Sun stiffened when his hands touched her shoulder. She wasn't used to such proximity, and she suddenly had the urge to pull away but In-Ha held her close, and she also refrained herself because she was still standing before Dan-Han.

Dan-Han felt his blood boil when In-Ha put his hand around her shoulders.

"Anyway I'm here to take her out for lunch" He said before turning to Eun-Sun. 

"Will you go for lunch with me? My life is so bored without you. Please friend" He said pressing his hand together in a pleading manner, with a cute baby pout on his lips and his eyes flicking up and down.

"I promise to be a good boy" In-Ha shamelessly added, still pulling a puppy face at her.

Eun-Sun didn't know what to say. She didn't like when she was being begged, It usually played on her conscience. And secondly she hated it when guys acted too cute. But right now she also needed to go out for lunch, but this devil was keeping her hostage in his office. She hissed in her mind.

"But I'm supposed to wait for the Mr Lee. He asked me to wait" Eun-Sun told him.

"Dan-Han?" In-Ha asked as he turned to glance at his friend who was timing with anger, but only God knows why. He looked back at Eun-Sun.

"Don't worry about him, he can get someone else to do that for him, right Dan-Han?" He turned to look at Dan-Han again who was staring a gazillon of daggers at him. How was he supposed to find anotber Eun-Sun to have lunch with? What the hell was wrong with In-Ha? He had called her for same purpose. He even asked his chef to prepare that black bean noodle for her again, and now she was going to get snatched right under his nose? He wouldn't let that happen!

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