Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 85 - Penny For Your Thought

Eun-Sun was so lost in her misery and tears that she didn't notice it has started drizziling. She was still crouched down, staring at nothing in particular. Her mind was blank, as she kept staring and her tears kept falling.

There were so many things she wanted to say to her grandmother but she just kept muttering, "Sorry"


"I guess you're not trying to join her are you?" Came a voice from above her.

The voice jolted her back to reality. She slowly lifted her head up to see a man towering over her with an umbrella in hand.

She stared at him silently for a minute, as she tried to bring up her voice.

"Sir In-Ha?" She called out softly.

"Really sir In-Ha again?" In-Ha scoffed. "I'll let it slide right now because you're in a bad shape. Come on it's about to rain" He told her.

It was at this Point that Eun-Sun took note of the weather and the fact that it was drizzling and it was about to rain heavily.

"Yeah, welcome back" In-Ha said with sarcasm hinted over his words.

"Here let me help you" He offered stretching his hand to help her.

Eun-Sun looked at his hand for some time before she accepting it. In-Ha helped her up and covered her with the umbrella.

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"Are you done?" In-Ha asked softly, when he noticed the pale and tired look on her face. 'She must have been crying alot' He thought to himself. Eun-Sun responded by nodding her head.

"Would you like to leave now?" He asked and she replied with another nod.

"Okay let's go" He said before leading them out.

He slowly led them to his car and he opened the passenger seat door for her. Eun-Sun looked at the car before looking at him.

"I'm sure you can't get cab here, because ghost don't order cabs. And secondly it's going to rain heavily and you're a bit wet already. So why don't you step in and I'll get us out of here. My car is definitely not going to bite you" He told her. Eun-Sun nodded her head before stepping into the car.

In-Ha closed the door and rounded the car to the driver's side before hopping in.

He turned on the car and turned on the heater to keep Eun-Sun warm.

She turned to him and offered her thanks. "Thank you"

"You're welcome" He said to her.

"You should take that jacket off it's wet" He added.

Eun-Sun looked down at the wet jacket she had on, and indeed it was quite wet, may in turn wet In-Ha's car.

Slowly she slipped the jacket off. And held it in her hand. In-Ha snatched it from her and dropped it on the back seat.

"Your trousers might get wet. Let it be stay there" He explained when Eun-Sun looked at him. She looked back at her jacket and hoped in her mind that she does not forget it.

"Thank you sir...." She paused when In-Ha scowled at her. "Thank you In-Ha" She corrected herself.

"That's more like it" He smiled at her.

Eun-Sun looked her outside the window as In-Ha drove. She didn't have anything to say, and what Hei-Ran had said to her this morning was now going through her head.

Was she really not living her life? Yes she was feeling responsible for everybody mostly especially her mother, which of course she had currently let go, but wasn't that what she was supposed to do as a child.

Her mother had told her it was her responsibility, and she didn't want to disappoint, most especially when her father returns home. She wanted him not to have a reason to leave them again. She was sure he had left because things were hard, so she always trying her best to fix things up before he returns home someday. Even if he doesn't return on his own accord she was going to look for him and bring him home.

But was Hei-Ran really right? Could her life feel better if she stopped carrying all the guilt in her heart. She also wanted to live freely. To love, feel happy, laugh when a joke was made, smile when she sees or hear something Pleasant. But for the last ten years she hasn't been able to do all these things. Because whenever she tried to, she reminds herself that she wasn't allowed to until all everything were back to normal.

"Penny for your thought?" In-Ha asked when he noticed how lost in thought she was.

Eun-Sun turned to him, when she heard him.

"A penny won't cover it" She replied as she slowly turned to look at him.

"Then maybe a cup of instant noddles could" He said pouting his lips to her stomach which was loudly rumbling.

Eun-Sun looked down at her stomach. And scoffed when she heard the loud noises her stomach was making.

She had lost her appetite after she and Hei-Ran's misunderstanding this morning.

"Maybe" She said.

"Then I guess we should stop for one" In-Ha smiled. He pulled over at the next retail store they got to, and purchased two cups of noddles and bottle water, which he brought to the car.

"Thank you" Eun-Sun said as she received hers.

"Eat up before we get worm issues at hand" He joked. He watched as Eun-Sun opened her food and slowly ate.

"Now tell me those thoughts" In-Ha said as soon as they finished their meal.

Eun-Sun looked at him and sighed under her breath. She wasn't used to sharing her feelings and thoughts with people, especially those she wasn't familiar with. But everything starts in one day right? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she talked to someone. 

"I just miss the people who I used to have in my life" She said in a low tone, earning In-Ha's attention. 

"I miss the life I had with them, I miss everything so badly. I miss my dad, his warm hugs and kisses" She let out a small dry laugh. "I miss my mom and i miss granny and I'm going to miss my friend Ji-Sang who's probably leaving because of me"

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