People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon

Chapter 159 - 159: Who Is the Oriole?

Chapter 159: Who Is the Oriole?

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

In the star system belonging to the Fire Fury Civilization…

Warships are being adjusted at the spaceport, doing the final preparations for take-off.

Two humanoid creatures, looking like half-transformed pig demons with pig noses and large ears, are conversing at the top of the port.

“Our strategic team has carefully analyzed it. The civilization in the target star system has probably been destroyed…”

The taller, slender man confidently said, “Because if they were a level 2 civilization, they wouldn’t have let an invading fleet destroy their two planets so easily…”

The burly man was a bit puzzled, “Then why are we going there?”

“Naturally, it’s for other civilizations…”

The tall man laughed, “The explosion of two stars, the resulting ripples in space-time can reach 1000 light-years away, there are definitely other civilizations within this range who have also sent fleets to check out the situation…”

“What we have to do is find the homestars of these fleets and destroy them…”

“We are 125 light-years away from the target star system, which is relatively close. If we travel through a wormhole now, we can get there in about a month, and we should be the first civilization to arrive…”

“After we get there, you guys need to lurk first, find opportunities to put trackers on the other fleets’ spaceships…”

“Also, you need to be careful not to get marked by other fleets…”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The burly man laughed, unconcerned, “Even if we get marked, what’s the big deal? With our Fire Fury Civilization’s strength, whoever comes, dies!”

The tall man frowned, “We can’t take this lightly. If we get marked by a level 2 civilization, it’s fine, we won’t be afraid, but what if it’s a level 3 civilization…” The burly man laughed, “Flow is that possible? According to the principle of cosmic expansion, the outermost areas are less likely to give birth to advanced civilizations. If there is a level 3 civilization, it’s definitely closer to the galactic center…”

The tall man sighed helplessly, “That’s not what the theory means, you misunderstood…”

“It doesn’t matter if the meaning is a little different. Hasn’t the fact that we haven’t encountered a level 3 civilization in all these years proven something?”

The burly man laughed, “Besides, didn’t our national master say that our current level of technology has reached the peak of this star field? If we want to break through further, we can only migrate to the second spiral arm…”

“What the national master said isn’t exactly that. He said under equal intelligence, this star field is our limit. What if there is a smarter species?”

The tall man shook his head, “Anyway, be careful when you go there, don’t lead them back to our Homestar???? ”

The burly man waved his hand, “1 know, if we encounter a level 3 civilization, I won’t come back, I’ll self-destruct…”

Just then, someone came over and saluted, “Captain, the fleet has been checked and there are no issues, ready to depart at any time…”

“Then let’s go, let’s get there early and secure a good position…”

Like the Fire Fury Civilization, many Level 2 civilizations believe that the native civilization of the Solar System has already been destroyed. Their journey near the Solar System this time is not for the natives, but for the other civilizations heading the same way.

This is like a grand confrontation between multiple civilizations, all using the Solar System as their battlefield.

Each civilization has confidence in their victory, as each species within these civilizations has its unique advantages, standing out among countless others.

Of eight Level 2 civilizations, only two that have just reached Level 2 did not send fleets.

The other six civilizations, all in the mid-to-late phase of Level 2, sent their fleets. Their goal this time is not the native civilization of the Solar System, which they think has been destroyed. Instead, they are each other’s hunters and prey. The winner is who can outlast the others.

950 light-years from the Solar System is the Modou Civilization.

The Great Whale Legion is assigning people to calculate the wormhole routes.

“Report: the target star system has only two ports, one far and one near. The far port is 650 light-years away from us, the near port is 945 light-years from us and 5 light-years from the target star system…”

The octopus-headed army commander nodded slightly, saying, “The 10th army corps will guard the far port; the other corps will follow me to the near one…”

Most civilizations will not rashly enter the Solar System but will observe from nearby galaxy systems.

Therefore, the probability of encountering other civilization’s fleets is higher at the near port.

Nevertheless, the Whale Army Corps did not ignore the far port and sent an army corps there.

They speculate that the fleet that destroyed the Solar System must have arrived via wormhole. If they return the same way, they will be caught.

“Report: the route is ready. The nearest route passes through nine wormholes, and we are expected to arrive in about ten days…”

Wormhole travel is like navigating a tumultuous river. Any creature that can’t swim must rely on a vehicle to cross.

Level 2 civilizations have only just managed to manufacture a device that can traverse the wormhole.

A Level 3 civilization like the Modou can accelerate through the wormhole. It’s like giving a boat that could only drift downstream a propeller, greatly reducing the time needed to travel through the wormhole.

So, among many civilizations, although the Modou civilization seems to be the furthest from the Solar System, they can arrive first.

69 light-years from the Solar System.

The Mihui Civilization is still at a Level 1 technological level. They have equipment to detect gravitational waves but cannot observe neutrinos.

In their understanding, the universe is lonely, and only the Mihui Civilization exists within a range of billions of light years.

The Milhui people’s exploration of the universe is limitless, and they have been continuously sending out electromagnetic signals into the universe.

Sadly, after all these years, they have received no response.

The universe is too vast. With the Mihui Civilization as the center, signals sent outward are dense near the center but become sparse as they move further out. The two signals that were close at the center will become very far apart with increasing distance, making it less likely for other civilizations to discover these signals.

One day, a news report in the Mihui Civilization broke the usual peace and tranquility of the entire Millet star system.

“According to our Astronomical Center, two planets have exploded at the same time in a star system 69 light-years away from us…”

“Based on the analysis of our scientists, there is a 99.5% chance that this explosion was caused by intelligent beings…”

“This means that our Millet Civilization is not alone. There is another human civilization just 69 light-years away!”

As the news spread, all the humans on the nine planets of the Mihui star system were stunned.

“I can’t believe I’ve lived to hear news of aliens…”

“Hurry, send them a message, tell them our Mihui Civilization is here…”

“But even if we send a message, it will take 69 years to reach them, and another 69 years to receive a reply. I’m afraid we won’t see the results in our lifetime…”

“Those born after 2000 might have a chance to see it. In 138 years, the newborns might be old enough to see the aliens’ response…”

“I wish 1 was born after 2000. Maybe when the aliens arrive, they could break through the telomere structure that limits our lifespan. I might get to live another life…”

“Wait, haven’t you thought about why the two planets in that star system exploded?”

“Isn’t that a serious enough problem?!”

The people of the Mihui Civilization didn’t know that while they were discussing this, far away in the Solar System, the progress bar on Zhao Yu’s reputation system had shot up significantly..

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