People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon

Chapter 313 - 313: The Base Was Lost (4)

Chapter 313: The Base Was Lost (4)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Are they from the Black Rock City Lord’s Mansion?!”

She felt uneasy and spoke up, “Who are you people from?”

After repeatedly asking without a response.

Someone couldn’t hold back any longer, “Sister Meng, should we kill them?”

“Sister Meng, we can’t open the doors to the four buildings…” Xiao Liu returned with his group.

“To forcibly break in, we might need to use bomb…”

What should they do now?!

Meng Xian had hoped that by capturing these soldiers, she could extract some information and determine the next course of action.

Who would have thought that these soldiers would be so tight-lipped, refusing to utter a word no matter what.

Such loyalty and resilience made her believe that only a significant power could train them.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“We can’t kill them. There are surveillance cameras on their doors; they’ve already seen us…”

“Damn it, destroy the surveillance!”

“Are you stupid? The footage they’ve captured will definitely be stored. Unless you can get in there and erase the surveillance content…”

The group continued to argue back and forth.

Initially, she thought it might just be personnel from some company in Black Rock City, but the performance of these eight soldiers was unexpected, not something an ordinary small company could afford.

Given the immense effort to transport these four steel buildings here, they wouldn’t just give up easily.

When they learn that their soldiers have been attacked, they will undoubtedly send more, possibly even including enhancers.

Meng Xian was very aware that as a third-level enhancer, she might be someone significant in the wasteland.

But in Black Rock City, third-level is just an average. There are many stronger than her.

Right now, she was unsure of what to do.

“Sister Meng, we haven’t killed anyone yet, so there’s still some chance to negotiate. If we kill them, it’s over…” Eagle seemed to notice the group’s intention after returned.

“So what do you suggest?!” Meng Xian was out of ideas.

“If we kill them, we’ll have to relocate our settlement, and who knows how many will die along the way. That’s not a good solution…”

“So, we don’t kill them for now. These people are so resilient; their force behind must be significant…”

“We might need to negotiate with them…”

“How do we negotiate?!” Meng Xian found it unbelievable. “After what we did to their people, can we still talk?!”

“We can!”

Especially in such times, Eagle remained calm. “First, we need to ascertain one thing: they’re from somewhere else, most likely Black Rock City, or even further…”

“This implies that they are beyond their reach here. No matter how strong a power they might hold in their territory, they are clearly understaffed here. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be just eight soldiers patrolling these four buildings…”

“Furthermore, we’ve been fighting for so long, and no one has come out of those four buildings…”

“There are only two possibilities. One, there’s nobody inside those four buildings…”

“Two, those inside the buildings are all non-combatants!”

“I lean more towards the second option. After all, with such impressive buildings, the likelihood of them being empty is low…”

“So, are all the people in these buildings researchers?!”

“In that case, regardless of who backs them, their primary objective here is most likely research-focused…”

“And since we are the local force, we could potentially cooperate with them…”

“After all, a mighty dragon does not suppress the local snake… These eight soldiers refuse to speak, which suggests they’ve been trained extensively over a long time…”

“So, we can wait for someone in charge from their side to arrive and see if we can negotiate…” Eagle explained his own solution toward this situation.

Meng Xian hesitated.

The people on-site were divided into two camps.

One camp advocated for killing the eight soldiers and then immediately returning to their settlement and relocating elsewhere.

The other camp favored staying put, waiting for the leader of this power to arrive for negotiation.

But both sides were clear on one thing: the power backing these four buildings was mighty and not something they could easily contend with.

“Sister Meng, don’t hesitate. Once we kill them, there’s no turning back…”

“Yes, should we just relocate our hard-built settlement just like that?!”

Meng Xian contemplated for a long time and eventually decided to stay and negotiate with this mysterious organization.

A significant reason for this decision was her belief that no matter what, they had limited personnel they could dispatch. With their current strength, they might stand a chance against them.

If negotiations failed, they could still flee, unless the opponent decided on actions that harmed both parties, like deploying helicopters to hunt them down.

“Whew, if they come, they’ll likely send helicopters…”

“In that case, the rest should stay hidden, leaving a few here to keep an eye on the prisoners…”

“Once their reinforcements arrive, we’ll surround them first and determined if

negotiations are possible….”

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