Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 178 - Overwhelming Presence

On his way back, John placed his hand over his chest, he didn't know why, his emotions should have gone dull after going into the possessed state, but his chest hurt. 

Before thinking any deeper about it, He focused on the boss, it wouldn't take long before it noticed that it was fighting an illusion. 

But what stood out the most was the power flowing through him, along with the immense amount of knowledge which he couldn't even process. 

He didn't know why, but when he used the illusion spell it felt natural, on top of that, he felt like he could use all the other spells he had memories of, without the need for chants. 

Knowledge of the words which he would need to say, and knowledge of the spell itself, on top of that, with his understanding of concepts, it wouldn't be a stretch to say he wouldn't need any chants for a few of them. 

However, the total number of spells he could use right now were only 6, and they weren't normal. 

"Zestari... Just what are you...?" 

[You called?] Zestari asked 

John was surprised, she was keeping quiet throughout the whole match, but just suddenly appeared as if nothing had happened 

[Where were you?] 

[Trying to keep you alive, do you know what you've done?] Zestari asked as she let out a sigh 

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"Yeah, I made a necessary sacrifice." 

[No, a useless one. Your master is alive...] 

The moment John heard those words, he felt his heart drop 


[When did you learn to bring out my power?] 

[What did you... just say...?] 

[Noth- Jus... Tr... t- I'll fix... I-] 

She was getting cut off, as if the connection between them was getting worse. John could also feel that he was slowly losing control of the form. 

But none of that was on his mind, do only thing was a single question 

[Did she just say, Master Sylvia is alive?] 


"This kid... He just keeps making things harder..." Zestari muttered as she faced the man on the other side of the room 

After hearing this, the man suddenly started to laugh 

"Hahaha... After watching him all this time, you still don't know?" The man asked 

"Be quiet." 

The spirit's mouth was forced shut, even if he tried, he could no longer talk. Despite under the face beneath his long black hair. Right now, he was in his true form. 

"You talk quite a lot for someone who enjoys taking over the body of a young boy." 

"It's funny you should say that, when you do the same." 

Upon hearing this, Zestari looked troubled and annoyed, the spirit was getting stronger, or she was getting weaker. 

Only 1/10th of the room had light in it, and Zestari was doing everything in her power to maintain it. But she was slowly running out of options 


How could she be so sure that master was alive? John couldn't feel her presence no matter how hard he'd try, he didn't want to believe it but a part of him did, Zestari never once lied, and she was always right. 

Suddenly, a loud ear-piercing scream came from the boss as she began to fly up 

[So those wings aren't just for show... Looks like she's angered after realising that it was an illusion] 

A glowing light sphere then surrounded her as she rose to the air, she seemed to be charging up an attack 

[So master is alive... Huh... I'll take your word for it... Zestari.] John thought to himself without even noticing the tear which flowed down his eye 

Another light sphere was formed in front of the sphere in front of her, slowly elements began to gather in that sphere as she continued to let out a deafening scream 

First water, then earth, then fire and lastly air. it began to mix and slowly the sphere began to darken 

"That looks dangerous... I guess it's about time to end this fight, Thank you, Zestari, I'm going to borrow a few spells, if you don't mind." 

John began to calmly raise into the air, before he vanished and suddenly reappeared in the air, a few meters in front of her. 

It took two shadow steps, but he made it. 

John looked at the attack which was just about to be completed. If a giant dark sphere like that were to hit the arena, everyone would be affected, not to mention how it seemed to be aimed at Serena and Ariel 

She had noticed them 


With a single word, the Dark Sphere which was probably on the level of an upper king-class spell if not emperor class vanished. As if it was ripped out of the entire space itself. 

"Gravitas times one hundred." 


In a single second, the Boss Angel crashed into the ground. However, despite that, she hadn't gotten on her knees. She stood in her spot and began to gather wind. 

As she did, she noticed that the wind she was gathering was being pushed down by something. 

The human body can only handle 90x gravity, but that was back in his previous world, and that's also without taking into account the stress from walking and other activities which lowers it to 10x gravity. But she's obviously more than 10x stronger than a normal person from John's previouis world. 

"To not even fall to your knees... Well, it's not unexpected from another world." Said John as he looked down at her from above 

Once her wind spells began to take shape, something strange was distorting the air around John's shoulder, it had no shape as if it was invisible, but you could still see and feel it 

"Forbidden Magic: Void-eater spear." John muttered 

The air around the spear was being sucked in, it's shape was like a spill but at the same time a drill, it's form couldn't be properly perceived by the human eye. 

John propelled the spear straight at her and as she moved to avoid it, her body suddenly stopped responding 

"Stop." John muttered 

With no way to dodge, she took the spear head on 

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