Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 182 - Back To The Past?

"Y-Yes?" Elena replied a little confused 

[Elena... Why does that sound so familiar... ] 

Before he even realised it, Tears began flowing down his eyes 

"What's wrong with this guy?" 

"He's crying? Lol, is this a confession?" 

One of the girls was about to pull out her phone to record what was happening, when all of the sudden, John said 

"Do you... Know me?" John asked

As they heard this, one of the girls swung her leg to kick him in the stomach as she said 

"Let go of her already!" 

But John instinctively stopped the kick by grabbing on to it before giving her a glare 

Seeing this, she nervously pulled back her leg as she said 

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"This guy is a creep... Hey, let go of her hand or we'll tell the teachers." 

"That's right, tell him!" Said another friend 

[Damn it... If four people go at once to tell the teacher, I'll be in trouble even if I'm not guilty...] 

Realising what he had just thought, John wondered why he had suddenly thought of such things. 

John subconsciously released his grip over Elena and she was pulled over to one of her friends who checked to see if there were any marks from John's sudden grip. 

Once she noticed that there weren't she let out a sigh of relief before pointed at John and said 

"Next time you do this, you'll regret it!" 

Hearing this, John wiped his tears and bowed 

"Sorry!" he shouted before running off 

"A-Ah, Wait!" Said Elena as she tried to stop him 

But he couldn't hear her, without looking back, he continued to run 


"What is this...?" Ariel asked as she refused to believe what she was witnessing 

"Master Sylvia... Is losing...?" 

It was close quarter fight, the two were fighting hand to hand, and Master Sylvia had yet to land a clean hit. 

John send a fist straight at her faced which she avoided by tilting her head to the side and sending in a kick to counter, but John avoided it, just as easily as he avoided every other attack, before sending a punch straight at her belly where she had the wound 

It was hard to detect since it was covered by a shadow, but he was accurately hitting at it, slowing her down even more than before 

Left and right, John began to rotate between his fists as he got control over the fights flow. Punching and kicking her in any place that showed opening 

Master Sylvia was in pain and on the defensive, his punches were strong and fast, she would block the ones aimed at her stomach, but because of her wound, she was getting hit in other places. 

Despite that she seemed to be holding on, waiting for something. 

John a side-kick straight at her head, and as she shadow-stepped beside him to avoid it, he crouched down kicking her off balance 

As she lost balance and was about to fall on to her back. John quickly raised his leg before sending it straight down 

His axe-kick however, didn't connect with her as she managed to shadow step above him in time. 

Once she was above him, she twisted her body as she sent her elbow straight towards the back of his head, to increase the impact. 

However, before it could connect with his head, it ended up connecting with his arm which he had stretched back. 

The instant, he had a firm grip on her hand, he slammed her down., cracking the cracked ground even more than it already was 

As he moved in to finish her off, his hand stopped on its own before it reached her throat 

"Tsk... Fine." 

He then stretched out his arm to the side and formed a dark circular shield which blocked the incoming fire and wind attack. 

He looked over to see where the attack came from with an unamused look, it was the two girls who he had decided to spare 

"It was fun at first, but I've wasted enough time here-" 

The instant he said the word he suddenly felt danger, the unamused expression quickly changed into an excited one as he turned to Master Sylvia who laid on the floor. 

"Fun...?" Said Master Sylvia, her voice sounded different and more sinister 

Darkness started to gather around Master Sylvia, as the shadow around her began to change. 

Master Sylvia's air now felt slightly similar to John's, a strange pattern appeared over her arm, and it glowed a dark colour. 


"What the hell is wrong with me..." John muttered as he let out a sigh and stared at his reflection in the puddle in front of him 

[What's with this strange sense of deja-vu?] John wondered as he continued to look at the puddle 

As he continued to stare at his reflection, for a moment, just a single moment, it flashed a reflection of someone else. 

John who had been focused on the puddle and couldn't believe it. 

"A boy with yellow hair and green eyes...?" He muttered in confusion 

However, the image quickly disappeared before he could get a better look at it 

"What was... that...?" He asked as he placed his hand over his head 

He was confused, he felt like he'd seen that boy somewhere before, but just couldn't reach it, something was missing. 

"What do I do now... It's raining, but even if it wasn't... Where would I even go?" 

As he tried thinking of something, a voice called out to him 

"John, You're John... Right?" Said the voice 

John turned his head and it happened again, he felt a strange sense of deja-vu, like a feeling that it wasn't the first time that this happened 

As the sound of the water droplets landing on the ground, resonated in the background, John found himself staring at her. He didn't know why but he felt sense of sorrow and happiness which couldn't be expressed with words and subconsciously replied with a smile 

"I think." with a lost and confused expression

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