Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 199 - The Sacred Treasure Of Time

It wasn't every day that you could see such a big spell. 

The tornado quickly made its way towards the tower before crashing into it. 


A few pieces collapsed but the tower remained intact. John made sure to grab and slow down the falling pieces with levite as he watched the tower get pushed back. 

He could feel the wind pressure all the way from where he was at. 

He turned towards the squad once more to get a better idea of just how strong they were, when all of the sudden, he made eye contact with the two who were in the lead. 


John quickly turned back to the tower after they made eye contact, he felt a chill go down his spine at the thought of that guy finding out his identity 

[There's no way he'll remember my face at night, right?] 

John supported the Tornado which was currently pushing the tower back as he also used wind magic to propel himself straight towards it. 

[Come on...] 

Together, now at a much faster speed than before, the tower was getting pushed further and further back. 


"Serena, let's unleash our third wind attack for an extra boost." 

Hearing this, Ariel nodded and the two released the third attack which they had been preparing 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Saint-Class Combined Wind Magic: Spiralling Burst Cannon!!" They simultaneously shouted 

In that instant, an intense amount of wind pressure in the form of a cannon was sent straight at the tower and began pushing at it. 

Now there were three strong forces pushing the tower back and it was working. 

The attacks continued to push at the tower with everything they had. Thankfully they were blunts so they weren't breaking it down, but there was a risk of the tower breaking from the pressure 

John could try to reinforce the tower, but there was no way he'd have enough magic power to do that, or enough time even. 

Their best bet was to hope the tower would hold on enough. 

Eventually, the tower was pushed so far back that it was now pointing straight at the sky. Seeing this, A smile was formed on john's face as he jumped away from it. 

"Just one more push..." He muttered as he began gathering air behind him. 

At the same time, He grabbed on to the daggers which he had on his waist and gathered wind in four different areas in front of him 

The air which was being gathered was being gathered at a moderate rate, but John needed it to be bigger. He needed it to be gathered faster. 

"Faster... Faster... Sacred Treasure Art..." 

The at which the wind was being gathered, was getting faster and faster along with the sound of a clock resounding in the background 

*Tic* *Toc* 

The same magic circle with the form of a clock was formed in front of John as he stretched out his hand 

"Antecessum" Translation: Advance 

The minute hand in the magic clock moved to one and in that instant, the four areas where the air was being gathered, suddenly significantly increased in size. 

He had also noticed that once he used advance, the clock on the daggers also moved along with the clock on the magic circle 


The minute hand moved to 2 and once again, the air increased in size, it was now four giant lumps of air which was gathered. 

John felt drained, but he already understood what was happening. 

His sacred treasure's ability, it was the ability to control time. However, he wasn't sure to what extent, the only thing he knew he could do now was revert, advance and accelerate. 

And all of these came at a great risk, it took too much magic power. 

"When was the last time... I felt this tired from using magic...?" John asked as he panted heavily 

He raised his arm into the air pulling all the four lumps above it, merging them in the process. 

The result was a giant ball of air without shape, it was as wide as the hurricane which was still going strong and around the size of the tower 

As he lowered his hands, he could feel his vision getting blurry and his muscles were dying out. 

"Now that everyone's seen my face, If I'm going to go out... I'll have to do it in the coolest way possible." Said John as a smile formed on his face 

Once his hands were lowered, he shouted out through the top of his lungs 


The Giant lump of air was propelled straight at the tower, crashing straight into it and pushing it further and further back than it already was. 

The tower was no longer vertical and was now falling over to the other side. They had done it, the tower was going to land on the water where there was no one. 

The lump of air, hurricane and spiralling cannon pushed the tower off of it's broken base and made it tilt itself in the air as it landed straight into the water and sea 

In that instant, the loud sound of a crash resounded through the beach alongside the sound water splashing everywhere 

Waves were sent straight towards the shore. 


Everyone who was either near or far watched as the young boy floated in the air under the silver moon. 

Many thoughts passed through their mind but most had a common thought in their minds 

"That kid is a hero..." 

"H-He did it!!!" 

"That kid is amazing!!" 

"he must be the S-Rank adventurer!" 

"I've never heard of an S-Rank adventurer being that young in years!"

The crowd cheered as they watched at the valiant figure of the boy. However a few noticed that something was off. 

"H-Hey, is he okay?" 

"He's falling straight down..." 

"He's out of mana! Someone help him!" 

But no one would be able to make it in time. 

John looked down wondered if all the adventurers managed to evacuate as the bottom half of the tower seemed to be collapsing. 

However, despite trying to help, he was completely out of gas, his muscles were numb and he felt nauseous. 

On top of that, he was currently falling head-first. 

"Damn it... After all that magic power I used in the dungeon, I even had to use some heavy time manipulating magic... God... This life is hard..." He muttered as he continued to fall 

The feeling of the air as it hit his face was enough to make him feel relaxed 

"But it sure is satisfying... I feel so bad-ass right now... Damn, Hopefully Master Sylvia catches me soon..." 

John continued to ramble on, not worried at all by the fact that his head was getting closer and closer to the ground. The wind pressure starting getting stronger along with his speed as he began descending faster 

"Hm... Anytime now..." 

He began to grow more and more worried 

"... Master...? The ground is getting a little too close..." 

He was now only 50 meters away from the ground 


[Releasing 1st Layer of magic seal] 


A voice played out in his head and before he could even recognise or think about it, A blue glow came from inside him knocking him unconscious in that instant. 

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