Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 237 - The Law Of Motion

John clicked his tongue before getting up. The man stood there quietly staring at John without saying anything. He was speechless. 

Meanwhile the girl continued to grab on to the man with her eyes closed. 

The brown-haired boy watched from a far with a surprised look in his face. 

"This doesn't mean your sins have been forgiven..." John muttered as he stretched out his hand to grab on to the girl's doll. 

She had dropped the doll when she moved in to take the attack for the man, so the doll with his arm still attached to it, stayed on the ground. 

John pulled out his arm from the doll, and watched as blood poured out of it and began to spill everywhere. 

It infuriated him, but he kept calm. 

He placed the ripped off arm back onto his arm in the area where it had been cut off, before steam began to flow out of it 

His pupils slowly changing between a yellow glow and a pitch-black colour as his arm slowly began to re-attach itself. 

Just as John's arm was about to be completely attached 


A flame engulfed gauntlet hit him straight on his face with full force. It was the dark armour; it had snuck up on John before landing a heavy power blow on his face. 

[Newton's 3rd Law...] 

Despite that, John didn't move an inch, and slowly turned his face which had the fist on it, as he stared straight at the Armour's soulless helmet 

Suddenly, a crack appeared on the right gauntlet of the arm. The crack quickly progressed through it's right arm to it's shoulder before eventually 


The armour was sent flying back as if hit by a great pressure. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It flew straight past the stairs before finding it's centre of balance and landing on the ground beneath it. 

Confused, the armour looked over at its right arm. It was completely cracked. 

"H-How...?" The brown-haired boy muttered 

He didn't understand, John was the one that got punched, so how was the armour the one that went flying back? 

"Physics." Said John as steam was let out of the side of his face which had been burned from the punch. 

Even more confused than before, the boy watched as John opened the gates before passing through. 

The armour was about to chase after, but it stopped once John had completely gone. 

"What is physics...?" The boy muttered as the armour returned back into a mere gauntlet. 

The body inside was still missing an arm and head, the one who the boy had considered a friend was still dead. 

Seeing this, he slowly fell to the ground before punching it. 

"Sorry... I'm sorry..." 


As John walked through the halls, he began to think back on the move he had used. 

[Newton's third law...] 

Newton, a scientist from John's previous world who was recognised as one of the most influential scientists to have ever existed. 

He was the one who discovered gravity when he saw a falling apple while thinking about the forces of nature. 

He was also the one who had invented the three laws of motions which had formed the basic principles of Physics in John's previous world. 

An amazing scientist who had many occupations and a man who John had admired. 

John's favourite science topic was and had always been physics. As he thought and worried day and night about finding Serena. John began to deepen and progress his skill set for magic. 

He knew that he wouldn't be able to stand a chance against that person without stronger moves. John had focused on Chemistry and Biology ever since he had come to this world, so now he decided to rely on the 3rd branch of science, Physics. 

Gravitas and Levite, were made with his knowledge of Physics, but there was still so much more to explore. 

Saving the best for last, and John didn't regret it, he was able to create a few spells during that week, but thought of many ideas which he wasn't able to implement. 

One of these spells was the one he had used against the Flame armour. He hadn't thought of a name for the spell yet, but it followed the principal of one of Newton's laws of motion. 

The third law, whenever two objects interact, they exert equal and opposite forces on each other. For example, if someone were to push something with a certain force, then they would also be feeling the same equal force on themselves. 

What John did when the armour punched him, was simple. He followed the principle of Newton's third law and slightly altered it. 

John knew that with every force, there was an equal and opposite force, so he let himself be hit to test his new move. 

He didn't have a name for it, but it involved redirecting the force which was sent to him, back on to the one who caused it. 

It was a strong form of defensive which revolved around him creating a layer of magic around his body which redirected incoming force. 

John placed his arm on the side of his face which was punched as he muttered 

"It's incomplete..." 

He could still feel pain from the punch despite having removed the force. John's aim was finding a perfect armour, but his new spell was far from perfect. On top of that, it had a great weakness. 

It only worked on Physical forces, meaning it had wouldn't work against magic or long-range attacks, such as an arrow or rock. 

Despite that, it was still strong. To be able to redirect a physical attack against something at two times the power, would still be useful. 

As John shadow stepped and opened the door to enter the room which was at the end of the hall, he ended up finding another hall ahead of it, and standing near the end of it, was a long white braided haired man leaning on the door with his eyes closed. 

He wasn't wearing a cloak and was wearing his own clothes, just like the others John had thought. On top of that, he seemed to be in his 18s. 

As John entered the hall, he closed the doors behind him, before walking towards the end of the hall where the white-haired man stood. 

It was then that John realised, none of the people he fought, genuinely looked old, all were young looking. 

The man opened his eyes, and when he did, John was already standing in front of him, with his daggers pointed at the man's throat. 

Seeing this, the man quickly reacted, raising his hands in a gesture which showed that he had no bad intentions 

"Wait, I'm not here to stop you." Said the man with a nervous smile 

"Then move." Said John 

Hearing this, the smile on the man's face stayed as he said 

"Two halls down, and then the first door to the left." Said the man as he moved away from the door 

John lowered his daggers before walking through the door. He didn't care about why the man told him this, nor did he believe him. All he cared about was finding Serena. 

"He sure is impatient..." The man muttered as he leaned off the wall 

He began heading to the other end of the hall where john had come from before asking 

"Who will win? The masked devil or the emotionless jack of all trades?" 

 He turned back at to the door with a smile before saying 

"Not that it matters either way." 

Moments after he said that, he continued his walk down the hall before eventually disappearing. 


"The sound stopped for a while now, do you think it's over?" The old man asked as he continued to inspect the Crystal where Serena was trapped inside. 

He moved left and right, looking for any possible gaps where something would be able to pass through, but there was nothing. 

"Man... This is truly fascinating... I can't wait to find out how to use all of this magic... This source never ceases to amaze me... Brilliant, no, magnificent!" 

He placed his hand on the crystal and began to stroke it as he said 

"Rejoice... For you shall be the sacrifice for the greater good." 


The sound of footsteps entering the room resounded throughout the brightly lit room as the scientist quickly said 

"Welcome back, Bo-" 

He stopped talking when he realised that the person behind him wasn't the boss, but someone else. 

"Who... Are you? This room is off-limits, you dare enter without the boss's permission?" The old man asked 

Ignoring this, John simply stared at the sleeping face of Serena who remained crystallized inside of the Crystal. 

"Serena...?" He muttered 

"You know this girl...? Wait... You're not..." 

Realising that the boy who stood in front of him wasn't allowed to enter, the man began to panic. 

John's patience completely run out, his pitch-black hair began to grow a dark black colour as he turned to the man. 

"Did you.... Do this, to her?" 

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