Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 243 - The Plead And Hope

At the same time as this happened, John could feel a sharp pain on his right eye, before he even realised it, his vision started getting blurry as drops of blood fell on his legs. 

"More... More power... Create a perfect path..." John muttered 

The drill began to spin faster and faster and began to glow a darker colour as lightning sparks began to flow all across the room. 

"Argh.... AHHH!!!" John shouted out from the top of his lungs as he released the spear 


The spear passed through the ceiling eating away and sucking away at everything within its path. Just like the young boy's scythe, this spear could scrape away at space 

"Scrape away a path for us..." John muttered as he lowered his hands. 

He hung his head for a moment before raising it, there he could see it. It was far from where they were, but through the hole which had been formed in the ceiling, he could see it. 

The moon, it shined as bright as always and the little light it had, failed to reach where John stood at the bottom of the hole, but he didn't mind. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He tightened his grip over the magic crystal which was slightly bigger than him, before they lifted off the ground. 

Dark air surrounded the two as they were propelled straight up through the hole. 

Without looking down, John stared at the giant moon as his left arm remained stretched out. 

The path was big enough for the both of them, but he had to make sure nothing would happen, and if anything did, he'd be able to react. 

As this happened, his right eye began to hurt more and more, his vision getting more clouded with each passing second. 

The earth around them looked like it could fall on them at any second, because of that, John was extremely focused. 

Even though his eyes, hands, head, heart, all of it was in pain, he held in that pain and he planned on continuing to do so until he could get them out of there 

Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours but all that mattered was that they were getting away. 

John panted heavily while holding on tightly to the crystal, he wouldn't let it go even if his life depended on it, not again. 

Not before long, the light from the moon began to reach John's face, as he got closer and closer to the surface. 

"Nearly there..." John muttered 

John's heart began to beat faster and faster, as the pain around his head grew stronger and stronger. 

"Not now... You promised till the end of the day..." 

[Your times running out, does it make a difference?] 

"I have something I need to tell her... And I need to get her home..." John muttered 

[I don't care, I've waited for long enough.] 

"Then, keep waiting..." Said John as he left eye began to glow a bright yellow colour 

[Are you crazy? You'll go blind.] 

"Haha... Better than letting you ruin my plans." Said John 



The two reached the surface before flying out of the hole, the fresh feeling of the nice cold breeze entered John's lung as he took in a deep breath before letting it out. 

The air felt nice and so did the breeze as it passed through his skin, being underground for so long had started to feel suffocating for him. 

Once they were above ground, they continued to fly up heading straight up to the clouds without stopping 

John tried to stop it, but for a moment, he had fallen asleep. 

As he opened his eyes again, he found himself floating around the clouds with Serena still trapped inside of the crystal on his arms. 

He let out a sigh before he noticed that he couldn't see anything with his right eye. 

Seeing this, he decided to leave it closed before placing both hands over the Crystal in which Serena was entrapped in. 

"Zestari... I don't know where you've been, and I'm not sure this will work, but... I remember you doing this before, so if you're here... Please, make this work..." John muttered 

He closed both eyes and made sure to be hold on tightly onto the crystal with both hands as he muttered the words 


The light crystal with Serena submerged inside was getting smaller and smaller as the light from it was being sucked at a fast rate, into John's hands. 

The size was getting smaller and smaller until eventually Serena's face and body was sticking out of it, her body was coated in a strange light liquid which was the same colour as the crystal, and she seemed to be breathing perfectly as John wiped it off of her. 

It didn't take long for the crystal to have been completely sucked into his hand, leaving Serena resting over his hands. She was fast asleep and wore the same clothes the party giving her the impression of a sleeping princess. 

John stared carefully, waiting for her eyes to open 

"S-Serena... I know you're tired but... Please tell me you're fine... I need to give you a message to give to everyone..." 

John quietly pleaded 

The liquid which had coated her, naturally disappeared and dispersed into thin air on its own, leaving only a sleeping beauty behind. 

John wanted to hear her voice a final time, maybe it would be able to help him surpress it, maybe it wouldn't. He didn't know what he was waiting for or why he was still himself, but he wanted it to have a meaning. 

As he looked at her face, his eyes fell upon her lips reminding him of when he had tried to kiss her. 

He then remembered how she turned away and because of that, he looked over at his heart. 

"I guess it's no good, huh... I really wanted to tell you but I guess I'm just not that lucky..." John muttered as he closed his eyes 

Suddenly, the sound of coughing could be heard 

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