Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 248 - Beware Of The One You Trust

"What do you mean, far from the level you can reach?" John asked 

"You have a lot of potential, is that surprising?" Master Sylvia asked 

John's reaction was rather strange for being told he could reach higher heights, but the reason he had reacted like that, wasn't because he was surprised that he could reach new levels, but because of the way Master Sylvia had said it. 

John had been told by Zestari countless times that he needed to reach a higher level, but never had Master Sylvia told him how strong he could become or how far he could reach. In fact, she did the opposite and never seemed to show any interest in John's potential. 

It was mainly John asking her to train this and that, not her wanting to train him. This fact made John feel slightly unsettled. He wasn't sure if he was just being too wary or sensitive around Master Sylvia, but what he did know was that, the timing for her to say that only made things worse. 

[Shit... What's wrong with me? Don't let emotions cloud your thoughts... Calm yourself.] John thought to himself 

"No, it's not, I was just taken aback, Master never used to say anything about my potential, after all." Said John with a smile. 

"I always knew." Said Master before suddenly getting up 

[I always knew...? Oi... Master, what's that supposed to mean...?] 

John turned his head towards Master Sylvia who went over to the counter. He watched her with a slightly angered and confused expression 

[You're making it sound as if... Me meeting you, and asking you for help, was part of your intention...] John thought to himself as he slightly bit his lips 

Suddenly, John was snapped out of his thoughts as someone placed their hand on his shoulder. He was so surprised that he took nearly fell back on his chair. 



Without saying anything, Serena just stared at John with a confused look and John stared right back with a nervous smile 

"W-Why did you get so scared?" Serena asked as she covered her mouth, trying to hold back the laughter which was dying to emerge 

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John could tell from how her voice was shaking that she was holding it back and that only caused him to get even more embarrassed. 

"I was distracted, not scared." John muttered 

"Right, not scared." Said Serena sarcastically. 

"Forget that, what happened?" John asked 

"Nothing, you looked lost in thought so I thought I'd bring you back." Said Serena with a mischievous smile 

"Is that so... hehehe, two can play at that game." John replied with an evil smirk 

Serena smiled back at John's smirk as she said 

"Try it, you won't be able to scare me." 

"Is that so...?" 

The two stared at each other intently when Ariel suddenly joined in as she said 

"Um... Master Sylvia is waiting for us." 

Ariel then pointed at the door, and the three could see Master Sylvia waiting there, quietly as always. 

"Watch your back." Said Serena as she turned to Master Sylvia 

"I could say the same to you." Said John with a confident smile 

Serena rushed to Master Sylvia with the a curious look. John could tell that it wasn't going to be a good thing. There were many things which she could ask Master Sylvia which would be better not to know. 

Things such as, where were you during the mansion attack? Where were you when John was fighting in the dungeon? If you were alive why didn't you give anyone a sign... So many questions John could think about, which the bickering smart girl had probably also considered. 

Worried, John wanted to go and stop her when suddenly, he noticed Ariel slowly walking to them, There was a strange air around Ariel, it felt so different to her natural air that John would have confused it if they had not been wearing the same clothes. 

John couldn't see her face and could only watch her from behind, but he was really surprised, After all. It didn't even feel like Ariel. 

Seeing this, John quickly out of his chair before heading towards Ariel, he placed his hand on her shoulder alarming her. And as she turned around, the strange feeling he was getting from her suddenly disappeared. 

"...What?" Ariel asked 

John was speechless, was he imagining things? Or was Ariel trying to hide something? Either way, something was definitely wrong. 

"A-Ariel, is there something you're not telling me?" John asked 

"It's not like you care..." Ariel muttered before walking away 

"Eh?" John let out in confusion 

[Is Ariel... Mad at me...?] 

Without saying anything, he watched as Ariel joined up with the rest of the group, she didn't give a single look back at the lost and heartbroken John. 

[W-What did I...] 

Suddenly, John recalled how he had treated her this past week. How he had given her the cold shoulder, ignored her and the last stunt he had pulled off, the one where he had ditched her in the inn. 

"Oh..." He muttered as he facepalmed himself 

[I'm an idiot.] 

"Hey... Isn't that black haired kid the young S-Rank adventurer which I've been hearing about?" 

"Now that you mention it... Look at his clothes, it does seem like something an adventurer would wear..." 

"But he looks like he's as old as my son, and all my son does is sit at home and read books all day..." 

The others who were seated in the restaurant began to notice John 


"Do we have everything?" Master Sylvia asked 

"Yes." The three simultaneously replied 

[I just got a feeling of déjà vu.] John thought to himself after the reply 

The three had packed their things and put it into John's dimensional ring. It was only then that John had realised that he should get all 3 of them a dimensional ring as soon as possible. 

But he decided to leave that for later, what he was focused on right now was to make up with Ariel who hadn't spoken a single word to him, and to find out the main problem 

"Let's go." Said Master Sylvia as she gestured at the three to get on the carriage. 

Once everyone was on, the carriage began to move and they started off on their Journey once again. The destination was back home, or so Master Sylvia said. 

It would be significantly faster if John used the same techniques as before and made the carriage fly, but they can't just do it in the middle of the city, and he'll have to find a way to reinforce the carriage wood as it had nearly cracked from too much pressure. 

No one had noticed these cracks until today, so they had decided to head back home 

As John quietly sat on his seat, he made sure to keep his attention on Master Sylvia. As the carriage moved around, he could see people moving on with their daily lives, some played around, others waited for customers in their stalls, with bored faces. 

It was all real, real living people. People who cared about others and worked for others, it was peaceful and relaxing to see it. 

John then turned to face his front where he could see his two party members both seated. Ariel had her attention focused on the road, while Serena was still feeling a bit sleepy, so she had her eyes closed. 

Looking at them would also remind him that he was in another world, their beauty wasn't something he had seen in his previous life, after all. Both loveable and dislikeable in many ways. They weren't perfect, but they were the only thing he needed. 

Lastly, there was master Sylvia, the mysterious one who had agreed to train him, boy she was strong, stronger than anyone he had ever met, he also showed her as much trust as he did to the two girls in front of him, which is why, he decided to forget about what the boy said. 

[He was just being desperate... Besides, there's no point in asking him now. He won't ever wake up.] John thought to himself 

John then began to daydream as the sound of the people walking around along with the shaking of the carriage entered through one ear and passed through the other. 


"Good night." 


The electricity which passed through his fingers on his left hand began to connect to the ones on his right forming something similar to an electric circuit. 

As John moved this closer and closer to the boy, he began to shout at John when all of the sudden, dark air began to surround the two. 

Seeing this, John cancelled out 'Silentium' and in that instant, the sound of laughing could be heard 

"Hahaha... You don't get it do you... Even if you deal with me, it won't ever end..." 

Ignoring this, John was about to active Silentium' again, but right before he did, the boy asked 

"Where's that lady who you trust so deeply? Have you ever been betrayed before? Betraying someone is the greate-" 

John cut off the boy as he brought back Silentium once more, he didn't want to hear the voice of the person he was about to torture, nor was he interested in letting himself be deceived by their words. 

"Be quiet." 


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