Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 267 - Doubt And Runes

John's light spell slowly moved around, illuminating strange runes and patterns on the door. Increasing the nervous feeling within him, and he knew for a fact that he wasn't the only one. 

But before anyone could say anything, the door moved on it's own, opening showcasing a dark wall of darkness preventing anyone from seeing what's on the other side. 

[What is that? Who would go through-] 

Master Sylvia walked through the dark wall without saying anything. In fact, she did it so quick that John was the only one who noticed. 

Everyone else seemed shaken and curious about what could be on the other side. 

[Can she hear us from this side?] John wondered. 

"I've been wondering this for a while now... What is this place? Why are we here?" Ariel asked 

"I've been thinking the same thing." Said Serena 

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"Me too." added on Lydia worried about the two who she was responsible for. 

John looked over at the wall of darkness before looking over at the three. 

"I don't know, but... I don't want to stay here any longer so, let's just get it over with." Said John. 

He was no longer saying to have faith in Master Sylvia, or more precisely, he no longer could. John could definitely feel it, a feeling which was engraved into his body through his time as an adventurer. 

The feeling of danger could be felt in the air around them. The darkness sent shivers down their skins as seemed to crawl through them. The air was moist and dense, making it harder and harder to breathe. 

There was no doubt that what lied ahead of them was dangerous. A feeling which would cause any normal person to turn back. But in John's case, he had no choice. 

"...Hey, John... Before we go... I just want to tell you something." Said Serena as she stopped John after he took the first step forward. 

"What's wrong? Serena?" John asked before slowly turning his head 

Serena nervously looked around, before staring in the direction of the wall. 

"I'm a half-elf so you should know that I'm more sensitive to miasma and spirits than others. There's something extremely dangerous on the other side of this wall and..." 

John could tell by the expression on Serena's face that it wasn't something to joke about. She was one who only got scared of heights or sudden jump scares. John couldn't remember the last time they had encountered something that had made her look this worried. 

"...and?" John asked 

"I don't... Trust-" 

Before Serena could finish, John interrupted as he said. 


A single word brought back the deep silence. Serena was annoyed at being interrupted but when she saw the expression on John's face, she couldn't bring herself to say anything. 

"I know... Master's been acting weird, but I mean... Come on, she's helped us many times, don't you think it's a bit mean to start losing faith in her now...? Everything will be fine... You don't have to trust Master Sylvia, but... Just trust me." John asked as he showed her a bitter smile 

No one in the room knew what to say, it was a smile yet it held more sadness behind it than the words made out. Serena couldn't tell why John showed such a smile. 

Maybe it was because he couldn't handle his party losing faith in one of it's members, or because of how close they were? Serena didn't know... But she could feel it. Not just her but Lydia and Ariel. 

It was a smile of confusion, doubt and sadness. Calling it a smile wouldn't even be right, there was nothing happy about it. Only a glint of hope within the brink of despair. The all-knowing John was once again reduced to such a state. A rare sight, but not impossible. 

John looked at everyone's slightly surprised and nervous face before he turned around and stretched his arm towards the dark wall. The hand easily slid through before eventually pulling in the rest of John's body. 

As it did so, John turned around before saying. 

"I'd say those who don't feel safe, should stay but... I don't think it'd be any safer to leave you three here alone, especially with the kids... So... Let's go." Said John 

Despite not asking, rather than it feeling like an order, it felt more like a request for those who stood there. 

The first person to break the silence before the entirety of John's body had been engulfed was Ariel. 

"Master Sylvia is kind but I agree with Serena... She's been acting strange... But...! You're going and we're a p-partners, so I'll trust you." Said Ariel before stepping up to the wall and stretching out her hand 

"Argh... Fine, But only because you're an idiot... And it's too dangerous to leave you two... " Said Serena 

"I'm also going... Even if it's dangerous. I swore to serve you. I may not be much help but... I'll do my best." 

"You three... Thanks..." John whispered as the smiled turned slightly less bitter 

Shortly after, they all walked through the wall, but right s they did, a thought popped up in John's mind. 

[Thank god I activated Silentium, This wall might not be sound proof and so Master Sylvia could have heard us...] John thought to himself. 

The wall felt strange, passing through it, he could feel his bodhy becoming lighter and his strength increasing. It was similar to the feeling of magic reinforcement but felt much more natural. 


And as they passed through, for a moment, It felt like everything blanked out. When he came to it, they were standing inside of a dark large spacious room. 

After realising what the room resembled, John's eyes widened in disbelief. 

"This... This is...!" 

John wasn't the only one, everyone including Lydia recognised it. 

"A dungeon boss room...?" Said John confusedly 

"In a way.." Said Master Sylvia who stood on the wall besides the dark entrance they had arrived from. 

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