Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 302 - Sacred Treasure Art: Divine Purification

"Sacred Treasure Art: Divine Purification" He muttered

The Dragon Tried creating another ice shield to stop him from getting any closer as it wailed it's head around in pain, but just like before, it shattered.

No one knew what was happening, why it kept shattering or how, but they could all feel quietly shock waves flow right through the room as it did. And the more they tried to understand it, the more confused they became. However, one conclusion they all had in common, was that it was the young man's doing.

He who was behind The Bright Sword, his arm stretched out, unleashing the shock waves as he moved his mouth. 

The Bright Sword had made it past the Dragon's defenses and without wasting anymore time, he swung the sword straight down at the dragon's back.

"Be cleansed." He muttered


The bright inferno came into contact with the Monster's sides, hitting straight at it's wings before raging on. He continued to move the sword lower and lower as it seemed to be slowly making it's way through the dragon.

"AAAAARGH!!!" He unintentionally let out as he put all of his power into the swing.

Pierce, Pierce, Pierce. The words resounded inside of his head as he forced himself to cut through it's skin. It was their one and most important attack, it had to be executed perfectly.


A blinding bright light enveloped as the bright sword felt proper contact, he cut through it. However, in that instant, before he could feel or see anything else, he was suddenly pulled back like some sort of magnet out of the Dragon's radius.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And not even a second after he was pulled back, Ice spikes extended out of the area where he was standing, before a tail swiped past there, breaking all of the spikes in the process.

Once the light was gone and the bright sword saw this, his eyes widened. There was a bunch of steam originated from his attack which caused some of the ice to melt. Furthermore, it hid the dragon and it's shape within the steam.

Not being able to tell where it was looking had made the situation much more dangerous for them. What's more he hadn't finished it off in that single move. 

"Tsk…" He clicked his tongue as he suddenly found himself back beside the young man

'I guess it would have been too easy if I had… And wait, did he pull me back here?' The Bright Sword wondered as he turned to the young man.



A loud roar once again, resounded through the cave, sending chills down their spine. Only this time, unlike before, they could move. They felt less afraid and more reassured of each other's strength. 

The roar however, pierced the ears, making it harder to communicate with one another.

But once again, like before. The roar disappeared as a field was set around the whole Dragon. 

"ANOTHER ATTACK!!!" The Guild Master Shouted

Everyone heard it loud and clear and were all ready. The Magician once again, began chanting up another attack. It was different and more complex than the previous one. 

A ball of fire was formed in the air, before the air around it began to rotate at fast speeds. This caused a chain reaction, forming a blazing tornado right in front of all the steam. 

But she wasn't finished. Rocks and boulders began to rise from the ground before spinning around the tornado. And to top it off, it was all compressed and turned into the shape of a spear.

"King-Class Triple Combination Magic: In Terra." Translation: The Earth

It took a lot of time to create, but once completed, it was one of the strongest King-Class Spell. A spear said to be created by the earth itself.

"Go." The magician muttered

In that instant, the spear was propelled at high speeds, straight at the Dragon's core, aiming to finish it off in a single blow.

And without anything to stop it, it passed straight through the steam and whatever inside, before landing straight and being submerged onto the wall.

Steam being let off with each second that it passed there. After being compressed, everyone got a good look at the spears shape. It looked like molten fiery rocks. Or more specifically, a lava spear.

It was truly impressive. The magician on their side was no joke. 

No one said anything as to not raise any flags. However, despite that, they still found themselves on the unfortunate end.

The steam quickly dispersed and with their eyes widened and confusion in their minds, they quickly began looking around.

"What…? Where's the dragon?" The Magician Asked

There was still a little bit of steam remaining on the area where the dragon was standing, but it's giant shape could no longer be seen among the smoke. This was impossible as it's body easily stood out in the room.

The Dragon was gone, there was nothing left. Did she incinerate it? Or did it turn into a magic stone? Those questions popped up in their mind, but it was highly unlikely. That was because, they weren't in a dungeon. And The Dragon was an SS Rank monster. They doubt it could be taken down with anything they could throw at it.

But they could still feel the dense manner, if anything, the feeling became more dense and compressed. 

The guild master however, seemed to know what was up, dread traveled throughout his body as horror could be seen in his face. His eyes and mouth shaking as he shouted.



Before the guild master could even finish what he was about to say, he was pierced, straight in the guts and raised into the air, all by a single being with it's hand.

No one could have seen it coming, a being, so fast that not even the Guild Master noticed. 



The guild master was then suddenly kicked in the head, cracking his skull, sending him straight towards one of the wall. Ice spikes extended out of the wall, aiming straight at him and in that instant, they suddenly shattered as the young man caught him.

He had appeared out of thin air, before catching the guild master. It was only then that everyone could see and realised what was going on.

A grown man with long blue hair going down to his waist. Blue scales on both his legs and hands, and a long tail sticking out from his back, flailing around as he seemed to try to get used to the body.

He looked over at his hand before clenching it. There was still blood on it from his recent stabbing. Yet for some reason, he felt like it wasn't enough.

"It's been a while since I've been in this form." The dragon muttered

It had become completely humanoid, having a human face and body with the features of a dragon. It also kept the exact same dense amount of magic it had when it was a dragon. In other words, it was their worst nightmare.

And it's speed. It's speed was unbelievable. 

"Ah… Now I see… So this is why you dragons are considered stronger than wyverns…" Hexo muttered, unable to contain his anger.

However, he thought twice before charging in. The Dragon was confused, now was their chance. The guild master was also injured, meaning it was now or ever to act.

Run or fight. That was the choice of all the hunters present. That was the choice until… They witnessed it.

The young man, placed the guild master on the floor. And the large hole on his chest from being pierced by the dragon, suddenly began to close on it's own as the flesh around it restored itself. Steam was let out of the wound as this happened.

Everyone that watched could tell, it was the young man's doing.

Without bothering to Wait for the guild master to heal, the young man slowly began walking towards the Dragon. And for the first time, he decided to act alone.

He began to let out blood lust, and not a hint of fear could be felt from him. For him it was just another quest, quests needed to be completed and the more he would complete, the stronger he'd become.

Strength, hate, rage, darkness. Those were what drove the young man, since that day where he lost everything.

The young man made his way towards the humanoid dragon, and the dragon clearly felt his presence. An excited look could be seen on the dragon's face as he vanished, before right in front of the young man, with a kick already extended and intended to blow off the young man's head.

However, the dragon was surprised to see That the young man had managed to void it, in the last second. Dark electricity flowed through the young man as his body stood right next to the dragon's extended leg.

And in that opening, he quickly placed his palm on the dragon's chest before muttering.

"Stop.. Break."

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