Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 317 - John's Transformation. The Light Of Darkness.

It was an ear-piercing war cry which alerted many throughout the city. While the dark knight was distracted with it's roar. John shadow stepped over to his hand, and grabbed it before he muttered.

"Then… Death."

As he said that, he placed his fingers on top of his blindfold before pulling it down.

In that instant, a blinding light emerged from within John, before bursting out to the sky above, piercing through the clouds. The light was filled with magical power, and that light alone was enough to alert everyone.

However, that was just the beginning. Then another surge of magical power came from the middle of the light, and this one was completely different, it was full of darkness.

The blinding beam of light had now completely merged with darkness, creating a mix of light and darkness piercing the sky and clouds above.


"Huh…? That beam… That's definitely John's magical power… Who knew it was so dense…" Muttered The guild master

He then looked down and with the back of his feet, kicked the head of the monster while he sat on it as he asked. "Don't you think so too?" 

That was the only trace of the monster which remained. It's head had also been scorched, removing any possibility of it being able to regenerate it's wounds as it's lifeless eyes stared at the sky.


"H-Huh…?! What's going on!? That magic power!! Is that John?!" Satire asked as her eyes widened at the sight

'Just what could have possibly happened for him to release it all? And was he really holding back against the dragon? This is on a whole other level…' She thought to herself

The darkness had sent chills down her spine, it wasn't something she'd ever think to see on a human.


Shera who was currently poisoning every lesser demon summons she could find in the city was the closest one to the beam, formed by John.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Even she was surprised, she knew he was strong but this was on a completely other level than the one he had shown in their fight against the dragon. And that had annoyed her somehow.

Despite that, she kept moving, relieved that he was on their side. As she noticed this however, the question hidden in the back of her mind, surfaced.

'Where's Hexo?' She wondered


"Well I'll be damned… He actually had more to him." Muttered Hexo as his eyes fell upon the light

In that opening, his attacked vanished before appearing in front of him with a swing in motion, aimed straight at his head.

*Clang* *Thud*

Hexo who saw this coming, kept his guard raised and blocked the sword's swing using his scales, but was pushed back leaving his whole torso wide open from t he impact. The attacker didn't cease to take this opportunity. 

He sent a kick straight at Hexo's Ribs, while his arms were still in the the air. However, it was a set-up.

Right before the attacker could land their hit, there was an outburst of fire magic which came from Hexo, causing the attacker to withdraw in the last second.

He vanished, and reappeared a few meters away from Hexo, leaving behind a trace of Light as he did so.

He wore a blank expressionless mask which covered his face, and a simple sword. What was strange about the sword was how it wasn't a sacred treasure or anything, just a simple steel blade. 

The man looked down at his left leg which was now completely burnt before looking over at Hexo and the area around him.

The Snow around the area and trees began to melt even more as Hexo's true form began to show itself. 

"If brother is giving it his all… Then… I guess I'll get serious too." Said Hexo as the scales around his body became denser and harder

It was as if he was engulfed in a bright flame, attacking him now would be futile. Upon realizing this, the masked man looked at the beam of light and darkness, before leaving his fighting stance.

"We'll finish this another day." He said so clearly, before disappearing with a trace of light.

Hexo tried to stop him before he could disappear, but rather than it being speed, he had an actual technique which allowed him to teleport in a short range. There was no catching him in that sense.

"Tsk, he got away…" Muttered Hexo

He then looked over at the beam, before rushing towards the city. 'What's happening there? If even John is showing us his true power?' Hexo wondered


The beam of light and darkness faded, showing a single being levitating in the sky above the city. Being was the term used as it was unsure whether or not it was really a person, with the way it looked.

A wing made purely of light, rested on the left side of it's back. It was an angel's wing. While a wing of darkness stood on it's right side. It was the wing of darkness. 

Long glowing black and white hair could be seen on this being and with it's shape it was recognizable. It was John. 

He had a single horn resting on the side and a halo of light resting on top of his head. 

Then the last noticeable change in his features, were his eyes. 

His iris was emitting a bright golden glow, as it appeared to resemble the sunrise and golden sky itself. While his pupil had changed shape from round to vertically slit. In contrast to his iris, his pupil emitted and intense amount of darkness. 

Just the sheer intensity being emitted from his eyes alone as he looked down at the dark knight was enough to make him flinch.

John raised his hand as he stared straight at the dark knight. As it saw this, it began to both think and worry about John's next move. 


With a snap of his fingers. The wing's on John's back began to compress themselves, changing their shape as they did so.

*Crack* *Crack*

A hideous sound followed up by a change in what could be seen behind him. Now there were no longer wings, but two crystals. One made of light and the other made of darkness.

John's transformation was now complete. He stretched out his hand towards, the dark knight who felt chills go down his spine as he did so.

And as he opened his mouth to speak, the dark knight suddenly vanished, before appearing above John, with a swing heading straight down at his head.

For a moment, john hadn't reacted. The dark knight thinking that he had caught John off guard, decided to pour it all into this attack.

And that was what he did.


He cut john, straight in half, from the top of his head, all the way to the bottom. Splitting his whole halo and body as he did so.

Or so it seemed. 

*Tic* *Toc* *Tic* *Toc*

The sound of a clock could be heard, and before he even realized it, what he had cut was not John, but simply the air. 

"Fall." John muttered

The dark knight was hit by a strange overwhelming pressure, propelling him straight to the ground as it did so. It felt as if he had countless buildings on it's shoulder's. 

However, just as he was about to crash. He noticed John standing on the ground beneath him, with earth spikes rising from the ground to pierce it on it's fall.


Had it not been for it's Armour, it's back would have been pierced from the impact. Thanks to the Armour, not a single scratch was placed upon it or him

He was then pulled by another strange force, out of the ground into a nearby building. Smashing into it, in the process.

Before it could recompose itself, the very same force dragged it back from that building, towards John's hand 

Seeing this, the Dark knight quickly placed it's sword in front of itself, in an attempt to thrust at John. However, right before it pierced his head.


The sword was pushed back, and it's armoured throat was grabbed by John. John began to clench it and tighten his grip around it, breaking and forming cracks on the Armour around the neck as he did so.

As this happened, it swung it's sword at John once again to attack him. 


It happened again, the force ended up hitting a strange invisible shield which caused it to get pushed back. 

"Zestari." Said John

John then nodded in reply to himself, before he muttered "Bind."

The instant he said the word. Golden chains were pushed out of the ground beneath them, before heading straight towards the the dark knight, each wrapping itself around a limb of his. 

After they had successfully binded him, the chains froze in place. 

"Stay." Ordered John as he pulled back his arm while clenching the dark knight's neck.

In that instant, they separated.

The bright sword's body now back to normal, was thrown aside onto the floor next to john, leaving behind a single humanoid shape of a shadow standing there.

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